Happy Veteran´s Day!! Sure love those Vets!
Anyways this week was a good one.
On Sunday we had the privilage of having Elder Zivic and his wife and Brother Durrant in our sacrament meeting. Hno Durrant spoke last and had participation. A youth member named Blessing read scriptures for him and then i wasn´t paying super attention or my attention was drawn to something else and then he asks where are the missionaries we raised our hands. The elders were in the back and we were on the side in the middle. And then he was all who wants to help and then he was all the hermanas. We were like really um ok. We go up on the stand and he asks who is the senior companion and I was pheww because hermana quesada is senior companion and then he was all well we´ll ask the junior companion then. He asked me what are the members in the ward doing to help in the missionary work. My face was red I could feel it to my toes. I wasn´t sure what to say because they don´t do much with us hermanas. But i ended up saying that they are examples and lights for the other people. They can see something different. Then he said thank you that is exactly the answer that I wanted. Then he had us sit on the stand for the rest of his talk. Before he called us up there when he had Blessing go help he was all I need a helper and Andreina was looking at me and telling me to go and I was all no you go! we were like four rows away from each other. THEN after Sunday School. Elder Zivic made it a priority to come and talk to Andreina. He gave her a talking to a very encouraging word is what he gave. hope that it will touch her heart. and So did Hermano Durrant he even gave us his email so we could tell him about her progress. After church we got a picture with him. He is huge a very tall man. We have a cita with Andreina tomorrow morning and we are going to have a talk.
I would share more but I forgot my other agenda.
Today for p-day our district got together and we watched 17 miracles and ate donuts, and chips, and snickers, and soda. Not very healthy but hey once in a while. Our district is awesome. basically we are all just pretty silly.
My thought to share today is a quote and a scripture.
"Great and marvelous events seem to motivate us, but small things often do not hold our attention. Is our journey sometimes impeded when we forget thhe importance of small things? Do we realize that small events and choices determine the direction of our lives just as the small helms determine the direction of great ships? We need to have family and personal prayer; study the scrpitures, particularly the Book of Mormon; hold family home evenings; follow the admonition of the Savior to love one another; and be thoughtful, kind and gentle within the family. Through these and other similar small and simple things, we have the promise that our lives will be filled with peace and joy."
-Elder M. Russel Ballard
Alma 37:6-7
Love you all!!
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