Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)
Well, this first week of the Cambio has been a bit of a ride LOL but a good one. How is everyone doing back home? I hope you all are getting ready for Christmas! LOL Can you believe it is almost Christmas time!! :)
Here is what happened this week...
- My new comp. is really great. I cant remember exactly what i said last week about her, but she is bilingual because she lived in Virginia or 10 years but is from Lima. LOL a slang here in Peru is BACAN which is like Cool or Neat. It is silly becuase i can say that Hna. Bazan is Bacan and it rhymes :) Anyway, the two of us are getting along well. it is definitely a different dynamic living and working with someone else, but I am really grateful for a lot of the little things about Hna. Bazan. Since she was raised mostly in the states she understand basic manerisms and we work well together. Also, she is more upbeat and funny which helps me be more upbeat too LOL We are getting along well!
- Earlier this week, we had an appointment with a less active named Rosa. She and her husband are really great and we are working to get them back to church. This week, Hna. Rosa got really emotional as she told us about her goals to attend church again and alos to attend church again with her whole family. All of the family belongs to the church, but all of them are less active. Hna. Rosa tld us of her testimony and that she knows what she needs to do. She has set goals and she plans to achieve them. It is moments like that when i am reminded of the power and importance of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Hna. Rosa is such a good example for me and for all of us of the desire to keep the commandments of the Lord and live the Gospel everyday!
- Tuesay we had Branch Council like always, but it was a lot more fun this week. We laughed a }bunch as well as got things accomplished and then the Brnach Presidency treated us to hamburgers! LOL It was a fun night and i think Hna. Bazan was really excited to find out that the Branch here is pretty chil :)
- Saturday we had our first district meeting of the Cambio and it was actually fun! there are only two different people, Hna. Bazan and Hna. Valencia now with Hna. Ziegner, but the dynamic is very different. We learned new things about how to invite people to be baptized, and i have been working to use those ideas more everyday. Afterward, we had English class in which we played more comptetitions and had a great time laughing! And of course dear sweet Hna. Ziegner brought us brownies! :)
- We have planned an activity for this coming Friday and it is going to be awesome! Bew prpepared to hear all about it next week :) We are doing advertizing or contacting in the Central tonight and Thrusday to invite people :)
- Yesterday we had a great opportunity to do some service for our investigator with a baptismal date, Hna. Carmen. She has a stomach infection right now so she hasnt been able to eat well and she cant cook in her house. Since it was Sunday yesterday, almost all the normal places she goes were closed and she hadnt eaten in over 24 hours. So Hna. Bazan and i went back to our room and I made Hna. Carmen a little soup with noodles and potatosd and onions and eggs and such. It turned out pretty good and the look on Hna. Carmens face when we brought the soup to her house was wel worth it! Serving others bring such joy! I invite you all the find an opportunity for service this week! Any little opportunity, anything at all. I promise that it will brighten your day and the days of those you serve!
- Last night, I treated Hna. Bazan to some pancakes and eggs. LOL it was delicious! However, we have both agreed that we need to eat better...because pancakes with syrup and manejar is really not good for us....:) It is so hard ot eat healthy here, but i am trying. I buy fruits and veggies and am doing better.
- today, thge zone went to Lobitos which is one of the famous beaches here in Peru. It was really really pretty! I will definitely send photos next week! Of courese, we couldnt get it the water, but just being there, playing in the sand, taking pics, it was all great! Our new zone is pretty fun, too, so that is nice! We then all ate together and laughed! We also sang happy birthday the Elder Antonio, one of our Zone Leaders since his birthday is tomorrow. :) We are celebrating tomorrow too, but he doesnt know that! ;)
Well, that is my week! We are working our hardest to advance the work of the Lord. I love my Savior! I invite you all to find ways to serve others, like I said, and also find ways to share your faith in Christ. He lives! :)
I love you all! Until next week! Hasta luego! :)
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