Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)
Otra semana en la vida de una misionera! Wow time is flying by This week is Thanksgiving! That is just crazy...yesterday was June and I was getting on a plane to go to a foreign country, learn Spanish, and preach the restored Gospel...now look at me. Alomst 5 months in and I still have a TON of stuff to learn! :) Anywaym here is what happened this week.
- This week we began teaching a kind mother named Milagros. She actually stopped us in the market last week and asked us to come visit her house. We finally found her there this week and we were able to teach her twice this week. She and her husband are facing so many problems, finanacially especially. Milagros deals with depression, here second daughter has severe autism, her first daughter is attending University in Piura and Milagros is trying to help her pay for that. It is a really hard life and it is so hard to hear all that she is facing. But she is seeking out God to help her with theese trials. That is such a good example to all of us. When we face trials, whatever they may be, the first place to turn is God and his restored Gospel. That is the answer, not drugs, not more money, nothing but God and his restored truths found in this Church!
- Tuesday, my comp. Hna. Bazan got sick so we spent the day in the room so she could sleep it off. I was verfy productive and updated and organized the area book, cleaned the whole room, tons of stuff. Of course, we werent able to go out and preach, but i was able to get all the things done in the room that needed to be done!
- Friday we has a ward Family Home Evening in the capilla. It was pretty fun! of course, we started over an hour late. Mormon time combined with Peruvian time is a really bad mix LOL we tell people that activities start 1.5 hours before actually ´plan to start just so we can hope they will be there! LOL but the activity was fun. A young couple with two little girls gave the lessons then we played a bunch of silly games like Fruit Basket. We also had popcorn and soda to share. Good Times!
- So we are teaching an investigator named Jacki. Hna. Salazar and I found her and her husband knocking on doors one night, and now Hna. Bazan and I are teaching Jacki. That first night, she was very timid and pretty distrusting of the things we were saying. She was even a little critical. But now I am sdtarting to she her heart soften. This Gospel is changning the way she looks at the world. She isd changing, opening up. She is reading the Book of Mormon and she says she feels such a great calm when she reads and when she prays. As of yet, she hasnt accepted baptism, but I can she that she is beginning to feel it. That is an amazing thing, to watch peoples lives change because of these great truths! That is why I am here!
- Last night, Hna. Bazan and I made tacos! :) We have decided that Sunday night is our cooking night since we have to head home sooner thatn normal so that we can report of numbers for the week. We made our own tortillas and used part of one of the recipes my mom sent me. It wasd tasty! :)
- today, the Zone wnet to TUmbes! The Elders played in a soccer game against the Zones Tumbes and Puyango. Our Zone won! LOL us Hna.s went to a little market called Aguas Verdes that is a the border between Peru and Ecuador. I got a picture standing on the border! How cool is that! I didnt find anything to buuy in the market although i really wanted to buy a new skirt. I did try freach coconut water. Soooo much better than the stuff we can buy in bottles in the US!! I also got to see Hna. McRae, one of the Hna.s from my group in the CCM. She is so great, love that girl! To get to Tumbes, our Zone squished in this vvan, all 16 of us with the driver and his helper guy. The rides there and back were quite tight LOL We did a lot of singing! Today was a crazy but fun day
Welll that is my week! Lots of little things, little cool moments. I hope everyone is doing well. I pray for you all! :) Love ya bunches! Les amo mucho con todo mi corazón! Por favor, siempre recuerden esto y nunca me olviden! La misión es tan difícil, pero la oportunidad para ayudar la gente aquí es milagrosa! :) El Evangelio es verdadero!! Jesucristo vive!! La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días es la iglesia verdadera de Dios aquí en la tierra!! Yo sé que estas cosas son verdaderas!! :)
(Sorry there arent any photos this week!)
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