December 21 2015
Hola Mi FAmilia y Mis Amigos!!
¿Comó están esta semana? Ustedes están preparados por la Navidad??? LOL I cannot believe that Christmas is this week....The time has literally flown, rocket speed. It is weird to be in a place so very sunny and hot, listening to Christmas carols, seeing Christmas trees and Christmas lights. Of course, all of that isnt quite as big here as it is in the States. But still, it is such a weird feeling! I hope you are all enjoying the season and are getting super excited for the big day! :) Here is what happened this week in the mission life..
- so here in Perú there is a tradition to eat Panetone and Chocolatada all throughout the Christmas season. It is like Eggnog or stuffing or stuff like that, seasonal foods. Panetone is like fruit cake but much softer and Chocolatada is hot chocolate with some cinnamon. This week, I tried Panetone for the first time....and I hate it! LOL It has the weirdest after taste and the little chewy fake fruit stuff are so weird and the raisins...I just do not like it...and the worst part is that this week we are going to get SO much of it! LOL Tis the season in Perú... :)
- The 6 Hna.s in our zone have decided to make matching Christmas skirts to wear when we all go out and Christmas carol in the plaza!! I am so excited for these skirts, and they are in the process as we speak! :)
- Wednesday was a little day of miracles! We received a phone call around 10 AM from the old Branch President who now lives in Piura. He told us that he has a friend here in Talara that he wanted to introduce us to. So we met up with them at the capilla later that morning. The mans name is Edgar, and he is so ready to receive this gospel! He told us he feels just kind of alone, like he needs something more in his life, and he really wants to find the truth. And we have the truth!! He is really awesome, and he came to church Sunday too!! I am really excited to help him find Christ! :)
- Thursday, we had our first District meeting of the transfer! LOL our new District leader is brand new, it is his first time as a District leader, so he is really timid. It is kind of silly though LOL I like my district, but I will say that my very first district still wins the prize!
- Hna. Mamani and I are getting along really well. She is so loving and innocent, to be honest. I am so blessed to have her as a companion. We have taken to cooking together a lot LOL not like big things, but just small things together. Monday night last week we made fried platanos and yesterday we made tortillas LOL People enjoy your tortillas! and be jealous of our platanos fritos! :) They are so so so good! I have already decided that some how I am going to make them when I get home for you all to try!
- Our investigator that I have talked about before, Carmen, is progressing again. She has a such a strong testimony. We went over the baptismal interview questions with her this week to be sure she is on track for her baptism January 2nd and she is ready. She knows the truth, and she wants to follow Christ. She has changed so much from those first visits with her. She also came to church yesterday for the second time since our lessons started, so she also needs one more attendance to be baptized! :)
- Thursday evening we visited with the Caceres family, a family of members, super faithful and helpful and awesome! We taught them about Family History work. Every time that I talk about family history work, I just feel so happy. I love knowing that it is possible to see my family again, for eternity, after this life. This Gospel, this Priesthood, is amazing! :)
- This week I get to talk to my family!! Chirstmas present to top all Christmas presents! I dont get to be with them this christmas, but I want you all to knoow that we are being well taken care of. The Paiba family has really begun to feel like my family away from my family. My Talara family. We are going to spend Christmas Eve with them in their home, and thay are helping me feel loved and cared for in this Christmas season.
- Yesterday I gave a talk in our Branch. I spoke about how life is short and we need to repent and come unto Christ now, not wait. I used a Conference talk from May 2014 called Your Four Minutes from then Bishop Gary E. Stevenson. That talk is amazing! Look it up! As I prepped this week to give my talk, I realized just how fast the time has flown by here in the mission, how fast the time IS flying by. I came to ask myself if I am really maximizing my time here, magnifying my calling? I am trying my very best. I hope you all will take a minute to ask yourselves that question about your own lives. Life is short, and soon we wont have the time to repent, to change our ways, to follow Christ. Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him! :)
- Today, the Zone went to the beach! I am so burned...and what is worse, I even put on suncreen! But this beach was really cool! There were giant rocks to climb and on a rock a little ways off, SEA LIONS were just chillin LOL! That was way neat! We got some good pictures! And I took the opportunity to talk in English a little with the other Nortes. LOL A little bit of English every once in a while is good for the soul! :) We also ate as a zone, Chicharron de Pescado! :) So good, one of my favorite dishes! It is like fried fish sticks, but real good fresh fish! It is awesome to be so close to the sea that we can have such fresh seafood! ;)
Well, that is what happened this week! Now, as Christmas is this week, I want to invite you all to share the Christmas Spirit and post the #HaNacidoUnSalvador or in English #ASaviorHasBeenBorn video in yous social media. Post it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, whatever new fad has come out since I have been gone :) Get the word out. Remind the world that Christ was born, lived, and died for us, and that He lives again! After all, that is the reason we celebrate this time of year! :) Also, please enjoy the beautiful cold snow, the Eggnog, the Christmas cookies, the pies, the music, the lights! Make this Christmas the best Christmas yet! :)
I love you all! I love this Gospel and I know that we have been blessed with the TRUTH! Jesucristo vive! La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días es la iglesia verdadera y el Libro de Mormón es la palabra de Dios con toda la plenitud del Evangelio! La Navidad es un tiempo para celebrar y reconocer más plenamente el nacimiento de Cristo, pero tenemos que recordar Su vida y Su sacrificio para nosotros cada día, cada momento. Esoty tan agradecida por ustedes y por la esperanze que tenemos por medio de Cristo. Sean fiel! Les quiero mucho! Disfruten la Navidad!! :)