Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
How is everyone this week? Life here in Perú changed a bit this week, so here is what happened...
-Monday evening, Hna. Bazan and i went to go and print off some photos to make recuerdos. A drunk guy was outside the photo place and he came and stood in the doorway and told me that he would be waiting for me outside...So hna. Bazan and I had to call to another guy that was passing by and looked friendly and sober and asked him to walk us to the other side of the Centro. That was a fun experience LOL
- We had our last District meeting of the transfer Tuesday morning. It was also Hna. Ziegners last transfer in her mission...It was a little sad,but it was still good and we enjoyed some chocolate chip mug cake that i made to celebrate.
- Our new investigator Miguel is really awesome! We have taught him twice now and he knows so much and already has a testimony about so many things! Sunday after the church meetings, Hna. Maribel got baptized! She is really awesome and my heart just soared as I watched her go under the water. What was even more awesome was that Miguel was able to come and once he watched Maribel be baptizzed,his desire to have that blessing increased even more! He used to talk like he wanted to wait a bit more before putting a date for his baptism,but now he says he thinks he is ready to talk about dates, and tonight we have an appointment with him to do just that! I am so excited! :)
- Thursday was a wonderful day! We had a Christmas party with Zona Castilla in the mission home with Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen!! We played silly games like the face Oreo game and making a reindeer with panty hose and balloons. We got to eat some good food,especially banana splits, we all brought cute ornaments of our faces for Hna. Rasmussen, and we watched Its a Wonderful Life and drank hot chocolate. We also had a good little devotional where we watched the mission movies that one of the Elders in the offices made. They are awesome and you can all see them too if you go to piuravida.org! :) I played the piano for that,and the air conditioning was blowing right on me. I was freeziing,absolutely freezing,for the first time since being on the mission. Itwas so weird! What is even worse is that I ended up with a fever and the aches, so Hna. Rasmussen gave me a sweater and a quilt to use during the movie then sent me straight to bed afterward since we were staying with them that night. I got better in less than 24 hours, but it was so weird!
- Friday we taught Carmen de Lama. I have talked about her before and I just want to say that now I can really see that she is changing. Little by little she is becoming more patient,more loving,more humble. The Gospel is powerful and can change and soften even the hardest of hearts!
- Friday night we had a bit ward activity of Platos Tipicos from Perú!! Tons of food!! Hna. Ziegner and I made brownies in the microwave to bring since we don't know how to cook anything from Perú. The members brought some really great stuff. My absolute favorite was a dessert from Arequipa, Perú that is called Encaja de Novio. Literally to die for!!! some of the ingredients are sweetened condensed milk,bananas,coconut,powerded sugar....so good!! :)
- Saturday,Hna. Bazan and I went to Piura again because one of her investigator from her old area was getting baptized! It was amass baptism called La Navidad Blanca or the White Christmas, the whole stake with more than 20 people getting baptized followed by a live nativity outside. It was a real event! and I felt the Spirit so strong as we watched (through video) each person go under and come back out of the water. Viviana,Hna. Bazans investigator,was very last. Such a cool experience! And Hna. Bazan cried some awesome happy tears.
- That same day, Saturday, was the day we received cambios...We were still in Piura because it was too late to head back to Talara, and Elder Livesay told us that Hna. Bazan would be leaving Talara...That is something we never expected! Truly,we thought that only options were either we both stayed or I left. But after only 1 cambio, Hna. BAzan is now in another area. My new comp is named Hna. Mamani and she is from La Paz,Bolivia. She is 23and just the most sweet, humble,sincere, and loving person. She got here this morning about 11 AM. I am really excited to go back to speaking pure Spanish and I am excited to start new with Hna. Mamani. She just recently finished training,so she only has 3 months in the mission. I am the senior comp...I have been put in charge to make sure everything happens and I have less that 6 months in the mission!! AHH!! But its ok,it will all work out. I am pretty excited! That is the big change, by the way. I am still here in Talara, and will have been here for 6 months by the end of this transfer. Hna Mamani and I are ready to work hard! :)
So...I am really sorry that there arent any photos this week....The computer isn't working like it is supposed to...I will send photos of the Navidad Blanca and my new comp. next week,promise!
I love you all so very much and am so grateful to have you blessed people in my life. Christmas is coming so fast,I cant believe it! :) Keep Christ in you thoughts this Christmas! He is the reason we celebrate!
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