Monday, December 7, 2015

Baylee - A Week with a visit from a General Authority!‏

December 7 2015

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)

Well, This week seems to have flown by! It was just yesterday when I was writing home, or so it feels like! How is everybody doing?? Prepping for the big Christmas Day I hope!! 
Here is what happened this week...

- Wednesday morning I was given to permission to get online and look for all my family dates and info to put in the My Family pamphlet that we each have. Hna. Rasmussen has told us to bring our pamphlet all filled out to our CHRISTMAS PARTY Thursday, so I have been working on that. It is cool to take a minute and think about my memories with my parents, my grandparents, and my greatgrandparents! 
- Thursday, my whole Zone went to Piura in the night time since Friday morning we had a meeting bright and early at 8 AM and we live two hours away. We left here around 7 PM, and got to Piura around 9PM. All 6 of us Hna.s stayed in the mission home and it was wonderful! Hna. and PResidente Rasmussen gave us all of their leftovers for our late dinner LOL And that had PEANUT BUTTER!! I havent had Peanut Butter since the last time I stayed at the mission home when I first got here! So I definitely had three rolls with Peanut Butter LOL It was also Hna. Alvarados birthday that night, so we made her a leaning cookie ice cream sandwich tower thing with the Christmas cookies Hna. Rasmussen got from her friend in the USA, some homemade whipped cream, and vanilla ice cream. Then, of course, we sang to her! It was a late night, but fun! The next morning, we all got ready real fast, but we got to enjoy air conditioning and hot showers! That never happens anywhere else. it is such a luxury! 
- Our meeting Friday morning was definitely the highlight of my week! Elder Godoy from the Seventy came here with his wife and spoke to us. First we heard from hna. Rasmussen, Presidente rasmussen, Hna. Godoy, and then Elder Godoy. He is from Brazil and speaks Portuguese, Spanish, and English. It was funny because sometimes if he couldnt find the word in Spanish he would say it in English because he knew a whole ton of us would understand. To be honest, the meeting with him was probably the most spiritual and mostr fun meeting I have ever attended. He talked for all whole three hours and I never once got bored. He told us of his conversion at the age of 17. His story is so powerful. One of the most powerful moments came when he recited the First Vision in Portuguese. That was just...WOW! Something that hit me really hard was the reminder that, as we talk to people here in the mission, we arent just inviting them to come to church. We are inviting them to repent, change their lives, come unto Christ. That is a distinct difference. I also really loved how Elder Godoy ended his program. He ended by asking us if we knew I Hope They Call ME on a Mission. Well, of course basically everyone knew it. So first he sang it to us in Portuguese, then he had the Latinos sing it in Spanish, then us Nortes in English, and finally we all sang it together in our different languages. It was hard to sing because the tears were choking me up hard core. Our wishes came true. We are here on the mission and we have the wonderful opportunity and responsibility to sahre this blessed Gospel with the people in the Perú Piura Misión. Wow! It was an extrememly powerful meeting! 
- After the meeting, Hna. Bazan wanted an interview with Presidente Rasmussen, but he had to take care fo the Godoys first, so we hung out around Piura to wait. It was a pretty chill day. I just want to say to all of you girls reading grateful makeup is more or less cheap in the State! It is so crazily expensive here!!! Just saying LOL
- Saturday evening, a young man stopped us in the street and asked us if we were Elders LOL We explained that we were Hermanas. He then told us that he had been taking the lessons from Elders in Piura and wants to keep receiving them here in Talara. Of couse, we agreed! We got in touch with the Elders who were teaching him before so we could get his teaching record, and we are going to get going with him here. He had a baptismal date before, so we are super excited to get working with him and bring him to the waters of baptism! 
- So, a scripture I read this week that I absolutely love and I really needed this week...Alma 17:10. LOOK IT UP! 
- Sunday morning, we woke up to no running water. All of Talara has been without water for about a week, but since our room has a tank we were fine, but just our luck, the water ran out Sunday morning when we needed to look m¿nice for church LOL. So Sunday was a long day without water. Luckily, it came back this morning, so we only had to deal with it for  24 hours. 
- Last night we got to watch the First Presidencys Christmas Devotional . We watched it in Spanish, so it was hard for me to understand everything, but one point I pulled out of it was the Christ is the most important Christmas light out of all the other lights we see this time of year. He is the Light! It was also way cool because our new investigator who stopped us in the street, Miguel, and our two recent references, Moises and Blanca, came to the Christmas Devotional too! They werent able to come to church, but they did make it to the devotional. 
- Today was a fun day. It was the last Pday of the transfer, and Hna. Ziegners last Pday in her mission. We watched Minions and Monsters University and played some basketball. Hna. Liliana, Hna. Maribel, and Hna. Rebecca from our branch and the area of the Zone Leaders made us all hamburgers, two hamburgers for each missionary! It was a party! LOL It was interesting though because Hna. Richan and Hna. Arce came from Piura to visit. Hna. Arce was Hna. Ortizs trainer and Hna. Bazan trained Hna. Richan, so the companionships were all mixed up. I was with Hna. Ziegner, Hna Bazan with Hna Richan, Hna Arce with Hna Ortiz, and Hna Valencia with Hna. Alvarado. All messed up LOL! Its ok though.

Well that we this week! Next week, I dont actually know where I will be writing from. I might be transferred to a new area, but I also might stay here in Talara for another transfer. We have this dilemma because Presidente Rasmussen is rtying to avoid doing too many transfers so close to Christmas so that we can spend Crhistmas with members that we know. but we will see. I really dont know what to expect, but i am getting all my recuerdos from the other missionaries and the memebrs too, just in case! 
I love you all so very much and I am really so grateful for your support in this crazy adventure I am on. I hope all is well with everybody back home. Here, we sometimes hear interesting rumors about what is going on in the States, so I just want to say I love you all and pray for you. 

Until next week!! :)



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