Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigas!
Lo siento that this email is a day late, but yesterday was a crazy day so we got permission to write this morning. How is everyone doing this week? Is it freezing cold there yet? I cannot believe that today is the first of December!!! Here is what happened this week.
- Tuesday in Branch Council, Presidente Rasmussen showed up to evaluate the Branch a little. We found out ahead of time, so we called all the Branch leaders that live in our area and reminded them of Branch Council. We stil dind thave everyone there, but it was a good Council. We learned a lot from Presidente in how we can better the Council and thus better the Branch.
- Well, now we are going to talk about the weather.... IT RAINED!!! What?!?! LOL Both Tuesday and WEdnesday morning we woke up to rain. Not like torrents of rain or anything, but really actual rain. That doesnt happen here! It was way cool, except later in the day when the sun came out it super hot with all the humidity. Like boiling hot! But how crazy is that?!?
- Wednesday, Hna. Bazan and i went to lunch with the Caceres family, a family here in our Branch. They are a super sweet young couple with two little girls. They took us to lunch at an awesome restaurant called Cabo Blanco, and it is one of the most expensive restaurants in Talara...LOL I was a little bit in shock since as missionaries we live very frugally (i think thats how you spell that mword..). Anyway, it was delicious and a really fun experience to sit and shat with their cute family.
- Thursday Thanksgiving!!! Well, Thanksgiving isnt really a thing here sine it is a holiday with Native Americans and PIlgrims and whatnot, but We wanted to do a little something to celebrate. So Hna. Bazan and I decided to cook Dannish Meatballs and Mashed Potatoes and invite Hna.s Ziegner and valencia to join us in the evening for mini Thanksgiving feast. Well, the meatballs didnt turn out as good as my moms, mostly because out hot plate doesnt have a simmer option. But it was still tasty! And it was a great way to remember and recoginze our good old fashioned American holiday. Hna. Valencia had never had meatballs like that before, and she thought they were so very good! I told her she needed to try my Moms! :)
- Friday night we had another Branch activity, a Hincana! LOL that is basically a competition of carnival type games. We had two teams and there were games like an eating contest, the mummy wrap, popping ballons by sitting on them, crazy the gym with your team using papers as your pathway, etc. It was really fun, but it was mostly kids younger than 14 at the activity. LOL The adults need to get more involved! I encourage all you adults to be involved in activities and have fun!! :)
- Saturday morning we had a Zone meeting. Those are always fun, a good time to just spend with the Zone. And of course we did pictures!! That is a given! It was Hna. Ziegners last zone meeting, so we had to get some good ones. In the Zone Meeting, they introduced us to the new Christmas iniciative: #ASaviorHasBeenBorn! or in Spanish #HaNacidoUnSalvador! It is a really cool push to help péople recoginize their Savior during this Christmas season. I highly encourage you to all look up the new iniciative, share it on social media, talk to your friends about! Truly, Christ is our Savior! He was born, He lived, and He died for every single one of us. During this Christmas season, remember that and share your knowledge! :)
- Saturday afternoon, all of us missionaries in our Branch went to a BBQ that a few of the members put on. It is kind of odd here that when there are BBQ, people have to pay. But anyway, it was alright. I miss thick juicy, well marinated steak!! LOL JACE, who do i sound like?? :)
- Yesterday was really fun day. We got up at 4:20 and left for Piura around 6:15 AM to go and play in the semi-final game of the soccer tournament between all the Zones in the mission! How fun right? Hna. Bazan and I took the opportunity to visit Starbucks and get a Frappacino without coffee and a cinnamon roll! :) The Elders made fun of us and called White. Well, here I am already a walking White freak show so I might as well add to the costume LOL :) The games were fun. Talara lost...but thats ok. Hna. Ziegner and i decided we still wanted to play so we asked Zona Castilla if we could play for their Zone since the Hna.s from their Zone didnt want to play. They said yes! So we got ot play two more games, and I scored a goal!! :) Be prouud LOL :) I also got to see a bunch of the missionaries from my group in the CCM. I chatted with Hna. Sandison a whole bunch! And I also got to see Hna. Salazar!! :) Mi mamá! LOL She came around the corner and waved at me and I did a little happ'y yelp and ran to pull her in for a hug. And i got to talk with Hna. Rasmussen for a little while too. Love her! Yesterday all in all was an awesome day! :) Oh, and in the night time, Hna. Bazana nd I put up our mini Christmas tree that lives in our room! Now we have a little bit of Christmas-ness going on in our room! :)
Well, that was my week! Esta semana fue bueno y estaba muy agradecida por la Dia de la Acción de Gracias (Thanksgiving). Mi vida es tan bendecida! Estoy muy agradecida por todos de ustedes y su amor y apoyo a mi en esta misión. Por favor, siempre recuerden que la vida es muy corta y nosotros necesitamos apreciar cada minuto! Les amo ustedes mucho! :) Hasta la próxima semana! :)
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