So to finish off last wednesday we taught an investigator of the elders that they want us to work with and she also wants us to teach her she doesn´t really like the elders. then after that we went to a members house because she was going to teach us how to make a simple easy pizza. The only thing is is that we need a microwave to do that, and we don´t have one. Oh well they were good and their one year old is hilarious a big flirt. We also watched music videos of the piano guys it was a good time.
i honestly forgot until Elder Tippets our district leader called and said happy thanksgiving. We visited with a elderly member and then we visited with Charly and Angela. And then we helped Ámbar finish her homework.
Friday we went and visited Andreina in the morning and we shared the scripture in D&C 6:33-37. Then we visited with Milagros and informed her that she does not live in the ward boundries of Villa Olga. So we can´t visit to often because when we do we are leaving our area. Barely but still. Everytime we visit Milagros is always rains, so it began raining and I didn´t bring my umbrella because I didn´t want to carry it. So we shared Hna Quesada´s and we got wet me more than her but it was ok. Then we visited an ivestigator who is pretty much a member but jus can´t get baptized because of certain reasons. Then we went to visit with a less active family and the power was out and the wife wasn´t there because she just got called into the hospital for an emergency so we shared a scripture about patience with the husband and the son who was being impatient for the light to come back. We went back to the house early becasue hermana quesada didn´t feel well she had a fever so she went to bed.
We did intercambios. Hermana Quesada felt well enough in the morning so she was determined to go to puerta plata for baptisms in her last area. While she was there she fell hard meaning she got a fever. While they were gone I was with Nina and we visited Italia and Melva and with Raquel Castillo and when they got back we went to the house so hermana quesada could sleep.
hermana quesada felt well enough in the morning so we went to church and to lunch and we proselyted. In the evening she was beginning to feel poorly again with dizziness so we made one last stop into the familia beltre house and Hermana Beltre was all are you sick. I was all I told you so!!!! You should have listened to Hermana Grange and stayed in the house!! it was funny.. Hermana Beltre made us hot chocolate and then we went back to the house.
We had our distrcit meeting in Villa Olga and then after we went to Wendys for lunch and hermana Quesada began to feel bad so we stayed in the house all day and she slept all day. At 7 we went to a family home evening and then we came back to the house.
We had a lesson with andreina and we had Hermana Bretón with us and we talked about having a testimony. I think she knows that she has a testimony but doesn´t want to admit it.She is going to go to the temple with the ward on saturday and maybe that will help her. Then we visted with a less active and she always tells us her life story every time we go but in a different way. Then we went and talked with Ámbar and we are working on Personal Progress with her. Then we had our meetings with the ward.
Wednesday TODAY
We went to the art museo today with the elders of our district. Then we went to lunch at a place ran by members of our ward and then we came home and chillded for the rest of the day.
MAKE SURE TO PUT ON THE ARMOR OF GOD!!!! 1 Cor. 6:10-18 and D&C 27:15-18
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