Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Baylee - October 24 2016

October 24 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

How was the week? It went by fast, no? I think so, and there was a whole ton of stuff packed into this week. Here is what happened...

- Monday night we stayed in Ramón Castilla again because Tuesday we had our Multizona conference. The conference was amazing!! The theme for the whole day was our Savior, coming to know Him better and better understanding the Atonement and repentance to apply in our own lives and to teach our investigators. It was powerful! We watched the awesome video of the Provo City Temple and the reconstruction, and it touched my heart. We talked about the developing the attributes of Christ. I learned so much! I was also able to see Hna. Carrera! Love that girl! And sadly, I had to give my final testimony, since I am now what we call viejita...It was really awesome!
- We are teaching a family, the f. Calle Hernandez, and they are really something special! It is a mom and her two kids. As we teach, they really understand and want to know the truth. Especially the 15 year old daughter, Lourdez. She loves the Hymns, too! LOL We let her pick which Hymn to sing, and she just so happened to choose one that niether one of us knew....LOL so we just went for it, acapella sight singing and it was pretty rough! 
- Thursday, Hna. Parks our sister leader and her comp, Hna. Kelley, came out to Tambogrande to do Divisions with us. I got to go with Hna. Kelley! She is the other sister from Hna. Fernandez´s group, so she is still new and still learning Spanish, but she is awesome! We taught really well together, amazingly enough! And I was a good break to talk a little bit of English LOL With having not enough one gringa comp, English is a privilege! 
- When we came back to the room Thursday to end our Divisions, we found the power was out! So we have been without water for more than 2 weeks, then we had almost three days without power and the are possbily bats in our room! LOL So that was fun!
- Friday was our Noche Misonal! We had decided to come together as missionaries and make brownies as a treat, so we met at Hna. Anegla´s house and made a ton!!! LOL It was silly and fun! Then the activity was great, too! There is a TV show here in Perú called Esto es Guerra, or This is War, and it is basically like competitions and games, two teams. That was what we did for our activity! Green versus Yellow! the mummy wrap, bobbing for apples, an eating contest, a dance off, the egg race with it on a sppon in your mouth, and name that tune. LOL We had a good time! 
- And then yesterday... my 21st Birthday!! Wow, I do NOT feel 21... How did that happen?? Well, it was a good day! Church was beautiful, and we were able to teach quite a few people in the afternoon with Hna. Katy accompanying us. The big fiesta came in the evening. First, in the Valverde home. There, we had a cake and they sang, then then forced me to bite the cake, smashed my face into the cake, and attacked me with a grand ttotal of 30 eggs!!! Can you believe that??? I had to rinse out my hair and wipe off all the egg to be able to sit and eat my cake...then Hna. Katy decided for some crazy reason to give me two pieces!! We cant turn them down...so I was goin to explode! Then we went home and there we found Hna. Juli and the family waiting...with dinner and another cake! LOL so they sang to me again , we ate dinner and and cake and we chatted. It was a much more calm and mature setting LOL. So I ate three pieces of cake, a plate of food, popcorn, and soda...I felt like I was going to die but it was good and fun! Then I had to bathe LOL and wash my hair twice to get all the shells out!! A fun day!
- Today, Hna. Juli accompanied us back to Catacaos. I am now poor... LOL but I have pretty souvenirs! and a few gifts! LOL :) It has been a nice day so far and from here we are going to head back to Tambogrande and just chill. 

So there you ahve it, my week! Lots of stuff, no?? Espero que estén comportándose bien! Siempre sigan adelante! Testifico que esta es una obra verdadera y tan tan importante! Requiere mucho esfuerzo, y no es fácil, pero sé que el Señor está en cada paso. Esta es la Iglesia verdadera, la única. Cristo vive! Estoy tan agradecida por esta oportunidad de ser una misionera, y por tener la verdad en mi vida! Les amo!! :) Hasta la próxima semana!



Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Baylee - October 17 2016

October 17 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!! :)

¿Qué tal la semana? ¿Cómo les fue? I am suer it was a wonderful week! Here is what went down here...

- Monday evening we went to visit a less active family, the f. Correa. Recently the dad, Carlos, has returned from working in Lima and we caught the five of them there in the house! It is so amazing to see happy, whole families blessed by the Gospel. It changes the atmosphere and makes one just smile :) I am so grateful for my forever family and the blessings I receive through them and the Gospel!
- This week we have had to travel to Piura various times to practice with the Zone. We have to practice two special musical numbers for tomorrrows Multi-Zona! We are singing the MoTab medley of The Battle Hymn of the Republic and Let US All Press On but in Spanish. Also we are singing the song the MoTab sang in Conference, Take Time to Be Holy, in English. LOL I was going to play the flute, the one I had bought, but another sister Hna. Kelley plays and they wanted me to sing LOL so she is going to play instead! It sounds super pretty! 
- Wednesday morning, we were finally able to track down one of our investigators, Juliana. She had kind of fallen off the map for a little while. We were accompanied by a member. Juliana has many questions. We were able to cover more on the Restoration. That message is so important, and every time we teach and testify it touches my heart. Truly I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that he was an instrument to the hands of the Lord to restore the true church here on earth. That simple truth blesses my life and changes lives! Hna. Juliana is experience these changes, little by little!
- Thursday we had our first District meeting of the transfer. Our new Dsitrict Leader, Elder Urpeque is pretty wonderful. He taught us on how to really use the Book of Mormon to its fullest. It is the evidence and the keystone of our religion, it is the base of it all. LOL we played a scripture chase game and I totaly won!! :) 
- Thursday we were able to go on Divisions with two YSA sisters in the Branch, Hna. Katy and Hna. Juli. They are cousins and they are awesome LOL We live upstairs in Juli´s house and Hna. Katy is an RM from Columbia. LOL that day we laughed so and were also able to accompliosh a ton of work! Divisions helps to move the work along! However, it is so very different teaching withot¿ut my companion.... I love my compi! 
- Saturday was a crazy day because in the morning we went to Piura to practice the songs, came back for lunch with our Pensionista, then traveled with the Relief Society to the little pueblo of Waurawaus for a Relief Society Activity. We watched the 20 mion video of the Restoration and bore our testimonies. Then we were able to learn how to make alfajores! I will have to make them at home! :) It was a good, successful activity. However, A very long day! Waurawaus is little by little receiving the Gospel! It is amazing to see the changes in such humble people! :)
- Sunday I gave a talk, using Elder Stevensons talk on Latter Saints from May 2015. We all need to be latter day saints who keep on trying, or else we are just latter day sinners. and even more, we need to help others do the same. We need to share the Gospel so that others can also receive the joy of by a latter day saint who keeps on trying! After that, Hna. Fernandez and I gave the class in Gospel Principles all about Familes can be Forever! LOL we started out by inviting one sister to draw on the board, with the suggestions from the crowd, a family that can be forever. A Mom, a Dad, kids, and a temple were drawn. Then we talked about all the important things to do as a family to reach that goal: family prayer and scripture study, patience, Family Home Evening, recreational activities together, etc. It wsa a fun lessona dn we finished with a white board full of ideas and drawings!
- Today, we came here to Piura for a Sidstrict activty in the which we went and sought out some fabric in bulk to buy and make matching skirts and ties!! :) It is awesome! Then we went to the Hna.s from Miraflores Pensionista to eat some lunch. From there Hna. Fernandez and I went on a mini shopping trip to the Open Plaza mall :) I love shopping!! Today we are going to spend the night here because tomorrow morning early we have our Multi-Zona! I am going to get to see Hna. Carrera!! :) :)

So ya that was my week! I wish you all a wonderul week to come!! Be good, be faithful, pray, read your scriptures, and smile! :) :) I love you all!!



Thursday, October 13, 2016

Baylee - October 10 2016

October 10 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

Well, the week went by fast!! Hopewfully you all enjoyed it! here is what happened here...

- Mon day evening we taught a rescued family, the f. Mendoza,. about the plan of Salvation. it was a very beautiful lewsson and it is such a beautiful topic! We all need to remember who we are, where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going! And it fits perfectly with the talk given by Pres. Monson!! 
- This week has been miraculous in that we have found tons of new people who are ready to hear more about these truths! 14 new investigators!! Hna. Fernandez and I have been left amazed to see that Lord working little miracles far out of our hands. This work truly is His work!
- Tuesday evening was a birthday party! Elder Pareja and a member Hna. Katy had their birthdays that day and we threw a little fiesta! With a cake! As they blew out the match stick make shift candles, Hna. Fernandez and I attacked! We had brought 20 eggs and a kilo of flour! :) It was a very violent war, a very messy and loud coupole minutes are we smasshed the eggs on their heads and dumped out the aflour on top for good measure! A very Peruvian tradition! :) such a good time followed by good food and good company!
- Wednesdya night we went to visit a less ac tive named MAria. LOL she was in the misddle of cooking dinner and made a deal with us that wwe could sit around her kitchen and teach as she cooked. What ended up happening was that I offered my help because she was kind of lost in what she was doing as she tried to make some dough for flour tortillas. LOL I ended up making the food and Hna. Maria sat listen ing to Hna. Fernande and Hna. Katy teach!! :) It was silly because I felt kind of like the help, just awkwardly there cooking! And the tortillas turned out pretty good!
- Thursday morning we once again joined Hna. Juli and her parents at their chacra, there fruit fields! it was great fun picking maracuya, mangos, limes, and papaya! The silliest part was when I fell!! You all would have just about died laughing! I was carryiong the maracuya in my arms, full, and went to follow Juli`s dad crossing a little ditch, I didnt sterp quite far enough and my foot placed right where irt was an incline super wet, and down I went, face first! I guess I arched my back and didnt hit my face, but my chest slammed intop the ground real goo dLOL! i jumped up fast, laughing so hard1 If only we had been videotapinGg!
- Saturday morning we had a Zone meeting in Piura. It was a really good meeting! We talked about how to maximize our study hours and how to better understand the dictrine in order to teach more effectively. I learned a ton and i am working to put it all into practice. Our zone is pretty great now, too! There is a photo below! :)
- Sunday we had some good meetings with topics such as obeicence and charity! Wow such powerful truths, the essential law of obedience and requirement of charity. We must become as Christ is! I invirte each of you to go and study those important themes! :)
- In the evening Sunday, he relief society president went out visitng with us and we were able to finally track one oinvestigator who has been super busy lately. the spirit guided us as we focused the lesson in on the priesthood. She was left thinking, pondering the great truiths of thw power and authority of God. I testify that this power truly is on the earth today and that it is found in the Church of Jesuis Christ of Latter Day saints! it is an amaizing bklessing for each and every one of us!
- Today, Hna. Fernandez and I cooked Navajo tacos wioth Hna. Juli and they turned out alright LOL northing as good as mom makes them! LOL Hna. Fernandez has decided she wants to try stuff froom the States! It has been agood chill day! :)

So theres my week!! Espero que esta semana que viene esta llena de felicidad para cada uno de ustedes!! Les amo mucho!! :) Cuídense! Hasta le próxima semana!



Baylee - Conference Week !! October 3 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

I hope you all had a wonderful week!! My week was pretty wonderful LOL Here is what happened...

- This week we have found 7 new investigators who want to learn more!! Our Distrcit Leader put a goal for us, 6, and we upped him by one!! We worked super hard for that and prayed a ton and saw tons of miracles!! People who are searching for the truth and who are willing to act. One family in particular was amazing. Hna. Fernandez and I were stressed because it was Friday night, We werent going to be able to work much Saturday and sUnday due to conference, and we only had 4 new investigators. We desperately chose to knock on doors. And the very first door we knocked on was a family of three, the daughter has a RM friend, and they had some very large questions about baptism and Chirsts doctrine. The Lord blessed us to have with right words and now they are ready to learn more! WOO HOO!
- Wednesday Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen came out the Tambogrande to do t room inspections and interviews! It was super schill and I loved visiting with them! They have such a great love and concern for each one of us!
- Wednesday evening we had a talent show with our branch members! LOL It was so silly! little kids dancing, all of them dancnig exactly the same, some singers, skits, etc. Sadly, they started late, so us missionaries didnt get to present our number do to the need to run home before 9:30. It was still good though!
- Thursday we had our last District meeting of the transfer. It was a really good meeting, but as always it was a sad goodbye session. Your district often becomes a little like family and it is hard to see them go their seperate ways. But that is part of the mission! 
- We have one investigator who is progressing really well. Her name is Meri and she has many questions. This week we decided to chang eour lesson plans and talke instead about prophets and obedicence so that we could invite her to GeneralConfernece this week. It was definitely inspired from the Spirit to do that because she had been alittle confused. We were able to resolve her doubts and help her understand a little bit better. I love when we can see righ before our eyes as the people learn and feel teh truth! 
- Friday was a crazy day. A member had invited us to come over for lunch, so we told our Penionsista to not cook for us. We did weekly planning through the nirmal lunch time to get to the members house at the sheduled time of 3:30PM: We showed up and her son first lied to us and said she wasnt home, then she did come and her and her recent convert husband began to tell us about their marital trials and how there wasnt any water, and that she hadnt been able to cook...we taught a short lesson on how husbands and wives actually need }each otehr to reach exaltation, a thought that had never crossed theirminds, and then we left, without food! And Since it was the end of the month, we didnt have hardly any money. We ended up buying so rolls, a few limes and a little onion to use our food storage tuna and make a ceviche de atún with bread...It was a rough day! LOL but one to remember!
- Saturday and Sunday was General Conference and it was amazing!! My favorite topics were definitely joy, the Book of Mormon, Prayer, and Missionary Work! Sorry, I am so bad remembering who said what LOL but those themes were inspiring! we must find the joy in our lives, the joy in repentance, the joy in the Plan! The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion and a precious treasure to cherish and study diligently daily!, ´prayer is sincere ("am I really praying or just saying prayers??)}") missionary work is our work - HELP THE MISSIONARIES! :) Also, it was way awesome to be able to watch it all in English with the other Norte Americanos and even Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen! Ther were so many missionaries and itw as just inspiring! And Hno. Renzo who was just baptized last week was able to come to the SUnday morning session!! WOO HOO!! :) 
- An awesome part of Conference weekend was that was stayed here in Piura instead of going back to Tambogrande and we got to stay in Ramon Castila with Hna. Ruiz and Hna. Apeña!! That was the best, and kind of the worst. I was able to chat and hug Hna. Apeña, but I also had to say goodbye...she goes home tomorrow...I cried, and she cried...I love her so much! Eternal friendships are real, I know it!
- Today was transfers for everybody else LOL since Hna. fernandez and I are in training, we didnt have transfers. However, we now have a new District leader, Elder Urpeque. He was in my District in Castilla and he is awesome! And Truly, the transfers this time around were crazy! Mamás have gone back witht their Hijas, repeat District members, Hna. PArks training and being a sister leader, tons of craziness!! Oh, and today Hna. Juli accompanied, Hna. Fernandez and I to Catacaos to pick up my new leather scripture case for my English scriptures!! :) WOO HOO!!

So that was my week! I jam packed week, and a good one. Les amo bastante! Quiero que recuerden siempre que estoy orando para ustedes. Ustedes son hijos e hijas maravillosos denuestro Padre Celestial. Sigan adelante!! Hasta le próxima semana! :)
