September 23 2015
Today is a good day. Today is transfers. I am so excited to see how this transfer will go. My new companion is Hermana Clove. She is super sweet and super freakin´awesome!! I remember the first time we talked was when I was a newbie last year and we had a sister meeting and she was all finally someoe newer than me! It was really funny and cute. She was in a new area really far away from anything. She goes home at the end of this transfer as well so I willl have two kills under my belt. They will soon have to call me 007. I am still in the same place, Villa Olga. I hope to help this area and find some more people.
We are not allowed to go to the temple ever now. Some missionary made a mistake and that privilage ha been stripped of us. The Area President is livid with us. So we didn´t go to the temple or pass by it at all.
Estefani is still a work in progress. She still has doubts on the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. yesterday we watched the Restauration movie the long version in the temple. And when we finished she said I still have doubts but I now understand that i really do have to read it and pray about it to understand it. It was cool to be able to see he rcome to that realization.
Yeah Cuba is a wrk in progress as well. Very soon we hope they will let missionaries in. it will be amazing to be able to help those faithful saints who are there and help them in their missionary efforts. On saturday we had a zone conference with Elder Zivic from the seventy and he talked about the saints there and how they are the missionaries there. people are getting baptized and just imagine what would happen if the missionaries where there full time and they worked together. It would be amazing. It should be tçlike thatin all parts of the world. The members are HUGE KEYS in the part of missionary work and everyone needs to help.
So thursday we had a zone choir practice because supposedly we were going to sing at the zone conference for Elder Zivic we took an hour to decide that we were going to sing Called to Serve even with the risk that we may sing it for an opening or closing song, which we did, but we ended up not even singing at all so that was ok. We also had lunch with Granges. Hermana Salazar made food that they make in Costa Rica and it was really good.
Friday we had a Hermana Reunion and that was fun we talked about unity with our companions and we had birthday cake because it was Hermana Zegharra´s birthday. It was a pretty good piece of cake. That night we had tacos at the house of the familia Beltre. The elders came and so did the bishop and his family as a good bye party for hermana salazar. The tacos were really good.
Saturday we had the Zone Conference and we talked a lot about obedience. Which is really good with a new mission president. We also talked about missionary work in Cuba and we hope that really soon we will be able to serve there.
Sunday we had lunch at the Famila Rodriguez´s house and we had La Bandera. Rice beans chicken and avacado. it was really good. We visited a lot of people so that Hermana salazar could say her good byes and give her last word.
Monday the people who are going home have a meeting so I stayed in the offic all day we helped out there. Hermana Clove and I were companions becasue both of our companions were in the meeting. We joked that we would be companions for the next transfer. I talked with the doctors in Slat lake about my burn scar on my heel. We went to the bank to get American money and we fixed the ink in our bathroom at our house and we had wendy´s for lunch. Then we finished with a family home evening at a members house we talked about the importance of listening to the spirit. Sometimes we aren´t in tune with the spirit and miss it. Like the people in 3 nephi. the third time they heard the voice they understood.
Tuesday was our transfer meeting and Hermana Clove and I are companions!!! We were so excited because we called it the day before. We are excited to work and see some miracles.
ToDAY! The elders came and got us from the houe and took us to Caribe Tours and then we changed people out and they brought s back to the house and then we talked for a bit and then we decided to go write and now we are going to go shopping becasue we have no food in the house.
When we have questions we have to look for ourselves sometimes rather than just straight up as for the answer. When we look and come to our own understanding our own understanding is stronger than it would be if someone else would tell it to us.
I love you!!! BE GOOD!!!
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