Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Baylee - Hola familia y amigos! :) ¿Como estàn?

September 21 2015

Hola familia y amigos! :) ¿Como estàn?

This week has been one of ups and downs, which seems to be becoming the norm. Heres what went down this week...

- Monday night us Hnas had aniother sleepover in our room! We decided to make something real...FAJITAS! LOL i guess that isnt a thing here in Peru so the two Peruvians were weary, also Hna Huanca from Bolivia and Hna Arce from Paraguay. I guess Fajitas are a Mexican thing LOL. I played chef, though and it was way fun! I even made the tortillas! LOL we used our pancake recipe and just used less sugar, a little more salt, and more liquid. they actually werent too bad. Tortillas are so expensive here that it made more sense to try this experiment. I also cooked the chicken and the peppers and the onions. it was way good! it made me think of home! i also made us WonTon s`mores LOL which were very yummy! We played a silly version of spin the bottle where we asked each other questions to get to know each other better. Good Times! we were up until 3 AM though, and i was sooooo tired!
- on Tuesday, Hnas Ziegner, Arce, and Ortix went to Piura for the doctor, so Hna Huanca was in a trio with Hna. Salazar and i. it was fun, but definitely a way different experience trying to teach with three people!
- so i finished my second journal Monday night...LOL i am going to come home with sooo many journals full of stuff!
- Wed. while we were knocking on doors, a 10 year old or so boy answered the door and then asked who we were. LOL we told him we were missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ, and as he ran to tell his mom, we heard him say, Îts Jesus! LOL we laughed so hard! 
- Thursday night, i realized the Hno. Francisco was my very first lesson that i taught here in the field, and now he has a baptismal date, is going through the interviewing process, and plans to be baptized in October! Fruits of this labor!! :)
- Thursday was our last district meeting in my very first transfer...Cambios were this week...Today! im now in my second transfer in the field, third transfer overall!! WOW!
- Friday we taught one of our investigators amed Luisa. She was so interested, prepared for our visit, having read the whole Restoration pamphlet and having lots of questions...she even said that she felt good about it when she prayed. But them came in her husband...he was all gruff and upset during the lesson, then afterward basciall told us that our lessons are shoving a wedge in their relationship and that whatever decisions are made he will have the last say and he has decided that they are Catholic and will always be Catholic...Luisa kept looking at me with these pleading sad and tearfilled eyes all through his speech...Im almost 100% positive that her husband is abusive...That was such a frustrating day for both Hna. Salazar and i...we cant do anything...he wont let us come back to visit...we did give Luida a Book of mormon and encourqaged her to read and pray...Grr..i was so upset!
- Saturday i discovered a new favorite food of Peru...Slasa de Piña! So good! served with rice of course and chicken! It reminded me of the Pork Chop Apple thing my mom makes, and it made me feel liek i was having a tiny bit of home! Loved it!
- In our mission, theres a tradition of making memory scrapbooks! its the coolest thing. we all have our little notebooks that we pass around to the people in our districts and zones and to the members and the make a page of memories with encouragement and photos and their info to find them on facebook aand thriough email after the mish! its such an awesome thing!
-Sat night we had a celebration! it was a Family Home Evening, but it was quite a celebration. a goodbye for Elders Miranda and Flores and Hna Huanca as the left for transfers and Elder Miranda headed home. But also a fieat to celebrate Hna. Salazras brithday! she turns 20 tomorrow! LOL here in Peru theres a tradition to sing to the birthday person and do the candle thing like normal, but then the person gets attacked with eggs! people smash eggs on your head!! FOR REAL! so thats what Hna Sala<ar got Saturday night! It was wonderful fun! And i got it on vide, of course! It turned into a war! with eggs asnd flour! Such a good time. i escaped getting hit, but now i know what to look forward to in a little over a month....I will be a good sport, prmise! :) For the party, we had a giant chocolate cake, brownies, homemade donuts that are basically scones, Causas, and chips! so tasty! i had the biggest pice of cake ever! not because i chose it but because Hna. Susanah Rosales served me a huge piece! delicious, but i think i almost died from all the food!
- That same night was such a late one...Hna Salazar had to shower when we got back to the room of course, wo we were up late again!
- Sunday Hna. Salazat and i practiced our power stance and screamed to the heavens ^soy una buena misionera!` LOLthat means i am a goo missionary! We were having a down day, so i made Hna. Salazar do this. such a relief to just yell!
- Sunday, i received a testimony that we really do help people! we had an appointment with a family and a husbnad named Donald. We knocked on the house that we thought was uit and asked. a mother answered and her son was named Donald so she started talking to us and started crying...Her son just left last week for Piura, saying he wont come back and he is basically ruining his life...we didnt realize we were wrong with the people, but the mother, Rosa, let us in and we talked about prayer, faith, Gods timing, eternal families. She told us earlier she wasnt sure if God exists because of all this bad stuff, but because He sent the two of us, angels she called us, her faith has been strengthened. we have another vivst with her later this week. I know God had us knock on her door to bring light into her life, and i know that this gospel turly is the gospel of happiness! Such a wonderful, strengthening, affirming experience! 
- Sunday night we went to another FHE with Hna. Wilma, the relief society president. we didnt stay long, but it was also fun! That same night, after we were at the room of Hna.s Ziegner and Huanca trying t help them prep for todays transfers, Hna. Salazar and i took one of Hna Hunacas suitcases with us and then they were going to head to our room a little later for another sleepover with the other Hnas! We were walking to the main street, after 10, to get a moto. There was 5 guys sitting at the corner...and amazingly Elders Bradford, Miranda, and Flores were towards us coming from the Rosales home. The 5 men got up as we approached, cat calling and one got up in my face, very close. Then came Elder Bradford! He already way tall and huge compared to Peruvians, but he got all hunched and amde himself look even bigger and went up to the man all angry and the guy backed off immediately. Elder Miranda took the suitcase from me and was on one side of me while Elder Flores took the other side and Elder Bradford was behind the group as we hurried to the main road...ya that was a scary expereince...my heart clenched so hard, but i was perpared to fling the suitcase at some faces LOL...Its dangerous to be out past 9:30...especially here in Talara....but its all ok! the Lord protects us! He sent the Elders out at the same time as us to keep us safe! 
- Then we had our sleepover! brownies and talking is all, while Hna. Huanca finished her sracpbook pages for peoples memory books. we were up until 2 ish and had to be at Eppo at 5:30...ya i am exhausted today! LOL we have had a lot of late nights today...Heavenly Father please forgive us. its always all messed up during the week of Cambios...
- Cambios this morning were way more sad than i expected. i was sad to see Hna. Huanca go, of course, but i was surprised by haow sad i was to see the Elders leave too. Elder Miranda and Elder Walked are going home! Elder Flores, Elder Buennning, Elder Ramos all went to different areas...it was so hard! But i made it through my first Cambio experience! And Hna. Ziegners new companion Hna Echegaray is very cool! 

well thats my week! the church is true everyone! please remeber that we go to church to partake of the sacrament, to renew our covenants, to keep the commandments of Go, not for the people. no one is perfect, and the church is the best hosiptal, the gospel the best medicine. only through Christ can we be healed and made whole, receving true and everlasting happiness! I love you all more than words can say! :):)



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