Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Baylee - Hola mi familia y mis amigos!

Hola mi familia y mis amigos!
So this week was a week where we learnd patience. It seemed that no one wanted to hear this great message we have o share...It wasnt all bad but we have made goals to improve this coming week!
Heres what happened...
- I have been doing some deep studying of he past conference talks in preparation for this coming weekend and the opportunity to listen to the chosen prophets seers and revelators of the Lord. I found an amazing quote that i would lik to share with you! ´nourish and encourage all light until it grows clear and bright´. from Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 2nd Counselor in the First Presidency. This means to me that we need to seek out the good and help it grow within us and within others. we need to love others enirely, even if they are different or dont have all the pieces put together yet. We are all children of our Father in Heaven and everyone needs a lifting hand. We can be the hands of God to lift and love our brothers and sisters here on earth. No matter how small the good is, we can tke it and nourish it into a thriving ball of light! :)
- On tuesday we taught the Morales family. they have received basically every lesson, i think i talked about them before. This time, it came clear to me that fear of the unknown and the different often holds us back from things that are for our good. I encourage each of you to have the courage to take that step of faith and follow our Savior. He is waiting for you, and i can imagin how sad He feels when we are too timid or too prideful to enter in at the gate and follow Him. He sacrificed so much for us, we can sacrifice a little here in our lives for Him.
- Tuesday was Hna. Salazar{s birthday!! She is now 20 years old and i take every opportunity to remind her that she is old :) In Ward Council tueday evening, the council found out it was her birthday and every pitched in to buy us 4 Hna.s each a burger and a bottle of soda to take back to our room with us to celebrate! It was fun, not to mention the burgers with delicious!
- On Wednesday, Hna. Salazar completed 6 months of being a missionary! We had another little bit of a celebration for that and shared a slice of tres leches cake with chocolate and then bought burgers at this new burger place. LOL we have been making bad food choices lately but i blame Hna. Salazar for turning 20 and for completely 6 months! we have to celebrate such occasions!
-Thursday something hit me real hard, a realization bigger than anything that has come yet....Im living in Peru! Alone! Speaking and UNDERSTANDING Spanish! ¡¿Qué en el mundo?! LOL guys. how crazy is that?! What an experience!
- Well, Thursday i experienced my first door being slammed in my face...we knocked an introduced ourselves and the lady literally just said no no no and slammed the door. It hurt, like a bit of a physical pain...that same day, another man opned his door and told us tha he woul only visit the church if w payed him a million dollars because ´the church pays us enough to keep a giant home´....ya we had few rude, anti xperiences this week...
- So, be proud! i am learning how to experiment and make do with the foods i have access to. I have made a few od concoctions that turned out pretty good :)
- Oh, on Wed. we visited with the old man i told you about last week, Oscar. i actually started crying in lesson...not because i felt the Spirit but because i want him to be baptized so bad! he needs this gospel and he needs to join his eternal family! not to menion he reminds me so much of Grandpa B....
- i have been thinking about Grandpa B. a lot lately...i miss him just as i miss all of my family..but i know families can be eternal, and my family is eternal thanks to the power of the Priesthood and temple marriages! Thank you, Mom and Dad, Grammy and Grandpa, Grandma and Grandpa, all my ancestors for being seald in the temple and blessing me with eternity if i live righteously!
- on Saturday, Hna. Salazar and i had a Disney sing a long! LOL during language study, i sang her Disney songs in Spanish, being super dramatic and putting on a show! Let It God, For the First Time in Forever, Part of Your World, Whole New World, and many many more! :)
- Saturday Women´s Conference was very great! I had to listen in Spanish...so it was a little hard to understand at times, but i learned that it is very important for us to open our eyes to the happiness that is right in front of us! There is happiness all around, and if we will just open up our eyes, we will see it! Find the happiness! :)
- Ok, guys...im losing my self control...im trying so hard to be healthy with my food choiecs, but its getting easier and easier to just chose the tasty treat! LOL im still working out good and hard every morning except Sunday, so thats good but the food...Goodness gracious! it doesnt help that there is a panaderia or a tienda on every corner here!
- Yesterday, Hna. Salazar and i had a bit of a pity party and ate mircowave brownies, pizza Wontons, make shift mac and cheese, and som bread wih crem cheese. Then later last night, we visited a less activ, my favorite Hna. Sara and she gave us slices of the left over cake from her grandsons 1st birthday party earlier this week! Ya, my healthy eating thing this week was rough!
- Today, our zone went to Negritos! Negritos is a beautiful little beach town in our zone, and it was fun! the few is amazing and Negritos is so calm and nice! Then, Hna. Zieneger and Echegaray brought back two Family size pizzas from Piura and us Hna.s ate in the room of Hna. Salazar and i. HAWIIAN! :) It was sooo yummy! and American! I splurged a little today and bought Pringles and a MilkyWay to get in a little more America because i really am missing our great country!
Well, theres my week! I lov you all!! i know his gospel is true, without a doubt! I hope you all are well! i invite you all to watch the General Conference sessions this coming weekend. its such a magnificent opportunity to listen to chosen men and women of God! Im so excited, and i get to listen in English this time! :) Hasta Luego!



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