Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Baylee - Hola mi familia y mis amigos!!

September 7 2015

Hola mi familia y mis amigos!! 

How is everyone?? i truly hope you are all doing well! heres what happened ths past week....

-On Wednesday, i had two lunchs! two almuerzos! We visited an investigator just before lunch with our Pensionista to set up a time for another visit, and she gave some of my favorite...Aji de Gallina! she made it with picante, which surprisingly i am starting to like! LOL i used to not be able to handle spiciness in the slightest, but its really growing on my here. i really like this stuff called Rocote! anyway! after that, it was time for lunch with our Pensionista, and since we pay for that beforehand, we had two lucnhes! Later on in the day Wednesday, three of our appointments included gifts of food or some IncaCola to drink. LOL Wednesday wasnt a super great day for eating helathy because we ate so much!
- I received a card from my Mom on Thursday with liuttle letters from my brothers!! I was so very very excited about that, and it was much needed as a little bit of encouragement! Thanks mom i love you1! :)
- So theres this dessert thing called Chufla....it is the most disgusting thing ever! its like porridge, mush stuff with some cinnamon thats served either cold or hot...we had it served to us hot by the Morales family...i tried so hard to choke it down and be thje good house guest...but they could tell i was dying. Celeste and Flavio are so sweet and took it away from me so i could live LOL! immediately after, Hna. Salazar and i went to by some bread to quench the nasty taste and settle my writhing stomach...i truly hope i never have to eat Chufla again!
- so if you remember last week i mentioned our golden investigator Karen...well turns out she wasnt quite so golden...she told us that she feels in her heart that her church, the Catholic church, is true. Even after attending sacrament meeting and loving it. She loves the Book of Mormon and she loves our church meetings...i think shes hestitant because her grnadmother is so very Catholic...thats something really hard about Latin America...generationjs of families are Catholic...hmm...its really sad about Karen though...
- So theres this less active mom whos about my moms age. her name is Sara and her and her family are turning into some of my favorite people! Hna Sara is only less active because she travels to Lima so much for her health. she has problems with asthma. But we visit them quite a bit. at first i really just liked visiting them because there house is actualy clean and kind of like a house in the States LOL but she has real concern and love for us and she jokes with us and her family is extrememly welcoming. I love them!
- Friday night, we visited Hna. Elli our Pensionista to teach her and her family about the Restoration. we have been advices to visit member families and talk about this and the importance of sharing this with neighborsa nd family. it was a long lesson because her son is a member, but hes the kind of member that readsall the negative propaganda and searches out other things and he alwasy has a lot to say...but after Hna Elli gave us chicken sandwiches and ^hot^chocolate LOL so that was good!
- I had french fried TH night! LOL thats a big deal! any time i get to eat American food it is a big deal LOL!
- I have been working on improving my prayers this week. sometimes its hard to pray sincerely whether its because im dead tired, i feel weighed down with the hard work of the mission, i miss home, whatever...but i have really been focusing on this aspect of my spiritual nourishment this week. taking the time to pray to our FATHER is essencial! its not just a oneway conversation. we need to be still and listen for the responses he has for us. give him the time of day, listen like you would when you go to your earthyl father for advice. I wish i could go to my earthly father more directly for advice right now, but i do have my Heavenly Father at my access whenever i need him. i advise you all to try and spend a bit more time on your knees this week. not even saying anything, just listening for the answer from you FATHER! i testigfy that He will answer!
- so i have been missing the food frm home ablot lately LOL so i made this list...and its ongoing...of foods from home! i have three columns. one fgor meals, one for desserts, and one for everything else! I miss lots of things, and writing them down has helped a bit. maybe not because i think about it a lot LOL but i have the list nonetheless.
- Last night we had a sleepover with Hna. Ziegner and Hna. Huanca in our room! :) it was so so fun! We made fried Won Tons with cheese, ham, sausage, and some spaghetti sauce in them! like little mini pizzas! and we made some sweet Won Tons with cream cheese and cinnamon sugar! and we made brownies in the microwave! So tasty! We also watched a church produced movie about some missionaries. i dont actually know what the movie is called, but it was really good! we were up way late...Shame on us LOL but since today was Pday we made an exception. This morning we got up and ran which was great! and we made pancakes! :) pretty much an awesome morning!
- today we went to the beach as a zone! It is absolutely beautiful!! I will send pics next weeek! we road in this large minivan all packed in for about half an hour. we walked the sandy dunes, played volleyball and soccer in the sand, walked through this cool cave. of course, we cant go in the water LOL but the beach was still way cool!
- today, all of the Hnas in our zone ate lunch together! Hna.s Ziegner, Huanca, Salazar, Arce, Ortiz, and i all went to this little cafe and had burgers and french fries!! Then we made our way to Picatta Mia which is a bakery that makes bread but also deliciuous artful desserts. i had advised everyone on Cheesecake! it was a hassle because we had to wait for them to finish making it, but it was well worht the wait! They had Oreo Cheesecake!! literally i have been thinking about cheesecake for the past two weeks, so having it today was like heaven! All in All, today has been my most favorite Pday!! :)
- The Morales family has been on my mind lately. they have received almost every single lesson us missionaries have to teach, all with Hna. Salazar and her past three comps. they are so hestitant about baptism...they know its right and true...this week, when we met with them, i was straight up honest with them. the options are baptism or no baptism. Hna. Salazar likes to be nice, and sometimes she is little too nice LOL i told the Morales family in the most loving way possible that the time to choose is now and there are two options....next week we have another meeting with them, and i gave them an ultimatum. they have to choose yes or no next week because we cannot keep coming to teach them if the answer is no...its sad, but we need to find those that are ready to enter the waters of baptism...its so hard!! i really want the to be baptized! i was able to share more about how my dad having the Priesthood has blessed my family as i explained that this privilige only comes to worthy members of the church...The whole situation is hard. I pray for them daily!
- everyday here in the mission is har,d every day has its challenges...but i know this gospel is true! Jesus Christ is our Savior, and this is the only way for us to enter the Celestial kingdom to live forever with God and our families. I know it, i live it, i love it!

I love you all! i encourage you all to read the Book of Mormon. That book is true and it is the evidence of all else that is a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! :) Hasta Luego!



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