Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Brielle - September 9 2015

September 9, 2015

Man I don´t understand how times flies by when it doesn´t actually seem like it is going so fast. I just, no entiendo.
We had a cosecha on Friday with the elders of our district in our area. Hermana Salazar and I have been working on getting all the work members put together in an excel file according to what neighborhood they live in so we can contact them more easily. So we printed those lists off and got copies of the map that I bought to help them find the areas. Then we met at the church and gave pass along cards that had our name and number on it and we went out. The elders weren´t able to find many people and niether were we. But we met back at the church and the elders were wiped. They finally understood when we say that our area is muy muy grande that we aren´t kidding. Then we had a ward activity and watched the movie The Croods. It was pretty fun. I just like that movie in general. We also got our fridge fixed becasue I am pretty sure when we were defrosting it that my comp poked a hole in the freezer because she wsan´t patient enough to let it melt she just wanted the ice out at that moment. But she says she didn´t stab down, so who knows but we finally got our fridge bad that is all that matters.
Saturday we had exchanges with members and me and my member we didn´t have a single lesson we tried but they weren´t home so we ended up contacting the whole time. She is in Young Womens so we had to go to the church early because she had mutual.
Sunday we had lunch at the Familia Bretón and it was good like always we talked about ghost and dying. I think it is because we were teasing Hermana Salazar and them we just kept going on about death.
Monday we had a district meeting and didn´t little interviews at the end then we went to Pica Pollo for lunch together. 
Tuesday was a day spent at the hospital. Hermana Salazar got her heart checked because she has been having chest pains. Then she got some other tests done then we met up with hermana grange and we talked with the plastic surgeon who cleaned my wounds when I was in the hospital here. He looked at my burns and said that all looks really good. So don´t worry about the burns anymore, for now. 
Today we were going to go on a hike but we decided last night after we cleaned the house lets not go and just chill out. so we opted out. I cleaned all my colored clothes and thenwe went to calle del sol for three hours. Then we ran back to the house adn I grabbed my over night bag becasue I am going to Santo Domingo to do visa stuff.
That´s about it.
Yo sé que nosotros podemos ser más feliz en nuestras vidas si nosotros hacemos todas las cosas que nuestro Padre Celestial quiere de nosotros. Él permitirnos a aprender muchisimas cosas por medio de nuestros pruebas y Él va a ayudarnos solomente si nosotros somos haciendo todo que él quiere. Yo sé que la Igelsia de Jesuscristo de Los Santos de Los Últimos Días es la iglesia verdadera. Y el Libro de Mormón es la palabra de Dios y nosotros podemos aprender las cosas que Dios quiere de cada uno de nosotros. 
No fotos this week I am a slacker at fotos.
Be good.

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

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