Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Baylee - Another week gone!‏

January 11 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

How are you all doing this week?? I hope life is treating you well! :) Here is what happened in the mission life this week...

- Monday night, we had a FHE with Hna. Carmen in the house of the F. Rosales. The other Hna., Hna. Shumway and Hna. Valencia also came with some investigators. We had a good time talking about the Sabbath Day and Temple attendance. Presidente Rosales made a point that I relaly liked about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. He talked about his fmaily being happier when they are able to follow through with this commandment from God. and truly it is a commandment from God. Never forget that! Sunday is the Lords day!
- Tuesday morning Hna. Mamani and I went and cooked with Hna. Maria! She is great and let us do some real cooking. We made one of my favorite Peruvian dishes, Seco de Chavelo. It is fried greed platanos mashed up and mixed with chicken and beeft chunks, simmered tomatoes and onions, and some delicious spices. We added homemade mayo and a little bit of aji since the people here in Perú use mayo in just about everything. I got to smash the platanos! LOL it was a lot of fun. We also made a veggie salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, and lime juice, a Peruvian must have. And Hna. Mamani and I brought bananas, grapes, and BLACKBERRIES to make a fruit salad for our dessert. SOOOOO GOOOD! :) LOL We had a good time!
- Tuesday was also our Intercambios with the Sister Leaders, Hna. Valencia and Hna. Shumway. I went with Hna. Shumway in their area, and we had a good time, talking quite a bit of English LOL. She is teaching me to be more healthy LOL because she only has healthy food in her room! 
- Wed. night while we were teaching the F. Talledo, Johny told us that he had been asked to give a talk, and he had been given an open topic, he could pick whatever he wanted. He was joking about talking about government, Peruvian corruption, Barrack Obama! LOL We were laughing so hard! Can you imagine someone getting up in sacrament meeting and talking about politics??
- Wed. Hna. Carmen kept getting worse....she eventually went to get an X-ray thing taken o her abodomine and it turns out she had something like kidney stones, but really really bad, like a bag of little rocks on the side of her stomach. The doctos decided that they needed to operate. That basically turned into that she couldnt get baptized this Saturday...She had her operation Friday afternoon and yesterday Hna. Mamani and I went to visit her. She is healing up, but she still has so much pain. Ugh hospitals, needles, IVs....My stomach was real queasy after that visit...But Hna. Carmen is still faithful, she still wants to be baptized when she gets all healed up and feels better. In a couple weeks.
-Thursday I received my other package from my mom! LOL it was like Chi Omega Bid Day all over again! Glitter EVERYWHERE!!! LOL Hna. Mamani and I had a little glitter war...I also got a UW shirt that says My Patronous is a Cowboy! LOL :)
- Thursday, Hna. Rebeca accompanied us out proselyting. She is a recent convert of almost a year, and she has such a strong testimony! Every time she bears it,  my heart just soars! I love hearing the testimonies of recent converst! I want to invite you all to share your testimonies at every possible chance because you never know who needs to hear, when or where! :)
- Thursday afternoon, we taught Hno. Miguel about family history work and temples. He is enchanted by the idea. He is going to be the first member in his family, he has a baptismal date for the 23rd, and he is super excited to look for family names and take them to the temple! When was the last time you members went ot the temple? Personal inventory! If one of our investigators can feel such a joy about temples, how much more should we have as members?! Go to the temple! :)
- Friday, Hna. Elli made us homemade soy milk! LOL I just want to say that soy milk in the States, bought from the store in gross, but soy milk here homemade is delicious!! :)
- Friday afternoon, we were running like crazy! We had 4 appointments before 6PM instead of the usualy three, and we had to be on time because at 6 we had to go help set up for the activity at the capilla. Hna. Liliana was with us and we were runnign all over! I was a good, successful day!
- The activity Friday night was also pretty awesome. Hna. Mamani and I went and borrowed the projector from a less active, Hno. Romeo, and we set it all up to watch a movie. We were searching everywhere to find a member that had some speakers we could use. But it all worked out. We watched Gods Not Dead!! :) I love that show! And what is even better was that Hna. Mamani and I had two ionvestigators there, Hno. Miguel ahnd Hno. Edgar. 
- Sat. Afternoon we taught Hno. Edgar. He is awesom! He was a refere3nce and he is progressing so well! Yesterday he talked to us about wanting us to all teach his 12 year old daughter. He even plans to change his work meetins to a different day so that he can come to church Sundays! How awesome is that!!!??
- At church Sunday, Miguel came!! That means he only needs one more church attedance and then he can be baptized!! :) LOL I am so excited for him! 
- Also, one of the talks in church yesterday was really great, and it all started with a question, and personal inventory question. Do I read the Book of Mormon everyday? I want to challenge you all the reevaluate your time, and make the effort to feast from the scriptures everyday! Our spiritual food is jhust as necessary as our temporal food! :)
Yesterday we had ourselves a little miracle! :) We didnt have any set appointments, and everyone we went looking for wasnt around. It was a pretty rough afternoon. But then, as we were heading to start knocking on doors, a lady in the street whom we recognized told us that her brother Juan had just got back into town. He is a reference we received and we have gone many times to look for him with no luck. We hurried over, and he is aboslutely golden!! His mother just recently died, which is really hard and sad, but it has got him thinking. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and what happens when we die, specifically about the Spirit world. He had tons of questions, we even showed him the scriptures about Christ teaching in the afterlife in 1 Peter. He was shocked that he had never been taught that, and yet it was right there in the Bible, his Bible. He was so excited to hear that there is hope for his mother. At the end of the lesson, we asked him to say the closing prayer. He was a little hesitant, but we knelt down and he gave the most heartfelt prayer, truly asking God to tell him what is true. I felt a calming peace enter the room, and once he said amen, Juan told us that he also felt it. He felt it! He made the comment that it is all a process, but the feeling he felt was something he couldnt deny. Hna. Mamani and I left the house floating high in the sky. It is moments like that that help me remember why I am here on the mission. 
- Today for Pday, the Zone went to the beach! And I am sunburned!! LOL Well mostly just my arms since I didnt put any sunscreen on them, just my face. We tooks some fuin pics that I will sen next week, and we played soccer! :) We brought some investigators, and one of them has a 5 year old son that came with us. He is just the cutest! LOL him and I played around as he helped me protect the goal during soccer. Good times! 

Well, that was my week! Lots of little experiences, some big ones! The mission is just like that though. Everyday flies by, even the ones that seem long! Well, I love you all so much! I hope you are all doing great! :) Until next week! 



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