Weird to think that today would be my last day in the mission if I did not get hit but I am still here and I GOT TRANSFERED!
So the training ws a good time. It began here at 1:00 PM and it was good. Not superb but it swas good to go over the basicas and listen to the general leaders.
We contacted and hermana called Flora and she is catholic she made that clear but welcomed us into her home. I wasn´t able to understand all that she was saying but she was talking about her son and how she hasn´t seen him in a long time and isn´t sure if he is alive or not. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and she began crying when we told her that Heavenly Father knows her and worries for her. And through the plan we can receive the help we need and the instrucciones to help us.
We went to meet with Carmen Alena our awesome investigator and her family but she wasn´t there so we met with her less active husband and the elders were with us and we talked about prayers and doing family prayers. When we pray in families we are about to build our confidence in our own prayers and strengthen relationships as a family. Pray works miracles.
Raquel Castillo is a less active and on saturday after the baptism of the elders we went and we shared the Book of Mormon video in spanish is ¿Te imaginas? talks about the Alma 5. And she was all now I need to go read that chapter. We all should read it once in a while and ponder on the things that we could do better.
Sunday for lunch we ate with hna Lucy she is from Peru and she rescued a cat and when we got there and entered the cat was FREAKING out running up and down the hat screamming. It was super strange but we have no idea what has happened to that cat in the past but so man so funny. We ate a dish from Peru and I was thinking about Baylee the whole time. Then later that day we visited with a less active named Ana Bretón and we started with a story. There was a man named Juan who was in the river and saw something shiny so he bent down and picked up 7 pearls. They were so beautiful. Then later he saw a begger and thought. I´ll keep one and give 6 to the beggar. He did so and went on his way. But the beggar followed Jaun to his house and during the night he entered in and stole the only and last pearl.
Now the question is what do you think about the beggar? Think good.
The begar is compared to us. The Lord gives us 6 pearls 6 days to work and do what we want. He only has one pearl and we rob it from him.
Oh man with Ana she had some good choice words in her mind and told us that and she wasn´t about to say ithem in front of us. and When we told her we are like that. She was all dang. I am a robber. I hope that she realizes the importance of the Sabbath Day. It is the Lords day do what He would want us to do.
Monday we had breakfast in the house of Yodirah and it was good. Yucca, Platanos, and eggs.
Tuesday!! We had our transfer meeting with our district and Elder Cruz our district leader is hilarious becasue he did the meeting like sacrament meeting with the song and announcing things. and then now we´ve come the callig and releasing of missionaries from the district. He made us stand and we should our support and a sustaining vote. It was hilarious. Then to finish the meeting we ate pizza and watched a movie. Then the rest of the day we packed and said good bye to people becasue I am transfered to Sabaneta. People call it the Boonies. I am from the Boonies. My companion is Hna Palmer. I am her stepmom and she is from Utah.
I am excited for this change!
Be good!! Love you all!!
Todo Bien!!!
Hermana Buchanan
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