Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Baylee - January 18 2016

January 18 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

¿Cómo están esta semana? Espero que todo está bien!! LOL I Hope you are all enjoying the cool weather...it just keeps getting hotter and hotter down here! Well, here is what happened this week...

- Monday night we had an FHE in the house of the f. Aguilar, the Branch President and his fam. We brought our awesome investigator Hno. Miguel. I am very grateful for returned missionaries that understand the importance of being friends with investigators and new members. The Presidents son, Ricy, served a mission in Chile, and he gets it, and it works out perfectly that he is just about the same age as Hno. Miguel! Please remember that, everyone! It is extremely important to develop friendships with and include those peple who are new and investigating the church. We are the Lords hands! What would Jesus do??
- Tuesday and WEdnesday this week was something called PARO. That is basically a protest or strike. Hardly anyone went to work those days, and there were men up the road between Talara Alta and Talara Baja, stopping all traffic and not letting anyone past. I guess the big oil company here has been bringing in workers from other places in Perú and even a¿other countries, and not hiring people from here in Talara. So the people made a stand. LOL it was so weird because the streets were almost deserted! That like never happesn! And what was a little nerveracking was that all the women had stayed indoors, and only men were out in the streets, for the most part. We still worked and preached the Gospel like normal, but it was definitely an interesting day! Almost as interesting asChristmas Day or New Years Day! 
- Wednesday night, we had another lesson with one of our recent converts, Hno. Johny. He has been reading a whole lot in the Book of Mormon and he had some questions for us. One in particular was really intersting. He read Mosiah 5:13, which includes a questions for all of us! It talks about the difficulty of loving one who we have not served. Bascially, if we dont serve God, we cannot know hHim! Johny wanted to know how he could better develop his relationship with God, to know im better. We talked about service, and utilizing the Atonement, and prayer. I invite all of you to do these things, serve others, use the Atonement, and pray EVERYDAY! These are ways that we can truly come to know God! 
- Thusrday Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen came up here to Talara because we had interviews! I love interviews, it is an opportunity to talk to Presidente one on one and express it all. Also, chatting with Hna. Rasmssen is fantastic! My mom away from my real mom, as good as it gets here in good ol Perú. It was a good day! Kind of crazy thought because Presidente was running behind schedule, so we ended having our interviews almost an hour late! We finally left the capilla around 2:45 to head for lunch at our Pensionistas! Oh, and That same day, I got a package from Grandma B., a letter from my aunt Stacey, and a few letters and Christmas ornaments from the Pinedale seminary class! REceiving things in the mail really just lights up the whole week! Thanks everyone! :)
- Friday, Hna. Mamani and I hace weekly planning, but recently we cant open our window because people put their trash our in the trash bin in the middle of the day, in the heat, and the flies are terrible! LOL So guess what we did...we planned for the week sitting on the floor by our beds with our fan! LOL It was a party! :)
- Friday night was real fun! We had a mission night activity of improv!! :) LOL We invited everybody, and tons of people showed, none of them knowing what to expect! Then we split eeryone into three groups and told them to choose a Book of Mormon story to act out. It was a hoot!! We laughed so much! My group acted out the part where Laman and Lemuel are beating upp Nephi because they dont want him to be there leader, then an angel comes and saves him. It was so silly because our Pensionista, Hna. Elli, and her sister were Laman and Lemuel!! :) Good times!
- Saturday, we were finally able to visit with Hna. Carmen again. She is recovering from her surgery, and all is going well. She still has a hard time walking, and cant eat hardly anything, but she is doing so well. And what is even more fantastic is that she knows it is all true. She attributes her still being here as a call from God, a huge reason to be baptized and serve the Lord. Once she gets all healed up, she plans to be baptized! :)
- Saturday we also visited with Hno. Miguel and went over the baptismal questions, to get him prepped for his interview Tuesday! He is so very ready! He KNOWS! and he came to church yesterday, so he has his three attendances, and tomorrow is his interview and we are going to visit with him everyday this week, and Saturday is his baptism!! :) I could not be more excited for him! It has taken him 2 years, but he is finallyready. He is so happy too, The light that shines from his eyes is such atestament to me of the truthfulness of this Gospel. Only something completely and utterly true could make someone as happy as this Gospel has made Hno. Miguel! 
- Today, Hna. Mamani and I had a chill day. We went and took some pictures of places that I want to remember here in Talara, went and looked at our mini-Catacaos which is like a souvenir place, bought some food for the week. Then we got to go and eat lunch with the F. Panta Sosa...they are some of my favorites! Cesar, Lilana, Samir, Emerson, Anais, and Nataly! LOL and todays meal was absolutely delicious!! Hna. Liliana made us Ceviche de Pota! LOL it is kind of silly becuase as missionaries, we arent allowed to eat real Ceviche, which is crude fish prepared with lime juice, and nothing more, not cooked, lime juice and onions. ut we can eat Ceviche de Pota becuase the fish is boiled first. And gues what...I LOVE CEVICHE DE POTA! LOL one of my new favorite foods!! And the company was all the more memorable! 

Well, this just might be my last week in Talara...Cambios are this coming week, and after  months here in Talara, everyone is expecting me to move on to my next area. That is such a weird thought for me! I have gotten so used to Talara! I love to people here, and I am so comfortable with the area. But, the Lord knows where He needs me! So maybe next week I will be writing from another area! We will see! :)
I love you all so much! Please write me!! :) Keep on keeping on! Hasta luego!



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