How is everyone doing?? Life has been a bit crazy here in the mission, heres what happened...
- First and most important of all...Hno Miguel got baptizeds¡¡¡¡¡¡ Tuesday he passed his interview, Saturday his baptism, and Sunday his confirmation during sacrament meeting¡¡ It was a wonderful day. Lots of missionaries dcame to support Hno. Miguel at his baptism. Hno. Miguel was so happy, just glowing. At the end of the baptism,. he bore his testimony, and it was simple, direct, and powerdul. IT is such an awesome feeling when you get to see someone truly experience the joys of this Gospel!
- Wednesday morning, we got to watch a live Missionary Training Broadcast sent in from Provo. The leaders who spoke hit many topics, but the big thing that kept coming out at me was dont be afraid to testify. Testify, Testify, Testify! I invite each of you to take the opprotunity to testify and share your testimonies with those around you. We really do know the truth, there is now reason to be afraid. Before the mission, I didnt understand that, but now I do. This Gospel is the most important thing we can do!
- Wed. we got to experience a little of what is Carnivals here in Perú. A YW, Linda, accompanied us, and she got attacked with water balloons. one smacked her hard in the face and soaked her hair. I do not understnad the tradition, but it is tradition.
- We visited the f. Talledo Wed. night, and when we walked in they were playing a round of Cranium Junior! LOL nwe sat and watched them finish it out and laughed our heads off before enjoying a little lesson.
- Thursday was our final District Meeting of the transfer. I decided to do something a little different and I made rice crispy treats! However, I used chocolate flakew cereal and the didnt have any plain white marshmellows so I used Christmas ones that turned a bornw color LOL. They still tasted good, but it is a nice thing that none of the Latinos had ever seen rice crispy treats before because these ones didnt look like them. LOL
- Thursday night, we ended up having the keys to the capilla late night because of mission communication. Presidente just told us to hang on to them until the morning, so we had gotten all ready for bed and were writing in our journals around 10 PM. Then all of a sudden, a figure stood i9n our door, a man, and he banged loudly on the door. Hna. Mamani and I got scared and al quiet, we both agreed to just act like no one was home. The guy knocked again and again and again, beating on the door. I ended up trying to call first the Zone Leaders and then the other Hnas. Finally the other Hna.s answered, and since it was Hna. Shumway, I told her in English that some guiy was banging on our door in the middle of the night and wouldnt go away...they were freaked out too and told us to call our pensionista Hna. Elli who lives near by. Hna Elli cam over in a split second to help us out. She then called to us from outside. Gues who had been banging on out door for the past half hour...Hno. Richardson, the son of the second sounselor and Branch secretary....LOL¡¡¡ He needed the keys to the capilla¡ Everyone had a good laugh, but for real we were scared¡¡
- Friday night we had a talent show¡ It was so fun, even though we started way late again LOL. Us missionaries presnted a few skits, one about Dear John-ing a missionary LOL¡ and Hna. Mamani and I acted out the story of Alma and Amulek speaking English and Aimara, the native Bolivian language. It was way fun and a really cool experience to bring the branch together.
- Well, saturday was the big day for Hno. Miguel, and we were in a bit of a hurry to go buy the refreshments and the cake. I went to unñock our door to our room, and just my luck, the key snapped in half¡¡ I broke the key to our room¡ I felt so dumb...We had to go and borrow money from Hna.l Ellis son and take a moto to the market to make a copy and then come back. That through us off schedule, and we were unable to go to our one appointment that afteroon before Hno. Miguels baptism...LOL I am such a dork¡
- and now for the big news.....I left Talara¡¡¡ I got transfered the Piura, Ward Ramón Castilla. I also got assigned to be an Hna. Leader. I also am opening an area with my new comp...Like they took out the tow Elders that were here before, and we get to start fresh. AHHH¡¡¡ So scary¡¡ But the Lord will help us, I know it. My new comp. Hna. Carrera, is really great. She is from Trujillo here in Perú and is just as white as me lol¡¡ Everyone thinks she is from the states¡ We are getting akong really well. We got to our area around 9 AM and dropped our stuff off in the room, which was amess¡¡ Those Elders... LOL Then the zone leaders took us to show us where our Pënsionista lives and where we take our laundry. The the Hna. that washes our clothes offered to take us around the area to meet some of the members. We went on a long walk and got to know a few of the members in our ward. Oh by the awy I am now in a ward, not a branch. Hna. Carrera and I took time to organize our stuff and clean the room because it was so dirty. Our Pensionista gave us a ton of food, I had to plead a little that next time she give me les, a lot less! I am a little nervous for this new challenge, but the Lord will help us. At first we thought there wasnt even and Area Book to work off of, but that worked out, so now we are muich better off!
Well, that is what went down this week. Los of new things. Should be a good time! I want you all to know that my testimony has gornw tremendously here in the mission, and I still have a long ways to go. The Church is true!!
I love you all so much! Cuídense!
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