Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Baylee - Happy New Year!‏

January 4 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! How was it? Did you do anything fun? I hope so! Here is what happened this week...
- LOL Monday night we taught Francisco outside his house by the streetlights because none of his family was home! LOL It was silly, but actually pretty nice because it is so much cooler outside than in! Silly moments to remember!
- Our investigator Carmen is really facing a lot of challenges right now. Wed. she had her baptismal interview. At first she didnt want to leave her house to go to the interview because she was worried her son would come home before she got back and be upset with her. I dont really understand the situation but she was worried. The absolutely most amazing thing ever happened. as we worked to convince her that it would be ok, words kind of came flooding out of my mouth that i didnt really think i could say. I invoked my calling as a missionary of the Lord and promised her, as a servant of our Savior, that if we knelt down and prayed right then and their and put our trust in the Lord, everything would be ok. Carmen was still a little hestitant, but we knelt down and we prayed. Thenwe headed out the door and called a moto to take us to the capilla. Carmen then had her interview and all went really well! She passed! She is on track for baptism. My promise was real too because her son was half an hour behind schedule, so he didnt get home until after the interview...but then yesterday she got real sick. With a fever and horrible pains in her stomach. this morning she called us around 8AM and told us she was going to the hospital the emergency room. she asked us to come because none of her family could or even ewanted to. We went of course. She was in terrible pain,. and we suggested a Priesthoood blessing. She agreed and we called the Zone Leaders. They came and gave her a blessing. they stayed with her so we could huyrry back to our room and change into real clothes because }we had left in a hurry in PJs- Throughout the day, she has gotten better little by little. I dont know what went wrong...she is facing so many challenges. the closer she gets to baptism,the more obstacles there are for her to climb. That jusdt goes to show that Satan knows this is true and that we needf to trust in God and beat Satan. Please pray for Hna. Carmen...her baptism is scheduled for this Saturday, and we are praying reall hard that all will be well and she can complete this imnportant ordinance. 
- Wed. night we had a lesson with our other recent convert, Johny. He is really awesome. We talked about the premortal life and the war in heaven. Johny brought up the idea that the war is still going on here omn earth. This is so true! We are fighting a battle against Satan and his angels.  we are working to overcome the darkness and return to the light with our Father in Heaven. We are soldiers in the army of the Lord. Never forget that. You all are here fighting for the good, now we just need to see what kind of effort we will put into our r}fight. Fight a good fight! Finish the course! :)
- In the day on New Years Eve, our Pensionista Hna Ellli and her daughter CAssandra who is 21 came with us toi visit our awesome investigator Miguel. It is crazy to me how Cassandra knows so much. She grew up in the Gospel, and yet she doesnt attend. We all need to remember the importantce and the truthfulness a}of this Gospel. This is a blessing and an opportunity that we cannot loose. There will not be another try. This is it. This is when we have to act, to mo}ake the decision to follow our Savior. Family and friends, please, live the Gospel. Acept it into your heart and mind, fight for the Lord. I guess that is kind of my theme this week. fight for the Lord!
- New Years Eve!! LOL in the day we worked like normal, but at 8PM we went to a FHE with the f. Panta Sosa in the area of the Elders. It was fun and silly, their family is so sweet and humble and fun! Also, Elders Ayala and Alessandri from Enace came, so we had a little party! Liliana fed us some yummy food with delicious juice! Next, Hna. Mamani and I had to hurry back to our room really fast, but first to Hna. Ellis to burn our doll!! LOL ubt it was too late. So we headed back to our room and had a little mini praty to wait out the new year. We made brownies and ate Chirimoya which is a tropical fruit here that is absolutely delicious!! You all have to try it if you get the chance! We also drank IncaCola. At midnight, Hna. Elli and her daughters came knocking on our door and we opened our windows rto watch them burn out doll!! It was crazy to watch it go up in flames. I filmed it! And there were a ton of fireworks and literally everybody was out in the street. So we watched our doll burn to burn away the year. Another interesting traditioin here in Perú for the new year is that people run in a circle around their block with their suitcase so that they have luck to travel all year long. LOL we saw one older gentleman run by our room and we wished him a happy new year! Then Hna. Mamanbi and I closed back up and did another Latino tradition, to eat 12 grapes and make a wish on each one, one for each month of the year. LOL That was something neat, something cool to think about. Especially since this whole next year I will be here in the mission. All of my wishes were chosen with that fact in mind. LOL then we crashed into bed!
- I read a talk this week from the most recent General Conference that I love. I loved it when I heard it and I love it still. It is called If Ye Love me Keep My Commandments by Carole M. Stephens. Please go read it! :)
- We are teaching an investigator named Lesly. She is awesome! She is 22 and super spunky and fun! And what is way cool is she already has a testimony. It has taken her 2 years, dating a member, to finally come to the point where she feels ready to be baptized. and we are helping her complete that inportant ordinance! LOL New YEars Day we spent a lot of time with her in her house because so many people outside were so drunk...LOL she bought us giant slice of chocolate cake and we shared family photos and chatted! Love her! She has a baptismal date for february 6th! :)
- Saturday was another silly moment to remember, teaching outside. We taught Mguel outside! LOL right now we have so many investigators that are men living alone. They are all really great, but we cant teach them in their houses a lone. So we taught outside! It was still a }good lesson! 
- Yesterday, we had 5 investigators come to church!!! and both of out 2 recent converts!! an 3 of our less actives!! and our rescued member too!!! Yesterday was a real good day at church! And the meetings were also very interesting, interesting enough that I was able to focus in realy well! Leslys parents came to church! Lesly has asked us to help her family, to bring them the Gospel. And her paretns came yesterday! They are really awesome people, fun and nice. Her dad is super interested int he Gospel. Her mom is a little hestitant, but she is willing to listen and learn.  I am so excited about that!
- Last night, Hna. Mamani and I made tortillas and fried platanos to make wrap things with ham and cheese and avocado. It was so good! I love platanos fritos!! LOL You all have to try them! Whe I get home I am going to find platanos to fry and I am going to make you all try them! Also it is super easy to cook them! :) 
- Today, Hna. Mamani and I went and borrowed InsideOut and Big Hero 6 from Johny and Eliana, our recent convert and his wife. Our District watched InsideOut!! It was awesome!! We all brought some food to share. Grapes, pa}otato chips, IncaCola, a Peruvian verison of cheetos puffs, mandarines, and some weird Peruvian chocolate bars. I love that movie!! Hna. Shumway and Hna. Valencia crieed, Hna. Mamani and I held back tears since we both had already seen it. Even the Elders like it! We had a good time! :) 
Well that is my week! It was a pretty good week, the only hard part is Hna. Carmen. Please pray for her. She needs all the love and prayers that she can get! 
I love you all so much! I cant belive how fast the ear is already going. it is Jan uary 4th! Make the most of it! Love every minutre! Fight for the Lord! :) 



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