Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Baylee - First reall week in Ramòn Castilla!

February 1 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)

How are we all doing this week?? The life keeps flying by, no? Here is what happened this first week here in Ramòn Castilla!

- My comp, Hna. Carrera, is absolutely fantstic! We are already like the best of friends! We get up at 6 AM and go running together, we make each other breakfast LOL, we have a similar sense of humor, we both really want to work hard. I am so glad to be her companioin during this big change. 
- we have been knocking on a TON of doors lately in our new area because we are starting from almost zero. Just from knocking on hundreds of doors, we found 8 new people that are interested, and they are all wonderful! The missioin goal for new investigators each week is 5, so we were pretty ecstatic to have 8! And almost all of them are really wonderful. We found a family, we a mom and her 5 kids that her really interested in those ^Mormons^ LOL We are helping a lot of new people here!
- Thuersday morning, we went to our first Leaders Meeting at the mission home. We learned so much! There was a discusssion about our responsiblities as leaders in the mission. It made me laugh a little tha District Leaders have the responsiblity of takin care of the other missionaries, but ESPECIALLY the hermanas! LOL As sister leaders, we get to take care of the other hermanas in our zones and we help teach the zone through example. There is a lot of things to do! The meeting was a lot of fun too because we got to see so many of the other wonderful missionaries! Not too much Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen! 
- Also on TH we got to go to our first Ward Council in the Ramòn Castilla Ward. I love the members here!! They are so loving and supportive and really want to help us i this work. We are so blessed to be here with such wonderful people opening this area as newbies! 
- Friday morning we had our first Zone meeting. Zona Castilla is a lot bigger than Talara! And Hna. CArrera and I had a part in the program, we had to teach! LOL The silly thing is That here in the mission, I dont get nervuos about that stuff like I  did back home. It is a great change! We had a good time, and I really like my new Zone! :)
- Friday afternood, we experienced what could almost be called perfect lesson! We were actually looking for a recent convert who apparently doesnt live at his address. We found a mom, her four daughters and son and baby granddaughter. They let us in, and we had a good friendly conversation, and began with a prayer. Then Hna. Carrera and I worked together so perfectly, truly, we did a perfect Ping Pong with the principles of the lesson, we asked questions, we made sure they understood. And what was even better was that the Spirit entered the room. Even with the noises coming from outside and the baby being fussy, the Spirit came in. The mom and two of the daughters paid special attention. They really understood and felt something. At the end of the lesson, I took the opportunity to invite them to be baptized if they learned for themselves that our message was true. One of the daughters gave a clear yes. She was so intenselt interested. The mom agreed a little hestiantly too. And the other kids agreed to pray about it. We finished the lesson with the mom praying, and we planned to return another day, everything! That was a lesson I will never forget, almost perect! :)
- Here in Ramòn Castilla, we eat lunch with members Saturdays and _Sundays. So this week we ate with two families, really great families! The opnly bad thing about eating with members is they serve rice...Of course rice is the norm here, but our Pensionista Hna. Malena asked us what we wanted. So with her, we arent eating rice. We eat lots of veggies and lots of chicken! It is totally cool by me, but with they members they serve HUGE portions of rice! On Sunday we had rice AND noodles! LOL It is all really good but SO MUCH! LOL
- Our church meetings here in Ramòn Castilla start at 8:20 AM and are backwards, starting with Relief Society, then Sunday School,. then Sacrament Meeting. Since it was the 5 th Sunday, we were combined for Relief Society andElders Quorum. The lesson was fantastic!! Hno. Alan shared a lesson about the importance of the Sabbath Day, and he specifically pulled out two words from the sacrament prayers, Bless and Sanctify. There are some really cool meanings attached to those words adn it really put the sacrament into a different perspective! The meetings were all really great! I love this Ward! :)
- Today, Hna. Carrera and I did some DEEEEEEEPPP Cleaning of our apartment because I am pretty sure those Elders never cleaned...LOL It took all morning. At 1 PM, We came over here to a mall clled Open Plaza and ate at Chilis!!! LOL There is a Chilis here in Piura! Lots of missionaries were there so we sat with a bunch of other Hermanas and chatted. It was great! I relly liked Talara, but the benefits of Piura are huge! :) 

Well, that is my week! We are working hard everyday! I love you all! Yo sè que este Evangelio es la verdad, sin dudas! Estamos andando en el sendero del Señor y tenemos que permanecer aquí! Cierto, Jesucristo es nuestro Salvador y nos ama con un amor infinito! Sean fiel, todos! Les extraño mucho, pero sè que yo tengo que estar aquí sirviendo el Señor. Les amo muchismo!! :) Hasta la próxima semana! 



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