Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)
¿Cómo Están? Espero que todo está bien! :) LOL This week has been a pretty good week here in the mission. Here is what happened...
- Last Monday night, we had a FHE with the Bishop and his family and a few people they invited. Hna. Carrera and I showed a new movie we had gotten from the Zone Leaders called On the Way Home. I had never seen it before, but it was awesome! I is about a fmily that lost the wyoungest daughter and has a whole lot of problems, but then one of the other daughters friends shares the Gospel, they meet the missionaries, and are eventually baptized, changing their lives forever. It was a really spiritual night tht we shared in Bishops home! I definitely recommend the movie!
- Tuesday, Hna. Carrera and I did our first Intercambios! Hna. Carrera went with Hna Tinini in CAtacaos, and I brought Hna. Ramirez here to Ramón Castilla. Hna. Ramirez is great! She has 16 months in the mission, so I know I learned a lot more from here than she could learn from me, but we had a good time! LOL We taught a lesson to three kids, 9, 10, and 12 years old! It was an awesome lesson though becuse they are so receptive and really love Jesus. They all agreed that it was so important to do what Jesus did, like be baptized by immersion by someone with the Priesthood when we are atthe age where we can understand and consciously make the decision. It was pretty neat! With Hna. Ramirez, we also taught a recente conert named Joel. We taught him about thebasics, praying, reading the acriptures, attending church. But Hna. Rmairez taught me to make the lesson more personal, to share personal experiences, to pply the idesa more directly to the person. I was able to share my epereicen with 2 Nephi 4 and I felt the spirit more than I had before. That was way cool!
- Wednesday night, Hna. Carrera and I got called into a meeting with the Zone Leaders, PResidente Rasmussen, and the Castilla Stake President. At first, I was way worried LOL but we ended up talking about how we, as leaders here in Castilla, can help the work progress in the whole Stake. We ultimately decided to start with our area, Ramón Castilla. We are going to do a Mormon invasion february 20th. That basically means that all the missionaries in the zone are going to come to our area for an afternoon, and all the members are going o come, and we are going to attack to area. Visit less actives, knock on doors, contact in the streets. EVERYTHING! Should be pretty neat!
-This week we also had our first District meeting. Our district is great! Hna. CArrera and I, the Zone leaders Elder Machaca and Elder Clawson, and Elder Elizalde and Elder Osmond. The absolute best part of that meeting came when Elder Osmond, the comp of the District Leader, shared his thought from the mission manual. He read from the section about leaders. Then he made a hysterial comment....¨We are all leaders here. Well, you are all leaders. I am just junior companion! Without respnsibility!¨ LOL he said it in such a way that we could help but laugh! LOL and Hna. Carrera and I have been bringing it up to each other all throughout the week and we still laugh every time! But its true that our district has a lot a leaders, so we have been asked to set the standard. We need to work harder than ever, jut like always ;D
- Thusrday afternoon, we had a zone service project! We all went to Catacaos nd cleaned the market! Wow...it wsa so so sooooo dirty! Like no one had cleaned it in years. We dedicated a good 2 hours with 22 misssionaries and a bunch of others sweeping up all the trash and dirt and gunk. But it felt good to serve, and we talked to a lot people who were super confused why North Americans were sweeping the mrket floor! LOL Good opportunities.
- Friday night we had a Noche Misional. Hna. Carrera and I were put in charge of mking the treats...Microwave Brownies! LOL our Ward Mission Leader Hno Buenaventura bought the supplies and we made the brownies in our room. There ended up being more than 100!!!! LOL we made such a mess in our kitchen! I actually ended up burning my fingers because I was trying to do it all super fast and I dropped one of the brownies from the microwave and the nuked chocolatey goo felll on my fingers. But I am ok, it was more funny than anything LOL. The Noche Misional was a music night. Hno. Buenadventura asked me to teach a little of how to read music, specifically the Hymns, and than listen to people sing and find their part for the chior they wnat to put together. LOL They think I am some msic genius or something since I know how to read notes and play the piano a little. LOL but it was good fun. At the end, the guilted me into a singing a little solo, so I sang a verse of The Lord is my Light in Spanish. And then they attacked the Brownies LOL thaey had ever had the before and they loved them!
- There is a new iniciative in our mission called Como Comenzar a Bautizar. From Preach my Gospel we have Como Comenzar a Enseñar, but now we have received steps to follow to teach The REstoration, invite people to be baptized nd plan abaptismal date all in 15 minutes. Its a new method for when we are knocking on doors and enter houses for the first time. it haelps us discern see the people we are teaching have realy interest or are just there to listen or be our friends. Hna. Carrera nd I used this three times this week, and it really worked. We found out on ldy really didnt want it and we ùt a baptismal date with two other people, all in the first lesson! It is a little difficult, but its also super effective!
- At church yesterday, we witnessed a little bit of a miracle. We had a quite a few investigators at the meetings, and one of them was a investigaor who had been listening to the Elders before. It was the first time we met him because we had been by his house and couldnt ever find him at home. He seemed nice enough, but then during sacrament meeting, when it was time for the congregation to get up and bear their testimonies since it was fast anf testimony meeting, the man, Ronaldo, got up. He bore his testimony right there in front of all the members, and he has only listened to lesson 1! He tlked about how ihe knows this is Gods holy church and how he wants to be baptized, that he cant wait to one day call all of them brother or sister. All of this and it was the first day we met him! Bishop was gesturing to us signs of water, baptism, all of it! Like Ronaldo is a golden investigator! Hna. Carera nd I are going to work real hard with him, and he is going to enter the waters of baptism, I know it! :)
- Well I heard a story yesterday that is really intersting. I guess in a little town near where Hna. Carrera lives, the people are super super Catholic. A companionship of missionaries got sent there, and the peple abused them . Spit on them, hit them, threw things at them, everything. These missionaries called the mission president to tell him, and the president told them to ¨shake the dust from their shoes¨and leave immediately. In the fllowing week after this experience, there was a huge earthquake. All of that little town was destroyed and the only survivors were a teacher and a bunch of kids who were in one of those safety circles. A week after flat out rejecting the Gospel. tehe people were destroyed...I dont know if that is a true story, but it is a good lesson the learn. The Gospel will go forth, and if people are nwilling to accept it, there will be conseqiuences. Interesting, no?
- Today Hna. Carrera and I went on a run...with our bags of dirty clothes! LOL we ran to Hna. Lilianas to drop of the clothes then kept running. People gave us the weirdest looks LOL. Also, this morning Hna. Carrera and I made popcorn and brownies and then we went and watched The Best Two Years with our Dirstrict! It wsa a good time :)
Well, theres my week! Everyday just kind of seems to slip by, without even being noticed! I hope ll is well at home! Be good! Love you all! :)
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