Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
How are we all doing?? How is life back home? I hope you are all finding happiness and blessings in your lovely lives LOL :) Sorry that was a little chessy, but it is true! Heres what happened this week, this crzy busy, chock-full week!
- First off, FRANCISCO! LOL He was a big fous this week! Monday, we cut our Pday short to go visit him to fill out his baptismal sheet. Guess what??!! He has 20 kids!!! How crazy is that...Anyway LOL Tuesday he then had his baptismal interview, and he passed! We visited with him Wed and Thurs and then Friday, he was baptized! The bptism was relly great. We had to wait for a lot of things, like there was tons of opposition. But about an hour late, we started, and Francisco was able to be cleansed completely and start his new life in Christ. When he cme out of the water, he was smiling so wide! He was just the happiest little 80 year old man I have ever seen! LOL but he doesnt look a day over 70. Sunday, Francisco was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of LAtter Day Saints, and he told us he just felt such a peace in hi heart. It was a good day :)
- Ok, Tuesday, our Zone had a multi zone conference with Piura CEntral. It was a great conference! We learned a lot. Presidente showed us the new standards for the area of South America North West. Lots of the standards fosuc in on the Priesthood because we need the Priesthood in order for the cChurch to grow. One of the big things was increasing the neumber of young men leaving on a mission. We need more! Every single one of you that are preparing or couold be preparing need to get going nd get out there! Dont delay! Another anwesome thing from the conference was that Presidente invited a few of the recent converts from our zones to come and talk with us. They shared their conversion stories and then answered questions. tht was something I had never expereienced before and it ws pretty neat!
- After the conference, Hna. Carrera and I began Intercambios with Hn. Ramirez and Hna. Tiñini. Hna. Tiñini came to our area with me and we had a good time. LOL We found a new investigator and I decided to be a little more direct with him because h was the head of the family. It worked so well! I have now decidd that being direct is much more effective, and it is my new goal to mbe more direct with all of our investigators!
- Wed Hna. Carrera dn I taught one of our recent converts, Joel. We taught him about the importance of serving a mission! We sang Called to Serve t start, we read D&C 4, and I was able to share my experience with Hno. Francisco back in Talara. It was a great lesson. Joel is so great and really needs top serve mission! He is 21, so he is right there ready for it!
- Thursday was an awesome day! We had a Sisters Training meeting with all of the Hermanas in the mission! You can probably imagine how different a meeting with all the Hermanas is than with the Elders. The mission ws home ws made up all pretty, and we sang beautiful songs, and it was so much more tranquil! We learned some fantastic stuff! WE started off the meeting by watching a music video from the BYU womens acapella group Noteworthy, one I hadnt seen yet, and it was beautiful! They sang Amazing Grace! I definitely recommend it! I was asked to lead the msic, so I got to stand in front of all those lovely sisters and listen ot the magnificent chorus as we belted ourt As sisters in Zion, I LKnow that my REdeemer Lives, and Carry On. It ws awesome! Hna. Rasmussen had a few friends there visiting, one tht had been there before and who I had met in Talara,.. Her name is Bev and she taught a class out being Bold. We are not here in the mission to be visiting teachers, we are here to be missionaries, so we cant just be their friends nd check up on them. we need to teach repentance and baptize cnverts. We need to use our time to the max and we cant do that if we are timid. It was a great class!
- Friday, Hna. Carrera and I held a mini- CCM here in our ward. We taught the members how tp teach the new Como Comenzar a Bautizar and did pracitces with them. LOL it was so funny to watch them trying to do it. It reminds me of how I was bck in my first lessons in the CCM!!
- Saturday was a crazy day! We hd almost all of the Zone here in our area. We had an invasion! LOL a Mormon invasion. We sent out all of the missionaries with members and we knocked on al of the doors in ourarea and talked to everyone. It was a little stressful, but it was so sucessful! We now had 5 more investigators with a baptismal date and tons of references to follow up on. Afterward, we all joined back up at the capilla and had some refreshments and belted out Carry On, our mission song. It was a good time!
- Last night, Hn. carrera and I had a few assignments to fulfill. We had to fill up 100 water balloons and make brownies for the zone! LOL you can imagine what we did today! LOL it was sooo fun! We went to the stake center. Getting there was such a big event because Hna. Carrera nd I had to bring the giant wash bin filled with the balloons as well as the brownies and even more we had to bring our dirty cltohes over to Hna. Lilianas! It was an adventure alright! At the stake center, we started off by playing volleyball! I was pretty darn happy about that. MY team won :) Nest we played some soccer, of course! LOL my tem also won but that was because we had Elder Elizalde and he played on one of the most famous club soccer teams in Argentina before the mission. Following the sports came the water! We had over 700 water balloons and we just kind attacked each other. we tried to do teams, but it kind of ended up being everyone against everyone. A lot more against us Hna.s Especially Hna. Tiñini because she ran and showed her fear LOL The Elders cornered her and just beat her with the balloons. I got to giant buckets of water thrown on me and tons of balloons. The Elders made sure that my hair was soaking! But it was so great! We shared the brownies and took some photos, and then Elder Elizalde, Elder Harris, and a member and I were playing a little bit of volleyball. As I turned to pass a shanked ball, Elder MAchaca and his ´son´ Elder Almond launched two more ovreflowing buckets of water into my face, of which I inhaled! LOL I felt like I was drowningg! Elder Elizalde, like the good District leader he is, immediately checked to make sure I was ok even though he laughing so hard, as were everyne else. I am still dripping!! It was a real fun time! Afterward was als fun because out little district of 6 stayed behind and cleaned the hallways that were soaked. We laughed and it was wonderful! :)
- Oh ya funny story, this morning we were woken up at 4:30 AM be the rain beating down on the roof, water coming in to our apartment! We had to get out of bed and put buckets under the pts that were dripping! Rain like that just doesnt happen in Piura! it is crazy and right now it is so hot and humid!!
Well tht was my week! Super busy with lots of big activities! :) I know that i learned a ton this week! :) Hasta la proxima semana!
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