So we went to visit Fran the old man and he is alive and well. And there was water. So they helped him bathe and we cleaned his house. The branch attempted a Cosecha. That is when the members come and we go visit other people like less actives. It didn´t work well because they didn´t announce it but they tried. We did it to invite people to the Stake conference in VNavarrete so that we could get more people coming.
Found a quote I liked. I know it isn´t easy. It´s discouraging at times, sure, Aren´t you glad it isn´t beautiful all the time? Those valleys of discouragement make more beutiful the peaks of achievement. and that is from Pte. Gordon B. Hinckley and it made me smile.
Sunday we met up at the church at 8 but didn´t end up leaving until like 9 and then we got there 15 mins before the conference began. It was strnage becasue I didn´t recognize any of the faces except the missionaries pte and hermana Castillo and the temple pte and his wife. They talked about how the temple is important and we need to use it as often as possible. Then we came home and had a good lesson with Wiliam. I think he is understanding the importance of the Fall of Adam and Eve. Then we had an awesome lesson with a lady named Sori She was listening real intently and it all made sense to her. We hope that she reads and that the next lesson will be a good one too.
Monday we had intercambios and I went to Navarrete with hna Nauca and that was good I was able to meet the Stake Presidente and his family they are really sweet people. We talked a lot and it was good I have gone on intercambios with her 2 other times.
Yesterday we had a good talk with Presidente Javier the Branch presidente and he knows that the members aren´t doing anything how they should and doesn´t know what he should do so we are going to help him ad hopefully get Presidente Castillo to come and do a capacitation to help them out. They need a bit of a jump start. Then to finish the night off we got ICE CREAM. It was good. Hna Palmer has 5 months in the mission! We also had interviews and that is always fun. I told Presidente about the house and he was all WOW... just WOW. It was funny.
Anyways love you all!! Be GOOD!
Look what I found!!!
Todo Bien!!!
Hermana Buchanan
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