February 18 2016
Yesterday was a long day and we are still recovering and so we are writing today.
We have had a good week. Thursday we were at a lesson and it looked like rain and then it started to rain so we just sat closer to the house so we wouldn´t get super wet the lady left and went into her house so my and hna Palmer sang the first verse of each himno we knew so we got to 49. It was a good way to waste time. We didn´t have an umbrella so we were waiting for a pass so get to the house and get the umbrella. Then we had a lesson with a youth who is an investigator and she actually was listening and learning other times when her mom who is a member and if her friend is there she gets embarassed and stops listening and is worried about what they think. So it was cool to see the Spirit touch her and see her actually understanding.
Friday we had our normal service project. Every morning we the elders and us go to an old man´s house named Fran and the Elders get him out of his bed and help him take a bath. Me and hermana palmer wait outside and then we sweep the floor. Well we got there and he was still sleeping and then there also isn´t any water. There was a little in a bucket so we were going to use that and it was needed because he was laying in his own urine in his bed. This man has no strength in th first place to get himself out of bed he has a bucket by the side of his bed as a toilet. He lives alone people give him food everyso often but we don´t know how often anyways the elders went to help him into the chair so they could bathe him and he couldn´t move the left side of his body. Not at all. Then my first aid class knowledge kicked in and I remember what Aimee Binning told us to help us recognize a stroke. Get them to smile and if they can´t it could be a stroke. He couldn´t smile and his mouth on the left side was drooping down. I was this man needs to get to a hospital. We called the only member with a truck and he was out in his campo far away. We called the man´s son and he didn´t answer. We called the office so that I could know the word for stroke in Spanish and the assistant told us to call 911 but there is no 911 in Sabaneta. We eventually got someone with a truck there were 3 men. 2 who were drunk and the let us know that and the one who was driving was not drunk thankfully. They had to dress him in his sunday best to take him to the hospital I was all just put some pants on him and go. They left the house to ask the neighbors for a belt. We as a district of americans were a bit annoyed with them but they finally got him to the hospital. We have heard that he is back at home probably alone. We will pass by tomorrow and we will see.
Saturday we had a lesson with Wendy a contact that we made that had met with the sisters before but they never came back and she had a friend over and we talked for a long time. The friend is really intersted so we got a reference. It was a good lesson.
Sunday we went to Wiliam´s house and he needs a lot more time to prepare for baptism. He needs to understand the Plan of Salvation better. He needs to understand the need for the Atonement and how the plan was this way from the very beginning. It is amazing.
Monday we had a lesson with Wendy and we talked more about the plan of Salvation. She understands it but still asks but why? why do we have to suffer? I am sure we all ask that question but then we know that it is to gain experience so we can be prepared for eternal life. There is a purpose for all things.
Tuesday morning we had a service at the branch pres house and we jsut sat there and we ended up sweeping the floor and sitting some more because we are sisters and so the elders helped make cement so they can make a wall in the back of the house.
WEdnesday we went to Santiago. I went into the doctors so I could ask a question about my numb foot. and then we went to the grocery store and then we went and had lunch at wendy´s is was really good. And then we went to PriceSmart to wait for the guy who makes the scripture covers so hna Palmer could order her´s and then we met up with other missionaries there since it was lunch time. and then we went o calle del sol and then we went to the office and I finally wrote my testimony in a Book of Mormon for the doctor who helped me when I was in the hosptial in Santiago and then we went to go write and the internet center was full of missionaries so we decided we´d go home and we´d write the next day since it was 4:30 and we had a 2 hour ride home still. We got back at 6:50 and then we swang by the internet center to see what time it opens and then we went to the church for the activity.
Today we woke up dead we are beat from our travels. We planned and had lunch and came to write we have a full day of lessons and a meeting. I love this work with all my heart. It is hard but it is all worth it every single part of it.
I am learning more and more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and my love for Him grows and grows. Always seek to learn more and understnad it.
I love you all!!
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