Thursday, April 28, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 27 Abril 2016‏

April 27 2015

Well this last week was a a good week. I forgot my old adenga so we shall see how well my brain works.

Bueno. Saturday we had a day of planning basically. We had planned to have a huge activity party thing at the church in the evening and in the morning the branch president calls to tell us that there isn´t going to be sancocho but we´ll have salami and cheese and crackers. We were really quite bummed at the dedication of the members. But at the activity there were losts of members not to many from the community like we were hoping for. But there was no thanks to the big dark cloud that hung in the sky and then dumped a lot of water on the ground. But the turn out was a good and we had baptisms. Yorki got baptized!!! He was very happy. There were also 3 other baptisms of youth whose records got lost and there was no proof that they were baptized so they were RE-baptized. It was a good day in the end stressful and I wanted to sit down and let someone else do the work but it all worked out in the end. I had to remember they most important thing that could happen today is that these people are entering the door to eternal life. 

Oh my goodness Sunday at church in sacrament meeting it was ridiculous. So for the talks they have each organization have a sunday so this week was the young men. Only two talked the others chickened out. Then Presidente Martinez had a member named Justo give a last minute talk. I have no idea what he talked about but I felt like I was in an Evangelical church. There was very loud almost shouting talking happening. I was about to get up and wait in a different room. But we survived. After church I made a cake to take to Yorki´s because it was his birthday so we took that oppotunity to make a cake so we could eat it. His family appreciated it.

Monday we had a zone meeting in Montecristi. We again were the first ones there. It was funny though there again wasn´t power. And so the elders were trying to find the breaker to turn it on and it was in the kitchen but they didn´t have keys to the kitchen so above the door are glass shutters. so they put a table up to it and took the glass parts out and climbed up through the window so that we could turn the fans on. It was funny.

Tuesday we went and visited with an old investigator named Franchesca she is super sweet and we talked about the Restoration and then we visited with a reference from a member named Maricela and we talked about God is our Heavenly Fathers to Prophets and she wants to know which church is true. So we are going to help her learn more. Then we booked it to the ice cream place so we could keep the tradiation of P-Day Eve  Ice Cream a live. 

Today we cleaned the house which was very much needed thank so the dusty street in front of our house and then we went to get the copies of the keys we had done so we could have copies for the church but we go them on like Saturday and yesterday we found out that they don´t work so we brought them back and they played with them then went and tried them and we got one key to work just have to know the secret and then the other they had to redo. But we now have keys. Then we played Volleyball. Can´t wait to play with people who know how. And I got burnt from my elbows to my hands and my face everything else is fine. Then we went and ate pizza and played a card game called Scum. It was fun. Then we left and got ready and came to write. 

Hoep ya´ll are being good. A scripture that I liked is Alma 34:31-35.

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baylee - First Week of the Transfer‏

April 25 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)

I hope this week was a good one for each of you! My week went well, the frist week with Hna. Apeña. I have to apologize right a¿off the bat, but I dont have photos of Hna. Apeña yet because my _USB wasnt workign with me today LOL But next week I will send some! Here is what happened this week!

- First off, a little bit mroe about Hna. Apeña. She is awesome! LOL We can carry on a good conversation with ease and we are able to teach really well together. Even though we havent been able to practice all the lessons together yet, we listen to one another and help each other out and every lesson had gone well thus far. Some silly things about her are that she doesnt like pepper, not one bit, she has read the Book of Mormon three times in her mission thus far, yesterday she completed 13 months in teh mission, and she is a really good listener! Our first week together had been great!
- Monday night, we had a little sleepover with Hna. Dorado because she was going to train and had to wait for her daughter to come. It was a fun night! LOL I can do a trio for one day!
- Wed. we taught our convert Francisco. He is so happy and loving, truly this Gospel has changed huis life. We asked if his youngest son, Georgi, would be interested in listening to the lessons, and Fransiscoc face lit up. He called in Georgi and we talked to him about it. Georgi agreed! So now we are going to help Francisco bring together his eternal family! WoooHoo! :)
- Wednesday night, we had a meeting with Bishop and our ward mission leader. LOL Hno. Buenaventura{s sone, Arturo came along and he brought his little pet, a bright bright green tiny lizard!! I got super excited! LOL I was able to hold the lizard and everything :) 
- Thursday we had our first District meeting. The District is a little different without Elde rMachaca, but its still a pretty good group of missinaries. We put some District goals. We are planning a Noche Blanca for the 28th of May, a mass baptismal service combining two Districts. The goal is that each of us companionships can bring 2 or 3 people and we can have a giant celebration. We have also placed goals to have more lessons with members present, in order to hellp us reach our baptismal goal. I am pretty excited for all of that!
- Thursday evening, we enlisted the ward council to help us reach our goals. Our ward has a yearly baptismal goal of 15 baptisms, and we only hve 1 so far. So this wee we put goasl for each organization. 2 baptisms for each organization, and 2 more from us missionaries knocking on doors and looking for people on our own. In total, in will be 18 more baptisms, so 19 for the whole year. WooHoo!! :)
- Friday we met with Hno. Danny, the oh so famous Hno. Danny. And we asked himt o tell us his baptismal date since last week we assigned him the homework of choosing the date....guess what date he has put...June 25th...Like 2 months away!! And I will probably be in a another area!! That is kind of hard, but the important thing is that Danny gets baptized. He needs this Gospel, and he knows it!
This week, we had a cool experience with a new internet program we use called Referral Manager. we use it to pass references to different areas,and it is super fast. Tuesday night, we were knocking on doors and made a contact with a man named Thomas, a really great man who wanted to learn but was alone so we couldnt go in to teach (mission rules). Then, Wednesday, we got on Referral Manager to pass along a few references, and we received the reference of another man named Thomas. Unknowingly, we went and sought out the reference, and it ended up being the same guy! This time, we had a member with us, so we were able to teach. He is fantastic! So prepared for this Gospel, an the Lord was guiding us to him through all the means possible. Now we are teaching him, and he is wonderful! A really neat experience!
- Friday, we once again visited with Hno. Francsico, but this time Hna. Grecia accompanied us. She brought along her 5 year old little sister, Lucero, and it was such a silly fun time. Lucero came and stood riht in front of me after lesson, the looked me dead in the eye for a second, then dived in for a hug and didnt want ot let go! LOL That little girl is just the cutest! :) 
- Saturday we had a lesson with Hno. Joel about service, stewardship, and enduring to the end. He is facing afew trials right now within the ward with other members, so we talked about the need to take care of our stewardship and magnify our calllings, and serce the Lord in spite of what might be going on around us. A really awesome scripture that me shared was Doctrine and Convenats 104:11-13. Some good stuff! Really clear and straight forward.
- Sunday morning, as we entered the gate to the grounds of the capilla, we were greeted by 6 itty bitty grey blue-eyed kittens! LOL I am not sure where they came from, but they were running around! The leader hesitatnly approached Hna. Apeña and thent he rest followed! Them they decided it would be fun to go inside the capilla! LOL the members had to round them up, the little rascals! Relief society Sunday was goood. We talked about showing our gratitude to God and serving others. Truly, we are all called to serve and be the Lords hands ot bless the lives of others here on earth. Remember, When you are in the serivce of your fellowbeigns, ye are only in the service of your God! 
- Today, Hna. Apeña and I made our own lunch and cleaned the aprtment and chilled. I made us some wraps with homemade tortillas, scrambled eggs, sausage, guacamole, cheese, tomatoes, and onions. Oh so good! :) LOL a good Pday!

Well, thats about it for this week! I am so grateful for the guidance of the Spirit, for this wonderful Gospel, and for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sé que la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días es la iglesia verdadera, el reino de Dios en la tierra. El tiempo aquí es sagrado y cada día hay tantas bendiciones y testamentos que vienen para testificar que estoy en la verdad. Gracias por todo su apoyo y su amor! Son esencial para mi! Les amo bastante! Hasta la próxima semana! :) 



Thursday, April 21, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 20 Abril 2016‏

April 20 2016

Good Day!!

So last week to finish wednesday off we visited with a less active and her mom. Her mom this time actually sat and talked with us and wants to learn more. The less active´s little brother likes to go to church so we are going to work with them becasue the brother is 8 so that would be awesome to have the family fully baptized.

Thursday we visited with Yerika and talked about the first part of the Plan of Salvation and she really liked it. She has had many trials in her life so I know that the plan will give her comfort and animo. Then we were able to meet with a less active who wants to serve a mision so we gave him a Preach My Gospel to help him study. Then we finished the night off visiting Yorki and we talked about the importance to pray frequently and Study the scriptures. He is such a good peron. He is on track to be baptized this weekend. Funny story. When we were walking to his house there was a goose in front of a house with its neck stretched and looking up and honking. It you know anything about my fear of birds, bunnies, mices, coroaches, I was a bit concerned. On the way home he was still there. OK on this street there are really no lights just from the house lights from the porch so you can´t really see this goose very well and so I was all where is he and we were looking at him and then he lowered his head and then took one step forward and I was gone. I ran to the corner of the street. Stopped becasue there were people at the end and then I turned and people in the nearest housewere sitting outside and were laughing at me and then I looked to see where my companion was becasue she was not behind me. She was still where I had started running bent over laughing. It was hilarious I was laughing. Then I thought oh man one more thing my mom can tease me about. OHHH the GOOSE is gonna GET you I can just see it. 

Friday we washed dishes for a recent convert and then we taught her about the importance to pray. Then we went and taught a man named Julian Castro. He is funny. His heart still needs to soften a little to fully accept, so pray for him. Then we had a branch activity at a less actives house. We a all gathered in the house and by the front door. There was a little old lady that can´t hear anything and was cold so she was letting everyone hear about it and then they gave her a blanket and then she need to go to the bathroom. It was a little silly.

Saturday we young girl of 16 years died of dengue and literally everyone was there. So the day was really slow. We visited with two less active sisters Liscett and Lisbet and talked about the youth theme 2 Nephi 31:20. Then we had english class and that was a bit stressful. Then we went to go visit Yorki becasue the girl that died was his friend and the last time we visited him he asked us to pray for her. So we want to see how he was doing but he wasn´t there. Then we visited a less active named Arnold and he committed to go to church.

Sunday Arnold came to church!!! And then the children of Yerika came to church as well at 8:30 we stopped by her house and she was getting the kids ready and they were mostly all ready, but she didn´t go becasue her throat was killing her. And she had a fever. But after church we stopped by and talked about the plan of salvation again and especially about the Atonement. Then we had our meeting with a mision leader and the elders were super late so we stared super late. 

Monday we had a lunch meeting with the leaders and we went and got pizza. We had the meeting to talk about what were are going to do for this ward activity we are doing at the end of this week. We talked and then decided to go present our ideas to the presidente in the meetings on tuesday night so all the leaders will be there. Then we taught Erika the cousin of Hna Cortorreal about the Book of Mormon and then we taught a an older lady named Panchita about the plan of salvation. She was sweet. Thenwe taught Lisbet about the word of wisdom and then we were at the house of Familia Martinez so we joined in the Family Home Evening and then we went to Yorki´s.

Tuesday We had the zone meeting in Montecristi and we found out what is happening with transfers. I am going to die here in Villa Vasquez with my daughter!!! I am so glad that I don´t have to pack again until it is time to go home. In the even ing we had the meeting it was suppose to start at 7 didn´t start until 8. A member was having a birthday party so she wanted us to go so we did and we sang happy birthday and used that so waste time and wait for the meeting and people to show up we don´t have keys to the church so we either wait outside or we could go to the birthday party. The branch eventually understood what we wanted and they are really excited. So are we it is just sad because Elder Spencer won´t be here to enjoy Sancocho!!! 

Wednesday!! Today we went to Caribe Tours the meeting spot for transfers even though we didn´t need to and we shouldn´t have but I had two companions dying and I needed to give them things so we went. We had lunch in WEndy´s and then we went to La Sirena and then we went right home so we could take a little nap before writing and so here we are now.

Time keeps on flying. My last transfer starts today. That´s strange........

Anyways love you all!! 

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Baylee - Transfers!!!‏

April 18 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

¿Cómo están?? I hope you are all doing fantastic! My week went really well, here is what happened...

- Last Monday night, we had an FHE with the family of our Ward mission Leader, Hno. Buenaventura. We invited Hno. Danny, our awesome investigator that I have mentioned a few times. LOL We decided to start our lesson a little differently this time; This time we started with the game! LOL They were all so excited to get up and moving right off the bat. We played a few rounds of the beloved game TELEPHONE! LOL all with the purpose that when we pray directly to God, we get a direct answer! The lesson worked perfectly! We were able to talk a¿of the need to pray constantly and in the right form and the to right person. Also, a few of the people present talked about how it could be applied to listening to the voice of living prophets, not letting anyone else change your believes, and paying close attention to the impressions of the Spirit. All in all, it was a really good lesson, especially for Hno. Danny! 
- Tuesday, we had a real lesson with Danny and taught about temples, eternal marriage, and family history work. It was a really neat lesson and Danny was super interested once he understood. It also really helped that Hna. Flor, the wife of the Bishop of Jorge Chavez, accompanied us and bore her testimony and helped Danny feel better about all the new info. Now Danny comprehends jusdt a little bit beter just how imnportant it is to be baptized in order to receive the marvelous blessings of the temple!
- Tuesday, we also found a new investigator, a really awesome Hna. named Isis. As we taught her the first lesson, her face was just glowing. We bore testimony and told her that this Gospel with truly bless her and her two daughters, and her respnse was Thats what I want. Wow when she said that, my heart filled to almost bursting with the Spirit! LOL then she asked if she would have to give up ballet, since she loves to dance. LOL I am not sure where people get these crazy thoughts about our church! I told her that if dancing makes her happy, DANCE! In a healthy way of course, but DANCE! :)
- Wednesday we met up once again with our District and the other dirstrict neazrby to pracitce for the Stake Talent Show this week. LOL our sketch turned out pretty siilly, even with emergency trasnfers forcing us to change some parts. My favorite part was when the Elders wake up and one begins doing arm curls with a water bottle and the other climbs back into bed! Oh the life LOL After praticing the sketch, we practiced the song the we had planned, It is called I have a testimony but in Spanish. I once again was asked to play the piano even though I am really not all that great..but it sounded good. We ended up deciding to have three Elders start out with a trio and then build from there, adding people in o every line. The three Elders sounded awesome! They were all so shy and nervous to single solos, but it turned out great! 
- Thrusday was our last District meeting of the sad! I have really loved this District! We did a little goodbye thing for Elder Machaca because he heads home to Arequipa tomorrow...Each of us took a moment to bear our testimonies and it was super owerful. For our part of the lesson, Hna. Carrera and I started off by singing a little mashup of Hymns about trusting in the Spirit, just to be different! It was also very spiritual. What I love most about this District is that we can have so much fun and laugh a ton and we can also have the most powerful spiritual moments. We also enjoyed an alomst Oreo pie, the closest I could get with it being so crazy hot here! Oh, and now our District name is the District LOs Pámpanos, just so every knows, in rembrance of Elder Machaca!
- Thursday afternoon, I went on Intercambios with Hna. Mamani in Catacaos. It was just ike old times, being comps again! :) We had areally good time! Oh I miss that girl. We were able to teach a few lessons together and talk a whole bun ch! She is my favorite! :)
- Friday we again taught Hno. Danny, and this was the last lesson of the required lessons. We talked about baptism and confirmation once again, and that need of enduring to the end. I explained the Danny that everything we invited him to do is truly and invitationto prepare for the eternities, because it is the little acts we do to follow Chrs¿ist that will get us there. That left him super thoughtful. and then Hna. Carrera and I both felt impressed to leave the decision up to him. We invited him to pray and plan his baptismal date. He agreed! So now we wait to find out when it will be!
- Friday night was the talent show!! LOL so silly!! Elder Elizalde out District leader told us that we could bring costume stuff to change into. My costume ended up being just jeans and a Tshirt with an apron and a baseball cap, but I felt so uncomfortabel! I put jeans on for the first time in more than 9 months!!! You cannot imagin how weird that was! LOL The skit turned out pretty good, at least we were laughing, the return missionaries were laughing, and Presidente was laughing. The giant sun we made that said 45 degrees Celsius (like 115 degree F) was the funniest part, I think! 
-Saturday was a bit of an intersting day. All of our appointments fell through, every single one. However we had a member with us so we really wanted to get a lesson with a member present. We began searching out all of the investigators in our agenda. Out last option was an investigator we had taught only once and whos mom had basically yelled us away from her door the last time we knocked. The investigator is like 28, so that was frustrating and weird. But anyway, we decided to try again. This time he was home alone, and we were able to teach him since we had a member. The coolest part is that he told us he had been thinking about our message ever since our last visit, hoping we would come by again. We explained the thing with his mom and his face kind of lit up. He said he really wants to change his life and that he will do all he can to come to church next week and read the Book of Mormon. Hisdesire is sincere and real! So that made my day!
- Saturady night receivedthe news about our transfers!! LOL everything was up in the air sing Hna. CArrera and I came to the area together, but turns out she got trasnfered to Paita and I am staying here in Ramon Castilla for another trasnfer. My new companion is Hna. Apeña. She is from Callao, Lima, Perú and she is a little fireball. She is the only member in her family and her testimony is crazy strong! She is also tiny!! LOL I look like a giant next to her! I am really excited to be her companion because I have heard wonderful things about her and she is the daughter of my favorite ex-missionary, Hna. Ziegner! :) This is going  be a good transfer! :)

Well, that was my week! I had some wonderful moments finishign out the transfer! I love you all so much! :) Hasta la próxima semana!



Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Brielle - wed 13 abril 2016‏

April 13 2016

So this week was a good week...

Thursday was a packed full day and at the end we were wiped out. We found 5 new investigators and we taught a sister named Yerika about the restoration and then we invited her to be baptized at the end and she said she couldn´t say yes and she couldn´t say no because she needs to make changes in her life. It was an amazing thing to see that she understood the importance of the promise of baptism.

Friday was another good day. We met a less active that doesn´t go to church because of some reason but she wouldn´t tell us. But she said that in two sundays she will go.

Saturday we had no lessons because the people incharge of the house decided that they were going to come at 2:45pm to work on the floor. We leave the hosue at three so we didn´t get to leave and they didn´t finish until 5:30pm but they didn´t even finish which is the sad part. So we only had the English class. 

Sunday we went to church and a less active that we asked for help with the streets came we ddin´t know that he was a less active when we asked him it was cool to see him there though. We talked with a less active who wants to serve a mission so we are going to work with the elders to get him ready to go.

Monday we had another lesson with Yerika and she told us her life story basically. She is 24 with 5 kids. She is the dad and the mom. Soe send prayers for her please. But she is an amazing mom and I know that the gospel will bless her life as well as her kids. Then in the night we had an FHE with Yamilex and Anacrystal they are members but their mom is not. The mosquitos were crazy and the only place that I got bit was on my back through my shirts. I was for real!!!

Tuesday we met with Yerika again and we talked about the Book of Mormon and we brought one of the books for the kids with the pictures. She promised to read it with ther kids. Then we talked with a member for a while and then we took her on a lesson with us because her mom had a meeting and we were jjsut going down the street and when she finsihed with was all I liked that I want to got with you guys again. Maybe she will serve a mission now. 

Wednesday today we went to Dajabon with the zone and we played basketball and I was hitting the baseline shot all day long. It was awesome. The only thing was last night I kind of rolled my bad ankle but not really but something popped not like normal and it is really sored and tired. But I can walk on it so yeah. Then we went and ate Pica Pollo and then we went home. It is always fun to play sometimes.

I love you all!!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Baylee - April 11 2016

April 11 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!
I hope this week went well for everyone! My week was also pretty great! Here is what happenend...
- Monday evening, Hna. CArrera and I found an awesome new family! Well, a mom and two of her sons. The moms name is Darrina and she is so receptive. She listened attentively and understands the things we teach her. She felt that Spirit and even accepted the baptismal date that we propsed. And she wants us to teach those two tlittle boys that were there and also her husband who had been at work at the time. LOL and after the lesson, we offered to do some service to help them out, and she was the first person in my whole mission to actually let us to do something to help! LOL she askedc us to help her 9 year old son with his homework project that was due the next day!! Well, that was an new one!
- Tuesday, we taught one of our awesome recent converts, Hna. Mey-Lyn. We taaught her a lesson about missionary life, how it is and what our rules ouare and such. She is in mission prep nd dead set on serving, so it was a pretty fun lesson to teach. We read from Preach My Gospel and also the Missin Handbook. It was definitely a special lesson! 
- This week we afound another new investigator, a single lady named Ita. Ita from Iquitos! Iquitos is the jungle, like the Amazons. Real deep in there and she has some crazy stories! LOL She told us a bit oabout the beliefs of the people there, like demon animslas that can turn into humans and steal your soul,m or something like that! LOL but she is real great! When she was 8 until she was 10, her and her parents were investigating the church. She never got baptized, but she remembers a little bit. She told us she has lots of doubts and is really cnfused, so she is ready to read the Book of Mormon and learn and find her own answers. She is awesome!
- Wed. morning, the two Districts that went to Canhaque last week met up to prepare a skit for the coming Stake talent show. LOL we came to a decision to do a skit about the everyday life of a misionary in the Perú Piura mission. It si such asilly little skit! We laughed tons! We have decided us 12 are the group of secrets and combinations because we keep having our own activities without the rest of the Zone!
- Wed. evening, we had our monthly meeting with the Stake President. We went over all of the important details of the missionary work in the stake. It is always very interesting to be involved in big meetings like that...LOL I still feel a little out of place!
- Thursday was our monthly leaders meeting in the mssion home with Presidente Rasmussen and Hna Rasmussen and the other assigned leaders in the mission. We learned a ton! One of the biggest points discussed was about the need to ask for references , receive references, pass references to other areas, and ask for more references. References are huge for us as missionaries! So I encourage all of you to thnk of friends and family members who need the Gospel in their lives and suggest that the visit with the missionaries or give the missionaries the directin to their house, help your loved ones find this reat truth!
- Friday we had our Zone meeting to tell the Zone all taht we were taught in the Leaders Meeting. LOL Hna. Carrera and I took a moment to really burn the missionaries in our area about the references because sometimes we get lazy. The faces of all those missionaries were priceless! We also sang happy birthday at the end to two misionaries, Elder Machaca and Hna . Howell. Hna Carrera and I had made a pudding layered dessert and we all enjoyed a good moment! 
- Friday afternoon, we had  lesson with Hno. Danny, who I have mentioned a few times this week. We read 3 Nephi 27 with him and talked about how the words of Christ in the chapter app`ly to him directly in his need to make a decisiona dn follow the Lord. Then we took a risk and asked him to join us in a special fast so that he could receive his answer. He agreed! He even knelt sdown with us right there and said the prayer to start the fast. His prayer was awesome! He truly has the desire to know the truth and follow our Savior!
- Saturday and Sunday were very different...This weekend were the presidential elections here in Peru, and there are laws against having religous meetings or even giving out cards or pamphlets. So satruday, we worked ike normal except we couldnt knock on doors or give out anything! Then Sunday, we didnt have our Church meetings and were asked to do weekly planning in the morning. Then in the afternoon we had to be in the room by 4 PM! Wht?? It was a crazy different, pretty unproductive week end. Hna. CArrera and I used the extra time to update our area book! LOL
- Today, we had  zone activity. We just all came together at the Stake Center and played volleyball, soccer, and then (Jace you are going to love this!), we played around the world Ping Pong! LOL It was so silly! Like 10 of us runing in circles around the Ping Pong table for like an hour! So fun! :)
Well, that was my week! It was pretty great! The pictures below are of Canchaque, the cool `place we went last week! I love you all sooo much! I know this Gospel is true and that the Lord hears and answers our prayers! Cuídense! Hasta la próxmia semana! :)



Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 6 abril 2016‏

April 6 2016

This week flew again.

We have been working to get to know the area better. We have found a few less actives and a few new investigators. 

We were suppose to have a branch activity in a place farway and they said that they´d have transportion but then they didn´t so we as missionaries went into action and we went to our house and brought our DVD player and a movie to watch for those that were at the church but couldn´t make it out to the real activty. We got donuts in the end so that makes it all good. 

Conference was awesome. We got to listen in English we had to to to Montecristi though to do that so we were with other missionaries but it was a blast. I loved every minute of it. And everyone when it was finished did the count of how many more general conferences they have before they go home. I have none. A lot of us who were there have none we all go home before they next one in October. weird.

We did a service in the hosue of an investigator or her to be house so this house is not finsihed and so inside it was covered in dirt so they were throwing water and sweeping it out and we were helping clean all the garbage out of the backyard and there are huge wasps nests but we didn´t know that until Hermana Cortorreal got stung like 4 times in her arm at one time. We invited the elders to come and like a bunch of boys they were like let´s burn them so they went to the house and got some body spray and matches to burn the nests it was pretty funny becasue they were having a blast. They we went to a Mermorial of a members mother´s death. They are really funny here because they put on a bit of a show. I don´t understand why they won´t just listen to what we have to say and see the hope that they aren´t gone forever. 

Today we had a zone activity and we climbed a mountain call Morro. It was a blast a super hard climb we were all drenched with sweat when we got to the top then we crossed the top to we could see the ocean. We were literally on the edge of the DR. It was a blast. As we were coming down. We looked to the left of us and could see this cloud that was coming and it was bringing rain. It had rained through the night. So we were trying to get down the steep mountain before the real rain hit. We didn´t make it. We all fell down a few times. By the time we got down we were soaked to the bone. But it was a blast. Thenwe came home and showered and napped because we were wiped. 

Love you all!!! No time for Fotos, Sorry mom.

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Baylee - General Conference week!!!!‏

April 4 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
How is everyne this week?? Happy late April Fools Day! J Here is what happened this week in the mission…

-Tuesday afternoon, Hna. Leydi accompanied us. She just recently got married and moved into the ward. And she has a super strong testimony! With her, we went and visited a less active named Sara. Oh Sara…The most difficult thing about teaching her is that whatever we say of testify of, she responds with I know, I know Hermanas. She knows everything, and yet she doesnt come to church read her scriptures or pray. In this, I found a good lesson that  I want to share with all of you. When we learn of these preciousGospel truths, we have a grand responsibility. We must live everyting we know and live it to the fullest. When we do so life is easier! Life is happier, more peacful, and all in all just better! I invite each one of you to learn of this Gospel and then just live! Love it and live it! :)
- That sae day, Tuesday, we went to visit an investigator named Lesli. We found her with her cousin Idania and her aunt Rosa. They are al so wonderful! We read ! Nephi 1 with them, and they c¡found it soooo interesting! We invited all of them to our mission night activity Friday and also to General Conference. Friday night, they all came! Alog with three of theior kids. However, we were unable to get a hold of them to come to Conference...But Hna. Carrera and I are super excited to work with them!
- We have a less active, almost resuced member who is really inspirational. Her name is KAtia and she has faced a whole bunch of trials in the past month. However, she is more faithful than ever. She hasnt missed a Sunday and in every lesson she is more and more open with us. She recentyl got called to serve in the nursery and she loves it! I invite each of you to take her lead, run with the trials you are given, and keep a smile. That is how the Lord can work within you and throughyou. He will change your life and the lives of those around you!
- Thursday mornngi we had our District meeting. LOL Hna. Carrera made us flan, but te funny thnig is that its so hot here that we had to start with the dessert this time so that the flan wouldnt melt to just liquid! The lessons in the meeting were just as good as always! I love our District! :)
- Thursday evening we also had Ward Council. Funny story time...As we were just starting Ward Council and receiving this weeks announcements, a giant grasshopper jumped in the window and landed in the middle of the room. That is pretty normal here, so we just kept on going. However, out of nowhere, this ddumb grasshopper decided to jump right at my face!! I yelped and screeched and jumped out of my chair with all my things and didnt a little dance to get away. The whole Council was dying of laughter! After a good mnute of laughing, Hno. Ernesto came over and picked up the grasshopper and threw it outside. Oh goodness to say the least, I was a little embarrassed!
- Friday afternoon was interesting...We had an appointment wit ut awesmoe progressing investigator Danny and we showed up just before 4. And the lesson lasted until about 6:15! We gave our little lessno like onrmal and then asked him how he felt about his baptismal date on the 9th...he told us he didnt feel ready...we went through the bapstimal questions, cited scriptures testified, the works. He answered every question perfectly! He knows that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that the entire Church is true, bt he still doesnt feel ready. We even asked him what is keeping him from being baptized, and he said NOTHING and we were all like well then why dont you do it?? Finally, towards the end, he told us that he prays and will continue to pray to the Virgen MAry...We testified and cited some scriptures in reagrds to that, why we only pray to God and how that is the way Christ taught us to pray. Then we invited him to General Conference the next day. We asked our District leader Elder Elizalde to call an emergency District meeting so that we could ask the Elders for some help in what t do and say for Hno. Danny... we had that meeting Saturday morning before Conference and received some good ideas. Then Danny suurprised us and showed up to that mornings session! He loved Elder Eryings talk and that whole Conference. There were some realy powerful messages that were made just for him! We are praying so hard for Danny, and I ask you all to continue to prayng for him, pretty pretty please! He is such an awesome guy and hjas such a strong testimony!
- Friday night we had our mission night activity with thwe ward. I had been asked t teach them how to make the microwave brownies I have brought to a few of our activities before. LOL they were such a happy bunch, mixing baking and eating the choclately unhealthy goodness of American brownies! :)
- Then came this wonderful weekend of General Conference!! I could go on and on about all the wonderful messages, the music, the opportunity to listen in English witht he other Nortes in my Zone, all of it. But my absolute favorite talks as of now were by Elder Waddell and Elder Johnson, both from the 70. I also loved Elder Ballards talk on family councils and Sister Durhams talks with the swimming analogy. I hope each of you can take the time to look up and listent to these and all the many other amazing talks that were given this weekend by real life prophets, seers, and revelators. I thank thee oh God for a prophet who guides us in these latter days... :)
- Saturday night, Hna. Carrera and I welcomed Hna. Howell and Hna. Huanca into uor room for a sleepover so they didnt have to travel back and forth between here and Sechura to come to the Conference. It was a blast! LOL We listened to good music, had a mini secret dance party, Hna. Howell painted my nails, and we ate some good food! A real good night! :)
- Today was an awesome Pday, a day to remember forever! Two of the Districts in my Zone, 12 of us missionaries, went to a touristic town called Canchaque which is about 2 hours away. Guess what time we woke up this morning to go...2AM!!!!! Goodness gracious I am tired! We left the terminal in a bus around 3:30 AM. the bus has to go through a rushing river that had overflown the road, btu we made it. We began our hike up the mountain. It was so green and beuatiful! It reminded me a ton of Costa Rica! I will have to send pics next time, but it is beautiful!! At the top we came to a waterfall! We took lots of pictures and enjoyed to beautfil few. Nature is truly a miracle. We also experienced a lot of miracles as Elders lives were saved as they almost fell. My heart still races as I think of when Elder MAchaca slipped...he was right next to me, and I stopped him from sliding down the mountain as he slipped and landed flat. I am sograteful that the Lord is watching out for us! It was just Hna Carrera and I and a bunch of Elders. We have some good Elders in our Zone, so it was a really nice trip! Afterward, we went an ate lunch together, finishing out the day real well!! :) 

well, there is my week! A good one :) I love you all, more than you know! Por favor, tengan mucho cuidado en cuanto al Evangelip y los mandamientos de Dios. Cierto, este es la cosa mas importante en todo el mundo. Sean fieles!! :) Les amo bastante!! 
