April 4 2016
Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
How is everyne this week?? Happy late April Fools Day! J Here is what happened this week in the mission…
-Tuesday afternoon, Hna. Leydi accompanied us. She just recently got married and moved into the ward. And she has a super strong testimony! With her, we went and visited a less active named Sara. Oh Sara…The most difficult thing about teaching her is that whatever we say of testify of, she responds with I know, I know Hermanas. She knows everything, and yet she doesnt come to church read her scriptures or pray. In this, I found a good lesson that I want to share with all of you. When we learn of these preciousGospel truths, we have a grand responsibility. We must live everyting we know and live it to the fullest. When we do so life is easier! Life is happier, more peacful, and all in all just better! I invite each one of you to learn of this Gospel and then just live! Love it and live it! :)
- That sae day, Tuesday, we went to visit an investigator named Lesli. We found her with her cousin Idania and her aunt Rosa. They are al so wonderful! We read ! Nephi 1 with them, and they c¡found it soooo interesting! We invited all of them to our mission night activity Friday and also to General Conference. Friday night, they all came! Alog with three of theior kids. However, we were unable to get a hold of them to come to Conference...But Hna. Carrera and I are super excited to work with them!
- We have a less active, almost resuced member who is really inspirational. Her name is KAtia and she has faced a whole bunch of trials in the past month. However, she is more faithful than ever. She hasnt missed a Sunday and in every lesson she is more and more open with us. She recentyl got called to serve in the nursery and she loves it! I invite each of you to take her lead, run with the trials you are given, and keep a smile. That is how the Lord can work within you and throughyou. He will change your life and the lives of those around you!
- Thursday mornngi we had our District meeting. LOL Hna. Carrera made us flan, but te funny thnig is that its so hot here that we had to start with the dessert this time so that the flan wouldnt melt to just liquid! The lessons in the meeting were just as good as always! I love our District! :)
- Thursday evening we also had Ward Council. Funny story time...As we were just starting Ward Council and receiving this weeks announcements, a giant grasshopper jumped in the window and landed in the middle of the room. That is pretty normal here, so we just kept on going. However, out of nowhere, this ddumb grasshopper decided to jump right at my face!! I yelped and screeched and jumped out of my chair with all my things and didnt a little dance to get away. The whole Council was dying of laughter! After a good mnute of laughing, Hno. Ernesto came over and picked up the grasshopper and threw it outside. Oh goodness to say the least, I was a little embarrassed!
- Friday afternoon was interesting...We had an appointment wit ut awesmoe progressing investigator Danny and we showed up just before 4. And the lesson lasted until about 6:15! We gave our little lessno like onrmal and then asked him how he felt about his baptismal date on the 9th...he told us he didnt feel ready...we went through the bapstimal questions, cited scriptures testified, the works. He answered every question perfectly! He knows that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that the entire Church is true, bt he still doesnt feel ready. We even asked him what is keeping him from being baptized, and he said NOTHING and we were all like well then why dont you do it?? Finally, towards the end, he told us that he prays and will continue to pray to the Virgen MAry...We testified and cited some scriptures in reagrds to that, why we only pray to God and how that is the way Christ taught us to pray. Then we invited him to General Conference the next day. We asked our District leader Elder Elizalde to call an emergency District meeting so that we could ask the Elders for some help in what t do and say for Hno. Danny... we had that meeting Saturday morning before Conference and received some good ideas. Then Danny suurprised us and showed up to that mornings session! He loved Elder Eryings talk and that whole Conference. There were some realy powerful messages that were made just for him! We are praying so hard for Danny, and I ask you all to continue to prayng for him, pretty pretty please! He is such an awesome guy and hjas such a strong testimony!
- Friday night we had our mission night activity with thwe ward. I had been asked t teach them how to make the microwave brownies I have brought to a few of our activities before. LOL they were such a happy bunch, mixing baking and eating the choclately unhealthy goodness of American brownies! :)
- Then came this wonderful weekend of General Conference!! I could go on and on about all the wonderful messages, the music, the opportunity to listen in English witht he other Nortes in my Zone, all of it. But my absolute favorite talks as of now were by Elder Waddell and Elder Johnson, both from the 70. I also loved Elder Ballards talk on family councils and Sister Durhams talks with the swimming analogy. I hope each of you can take the time to look up and listent to these and all the many other amazing talks that were given this weekend by real life prophets, seers, and revelators. I thank thee oh God for a prophet who guides us in these latter days... :)
- Saturday night, Hna. Carrera and I welcomed Hna. Howell and Hna. Huanca into uor room for a sleepover so they didnt have to travel back and forth between here and Sechura to come to the Conference. It was a blast! LOL We listened to good music, had a mini secret dance party, Hna. Howell painted my nails, and we ate some good food! A real good night! :)
- Today was an awesome Pday, a day to remember forever! Two of the Districts in my Zone, 12 of us missionaries, went to a touristic town called Canchaque which is about 2 hours away. Guess what time we woke up this morning to go...2AM!!!!! Goodness gracious I am tired! We left the terminal in a bus around 3:30 AM. the bus has to go through a rushing river that had overflown the road, btu we made it. We began our hike up the mountain. It was so green and beuatiful! It reminded me a ton of Costa Rica! I will have to send pics next time, but it is beautiful!! At the top we came to a waterfall! We took lots of pictures and enjoyed to beautfil few. Nature is truly a miracle. We also experienced a lot of miracles as Elders lives were saved as they almost fell. My heart still races as I think of when Elder MAchaca slipped...he was right next to me, and I stopped him from sliding down the mountain as he slipped and landed flat. I am sograteful that the Lord is watching out for us! It was just Hna Carrera and I and a bunch of Elders. We have some good Elders in our Zone, so it was a really nice trip! Afterward, we went an ate lunch together, finishing out the day real well!! :)
well, there is my week! A good one :) I love you all, more than you know! Por favor, tengan mucho cuidado en cuanto al Evangelip y los mandamientos de Dios. Cierto, este es la cosa mas importante en todo el mundo. Sean fieles!! :) Les amo bastante!!