Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baylee - First Week of the Transfer‏

April 25 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)

I hope this week was a good one for each of you! My week went well, the frist week with Hna. Apeña. I have to apologize right a¿off the bat, but I dont have photos of Hna. Apeña yet because my _USB wasnt workign with me today LOL But next week I will send some! Here is what happened this week!

- First off, a little bit mroe about Hna. Apeña. She is awesome! LOL We can carry on a good conversation with ease and we are able to teach really well together. Even though we havent been able to practice all the lessons together yet, we listen to one another and help each other out and every lesson had gone well thus far. Some silly things about her are that she doesnt like pepper, not one bit, she has read the Book of Mormon three times in her mission thus far, yesterday she completed 13 months in teh mission, and she is a really good listener! Our first week together had been great!
- Monday night, we had a little sleepover with Hna. Dorado because she was going to train and had to wait for her daughter to come. It was a fun night! LOL I can do a trio for one day!
- Wed. we taught our convert Francisco. He is so happy and loving, truly this Gospel has changed huis life. We asked if his youngest son, Georgi, would be interested in listening to the lessons, and Fransiscoc face lit up. He called in Georgi and we talked to him about it. Georgi agreed! So now we are going to help Francisco bring together his eternal family! WoooHoo! :)
- Wednesday night, we had a meeting with Bishop and our ward mission leader. LOL Hno. Buenaventura{s sone, Arturo came along and he brought his little pet, a bright bright green tiny lizard!! I got super excited! LOL I was able to hold the lizard and everything :) 
- Thursday we had our first District meeting. The District is a little different without Elde rMachaca, but its still a pretty good group of missinaries. We put some District goals. We are planning a Noche Blanca for the 28th of May, a mass baptismal service combining two Districts. The goal is that each of us companionships can bring 2 or 3 people and we can have a giant celebration. We have also placed goals to have more lessons with members present, in order to hellp us reach our baptismal goal. I am pretty excited for all of that!
- Thursday evening, we enlisted the ward council to help us reach our goals. Our ward has a yearly baptismal goal of 15 baptisms, and we only hve 1 so far. So this wee we put goasl for each organization. 2 baptisms for each organization, and 2 more from us missionaries knocking on doors and looking for people on our own. In total, in will be 18 more baptisms, so 19 for the whole year. WooHoo!! :)
- Friday we met with Hno. Danny, the oh so famous Hno. Danny. And we asked himt o tell us his baptismal date since last week we assigned him the homework of choosing the date....guess what date he has put...June 25th...Like 2 months away!! And I will probably be in a another area!! That is kind of hard, but the important thing is that Danny gets baptized. He needs this Gospel, and he knows it!
This week, we had a cool experience with a new internet program we use called Referral Manager. we use it to pass references to different areas,and it is super fast. Tuesday night, we were knocking on doors and made a contact with a man named Thomas, a really great man who wanted to learn but was alone so we couldnt go in to teach (mission rules). Then, Wednesday, we got on Referral Manager to pass along a few references, and we received the reference of another man named Thomas. Unknowingly, we went and sought out the reference, and it ended up being the same guy! This time, we had a member with us, so we were able to teach. He is fantastic! So prepared for this Gospel, an the Lord was guiding us to him through all the means possible. Now we are teaching him, and he is wonderful! A really neat experience!
- Friday, we once again visited with Hno. Francsico, but this time Hna. Grecia accompanied us. She brought along her 5 year old little sister, Lucero, and it was such a silly fun time. Lucero came and stood riht in front of me after lesson, the looked me dead in the eye for a second, then dived in for a hug and didnt want ot let go! LOL That little girl is just the cutest! :) 
- Saturday we had a lesson with Hno. Joel about service, stewardship, and enduring to the end. He is facing afew trials right now within the ward with other members, so we talked about the need to take care of our stewardship and magnify our calllings, and serce the Lord in spite of what might be going on around us. A really awesome scripture that me shared was Doctrine and Convenats 104:11-13. Some good stuff! Really clear and straight forward.
- Sunday morning, as we entered the gate to the grounds of the capilla, we were greeted by 6 itty bitty grey blue-eyed kittens! LOL I am not sure where they came from, but they were running around! The leader hesitatnly approached Hna. Apeña and thent he rest followed! Them they decided it would be fun to go inside the capilla! LOL the members had to round them up, the little rascals! Relief society Sunday was goood. We talked about showing our gratitude to God and serving others. Truly, we are all called to serve and be the Lords hands ot bless the lives of others here on earth. Remember, When you are in the serivce of your fellowbeigns, ye are only in the service of your God! 
- Today, Hna. Apeña and I made our own lunch and cleaned the aprtment and chilled. I made us some wraps with homemade tortillas, scrambled eggs, sausage, guacamole, cheese, tomatoes, and onions. Oh so good! :) LOL a good Pday!

Well, thats about it for this week! I am so grateful for the guidance of the Spirit, for this wonderful Gospel, and for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sé que la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días es la iglesia verdadera, el reino de Dios en la tierra. El tiempo aquí es sagrado y cada día hay tantas bendiciones y testamentos que vienen para testificar que estoy en la verdad. Gracias por todo su apoyo y su amor! Son esencial para mi! Les amo bastante! Hasta la próxima semana! :) 



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