Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!
¿Cómo están?? I hope you are all doing fantastic! My week went really well, here is what happened...
- Last Monday night, we had an FHE with the family of our Ward mission Leader, Hno. Buenaventura. We invited Hno. Danny, our awesome investigator that I have mentioned a few times. LOL We decided to start our lesson a little differently this time; This time we started with the game! LOL They were all so excited to get up and moving right off the bat. We played a few rounds of the beloved game TELEPHONE! LOL all with the purpose that when we pray directly to God, we get a direct answer! The lesson worked perfectly! We were able to talk a¿of the need to pray constantly and in the right form and the to right person. Also, a few of the people present talked about how it could be applied to listening to the voice of living prophets, not letting anyone else change your believes, and paying close attention to the impressions of the Spirit. All in all, it was a really good lesson, especially for Hno. Danny!
- Tuesday, we had a real lesson with Danny and taught about temples, eternal marriage, and family history work. It was a really neat lesson and Danny was super interested once he understood. It also really helped that Hna. Flor, the wife of the Bishop of Jorge Chavez, accompanied us and bore her testimony and helped Danny feel better about all the new info. Now Danny comprehends jusdt a little bit beter just how imnportant it is to be baptized in order to receive the marvelous blessings of the temple!
- Tuesday, we also found a new investigator, a really awesome Hna. named Isis. As we taught her the first lesson, her face was just glowing. We bore testimony and told her that this Gospel with truly bless her and her two daughters, and her respnse was Thats what I want. Wow when she said that, my heart filled to almost bursting with the Spirit! LOL then she asked if she would have to give up ballet, since she loves to dance. LOL I am not sure where people get these crazy thoughts about our church! I told her that if dancing makes her happy, DANCE! In a healthy way of course, but DANCE! :)
- Wednesday we met up once again with our District and the other dirstrict neazrby to pracitce for the Stake Talent Show this week. LOL our sketch turned out pretty siilly, even with emergency trasnfers forcing us to change some parts. My favorite part was when the Elders wake up and one begins doing arm curls with a water bottle and the other climbs back into bed! Oh the life LOL After praticing the sketch, we practiced the song the we had planned, It is called I have a testimony but in Spanish. I once again was asked to play the piano even though I am really not all that great..but it sounded good. We ended up deciding to have three Elders start out with a trio and then build from there, adding people in o every line. The three Elders sounded awesome! They were all so shy and nervous to single solos, but it turned out great!
- Thrusday was our last District meeting of the transfer...so sad! I have really loved this District! We did a little goodbye thing for Elder Machaca because he heads home to Arequipa tomorrow...Each of us took a moment to bear our testimonies and it was super owerful. For our part of the lesson, Hna. Carrera and I started off by singing a little mashup of Hymns about trusting in the Spirit, just to be different! It was also very spiritual. What I love most about this District is that we can have so much fun and laugh a ton and we can also have the most powerful spiritual moments. We also enjoyed an alomst Oreo pie, the closest I could get with it being so crazy hot here! Oh, and now our District name is the District LOs Pámpanos, just so every knows, in rembrance of Elder Machaca!
- Thursday afternoon, I went on Intercambios with Hna. Mamani in Catacaos. It was just ike old times, being comps again! :) We had areally good time! Oh I miss that girl. We were able to teach a few lessons together and talk a whole bun ch! She is my favorite! :)
- Friday we again taught Hno. Danny, and this was the last lesson of the required lessons. We talked about baptism and confirmation once again, and that need of enduring to the end. I explained the Danny that everything we invited him to do is truly and invitationto prepare for the eternities, because it is the little acts we do to follow Chrs¿ist that will get us there. That left him super thoughtful. and then Hna. Carrera and I both felt impressed to leave the decision up to him. We invited him to pray and plan his baptismal date. He agreed! So now we wait to find out when it will be!
- Friday night was the talent show!! LOL so silly!! Elder Elizalde out District leader told us that we could bring costume stuff to change into. My costume ended up being just jeans and a Tshirt with an apron and a baseball cap, but I felt so uncomfortabel! I put jeans on for the first time in more than 9 months!!! You cannot imagin how weird that was! LOL The skit turned out pretty good, at least we were laughing, the return missionaries were laughing, and Presidente was laughing. The giant sun we made that said 45 degrees Celsius (like 115 degree F) was the funniest part, I think!
-Saturday was a bit of an intersting day. All of our appointments fell through, every single one. However we had a member with us so we really wanted to get a lesson with a member present. We began searching out all of the investigators in our agenda. Out last option was an investigator we had taught only once and whos mom had basically yelled us away from her door the last time we knocked. The investigator is like 28, so that was frustrating and weird. But anyway, we decided to try again. This time he was home alone, and we were able to teach him since we had a member. The coolest part is that he told us he had been thinking about our message ever since our last visit, hoping we would come by again. We explained the thing with his mom and his face kind of lit up. He said he really wants to change his life and that he will do all he can to come to church next week and read the Book of Mormon. Hisdesire is sincere and real! So that made my day!
- Saturady night receivedthe news about our transfers!! LOL everything was up in the air sing Hna. CArrera and I came to the area together, but turns out she got trasnfered to Paita and I am staying here in Ramon Castilla for another trasnfer. My new companion is Hna. Apeña. She is from Callao, Lima, Perú and she is a little fireball. She is the only member in her family and her testimony is crazy strong! She is also tiny!! LOL I look like a giant next to her! I am really excited to be her companion because I have heard wonderful things about her and she is the daughter of my favorite ex-missionary, Hna. Ziegner! :) This is going be a good transfer! :)
Well, that was my week! I had some wonderful moments finishign out the transfer! I love you all so much! :) Hasta la próxima semana!
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