Well this last week was a a good week. I forgot my old adenga so we shall see how well my brain works.
Bueno. Saturday we had a day of planning basically. We had planned to have a huge activity party thing at the church in the evening and in the morning the branch president calls to tell us that there isn´t going to be sancocho but we´ll have salami and cheese and crackers. We were really quite bummed at the dedication of the members. But at the activity there were losts of members not to many from the community like we were hoping for. But there was no thanks to the big dark cloud that hung in the sky and then dumped a lot of water on the ground. But the turn out was a good and we had baptisms. Yorki got baptized!!! He was very happy. There were also 3 other baptisms of youth whose records got lost and there was no proof that they were baptized so they were RE-baptized. It was a good day in the end stressful and I wanted to sit down and let someone else do the work but it all worked out in the end. I had to remember they most important thing that could happen today is that these people are entering the door to eternal life.
Oh my goodness Sunday at church in sacrament meeting it was ridiculous. So for the talks they have each organization have a sunday so this week was the young men. Only two talked the others chickened out. Then Presidente Martinez had a member named Justo give a last minute talk. I have no idea what he talked about but I felt like I was in an Evangelical church. There was very loud almost shouting talking happening. I was about to get up and wait in a different room. But we survived. After church I made a cake to take to Yorki´s because it was his birthday so we took that oppotunity to make a cake so we could eat it. His family appreciated it.
Monday we had a zone meeting in Montecristi. We again were the first ones there. It was funny though there again wasn´t power. And so the elders were trying to find the breaker to turn it on and it was in the kitchen but they didn´t have keys to the kitchen so above the door are glass shutters. so they put a table up to it and took the glass parts out and climbed up through the window so that we could turn the fans on. It was funny.
Tuesday we went and visited with an old investigator named Franchesca she is super sweet and we talked about the Restoration and then we visited with a reference from a member named Maricela and we talked about God is our Heavenly Fathers to Prophets and she wants to know which church is true. So we are going to help her learn more. Then we booked it to the ice cream place so we could keep the tradiation of P-Day Eve Ice Cream a live.
Today we cleaned the house which was very much needed thank so the dusty street in front of our house and then we went to get the copies of the keys we had done so we could have copies for the church but we go them on like Saturday and yesterday we found out that they don´t work so we brought them back and they played with them then went and tried them and we got one key to work just have to know the secret and then the other they had to redo. But we now have keys. Then we played Volleyball. Can´t wait to play with people who know how. And I got burnt from my elbows to my hands and my face everything else is fine. Then we went and ate pizza and played a card game called Scum. It was fun. Then we left and got ready and came to write.
Hoep ya´ll are being good. A scripture that I liked is Alma 34:31-35.
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