Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Brielle - wed 13 abril 2016‏

April 13 2016

So this week was a good week...

Thursday was a packed full day and at the end we were wiped out. We found 5 new investigators and we taught a sister named Yerika about the restoration and then we invited her to be baptized at the end and she said she couldn´t say yes and she couldn´t say no because she needs to make changes in her life. It was an amazing thing to see that she understood the importance of the promise of baptism.

Friday was another good day. We met a less active that doesn´t go to church because of some reason but she wouldn´t tell us. But she said that in two sundays she will go.

Saturday we had no lessons because the people incharge of the house decided that they were going to come at 2:45pm to work on the floor. We leave the hosue at three so we didn´t get to leave and they didn´t finish until 5:30pm but they didn´t even finish which is the sad part. So we only had the English class. 

Sunday we went to church and a less active that we asked for help with the streets came we ddin´t know that he was a less active when we asked him it was cool to see him there though. We talked with a less active who wants to serve a mission so we are going to work with the elders to get him ready to go.

Monday we had another lesson with Yerika and she told us her life story basically. She is 24 with 5 kids. She is the dad and the mom. Soe send prayers for her please. But she is an amazing mom and I know that the gospel will bless her life as well as her kids. Then in the night we had an FHE with Yamilex and Anacrystal they are members but their mom is not. The mosquitos were crazy and the only place that I got bit was on my back through my shirts. I was for real!!!

Tuesday we met with Yerika again and we talked about the Book of Mormon and we brought one of the books for the kids with the pictures. She promised to read it with ther kids. Then we talked with a member for a while and then we took her on a lesson with us because her mom had a meeting and we were jjsut going down the street and when she finsihed with was all I liked that I want to got with you guys again. Maybe she will serve a mission now. 

Wednesday today we went to Dajabon with the zone and we played basketball and I was hitting the baseline shot all day long. It was awesome. The only thing was last night I kind of rolled my bad ankle but not really but something popped not like normal and it is really sored and tired. But I can walk on it so yeah. Then we went and ate Pica Pollo and then we went home. It is always fun to play sometimes.

I love you all!!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

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