Thursday, April 21, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 20 Abril 2016‏

April 20 2016

Good Day!!

So last week to finish wednesday off we visited with a less active and her mom. Her mom this time actually sat and talked with us and wants to learn more. The less active´s little brother likes to go to church so we are going to work with them becasue the brother is 8 so that would be awesome to have the family fully baptized.

Thursday we visited with Yerika and talked about the first part of the Plan of Salvation and she really liked it. She has had many trials in her life so I know that the plan will give her comfort and animo. Then we were able to meet with a less active who wants to serve a mision so we gave him a Preach My Gospel to help him study. Then we finished the night off visiting Yorki and we talked about the importance to pray frequently and Study the scriptures. He is such a good peron. He is on track to be baptized this weekend. Funny story. When we were walking to his house there was a goose in front of a house with its neck stretched and looking up and honking. It you know anything about my fear of birds, bunnies, mices, coroaches, I was a bit concerned. On the way home he was still there. OK on this street there are really no lights just from the house lights from the porch so you can´t really see this goose very well and so I was all where is he and we were looking at him and then he lowered his head and then took one step forward and I was gone. I ran to the corner of the street. Stopped becasue there were people at the end and then I turned and people in the nearest housewere sitting outside and were laughing at me and then I looked to see where my companion was becasue she was not behind me. She was still where I had started running bent over laughing. It was hilarious I was laughing. Then I thought oh man one more thing my mom can tease me about. OHHH the GOOSE is gonna GET you I can just see it. 

Friday we washed dishes for a recent convert and then we taught her about the importance to pray. Then we went and taught a man named Julian Castro. He is funny. His heart still needs to soften a little to fully accept, so pray for him. Then we had a branch activity at a less actives house. We a all gathered in the house and by the front door. There was a little old lady that can´t hear anything and was cold so she was letting everyone hear about it and then they gave her a blanket and then she need to go to the bathroom. It was a little silly.

Saturday we young girl of 16 years died of dengue and literally everyone was there. So the day was really slow. We visited with two less active sisters Liscett and Lisbet and talked about the youth theme 2 Nephi 31:20. Then we had english class and that was a bit stressful. Then we went to go visit Yorki becasue the girl that died was his friend and the last time we visited him he asked us to pray for her. So we want to see how he was doing but he wasn´t there. Then we visited a less active named Arnold and he committed to go to church.

Sunday Arnold came to church!!! And then the children of Yerika came to church as well at 8:30 we stopped by her house and she was getting the kids ready and they were mostly all ready, but she didn´t go becasue her throat was killing her. And she had a fever. But after church we stopped by and talked about the plan of salvation again and especially about the Atonement. Then we had our meeting with a mision leader and the elders were super late so we stared super late. 

Monday we had a lunch meeting with the leaders and we went and got pizza. We had the meeting to talk about what were are going to do for this ward activity we are doing at the end of this week. We talked and then decided to go present our ideas to the presidente in the meetings on tuesday night so all the leaders will be there. Then we taught Erika the cousin of Hna Cortorreal about the Book of Mormon and then we taught a an older lady named Panchita about the plan of salvation. She was sweet. Thenwe taught Lisbet about the word of wisdom and then we were at the house of Familia Martinez so we joined in the Family Home Evening and then we went to Yorki´s.

Tuesday We had the zone meeting in Montecristi and we found out what is happening with transfers. I am going to die here in Villa Vasquez with my daughter!!! I am so glad that I don´t have to pack again until it is time to go home. In the even ing we had the meeting it was suppose to start at 7 didn´t start until 8. A member was having a birthday party so she wanted us to go so we did and we sang happy birthday and used that so waste time and wait for the meeting and people to show up we don´t have keys to the church so we either wait outside or we could go to the birthday party. The branch eventually understood what we wanted and they are really excited. So are we it is just sad because Elder Spencer won´t be here to enjoy Sancocho!!! 

Wednesday!! Today we went to Caribe Tours the meeting spot for transfers even though we didn´t need to and we shouldn´t have but I had two companions dying and I needed to give them things so we went. We had lunch in WEndy´s and then we went to La Sirena and then we went right home so we could take a little nap before writing and so here we are now.

Time keeps on flying. My last transfer starts today. That´s strange........

Anyways love you all!! 

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

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