March 21 2016
Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
How are you all doing today? How was the week? You are all wonderful, I hopeyou know that! This week was a good one...
- Tuesday, we went on Intercambios with Sechura. Hna. Huanca came here to Ramón Castilla with Hna. Carrera and I went with Hna. Howell to Sechura. Hna. Howell is awesome! We had a really awesome experience Tuesday night when we went to teach their progressing investigator, Hno. Rodolfo. His whole family are members, just like Hno. Francisco in Talara. However, Rodolfo struggles with an alcohol addiction. He is fighting this fight and wrking to prepare for baptism. We got to their house, and he was super calm. He has a whole bunch of daughters, and they are the most loving little girls you coud ever meet. The only time the youngest one got upset was when Rodolfo jokingly said he was going to send her home with us. LOL she didnt want to leaeve her fam. Anyway, we had to teach the lesson by candlelight because the family had their electricity cut. It was a very hmbling experience. We talked about enduring to the end, and all the wonderful blessing that come through the Gospel, especially the blessings for his family. It was so quietly spiritual and awesome! Also that night, I got to go talk with Hno Miguel! He is now living in Sechura, and we met up in the Plaza to hcat for aminute. LOL Wednesday morning, Hna. Howell and I had to take our breakfast and our chairs outside and sit there for about half an hour as the government went through and fumigated all the houses. There have been lots of cases of dengue, so they are doing what they came to get rid of all the mosquitos. It was pretty silly!
- Thusrday, we had our first District meeting. Our Distirct is bascially the same, just now Elder Elizalde has his son, the new issionary he is training. So it was still an awesomely educational and equally hysterical meeting :) At the end, we took photos. Hna. Carrera and I wanted to be different, so we made the Elders sit in the chairs in front and us two stood behind them. It was so funny! Elder Clawson made such funny faces, hardcore making fun of the Hnas.
- TH afternoon, we taught our awesome progressing investigator whom I have tlked about before, Danny. He is so awesome, and he is going to be baptized, I know it! We asked him so questions to help him find and share his testimony. I asked him if he felt a difference between before he listened to our message and after, and his immediate response was YES! He explained a little, and I know that helped him understand that this is true, it must be true or itwouldnt have such an amazingly positive influence in the lives of so many people! Please keep praying for Danny! :)
- TH evening, we had Ward Council. Obispo shared a good thought, talking about a smile. A smile can make all the difference. So smile every once in a while, wont you? LOL Take the opporrtunity when you are walking in the store, in thehallways at church or in classes or wherever to just smile at someone. Make their day! :) I dare you! :)
- Friday, we had a lesson with a recent convert Joel. And guess what!! He surprised us by asking us to help him start his mission papers!! What!? LOL Hna. Carrera and I were so happy! We have been talking with him about the mission every chance we get, and this past week he wax reading in the Book of Mormon and came to the decision that he needs to serve! I am so happy for him!
- Saturday night, our Penisionista Hna. Malena invited us to join her and her fam for an FHE. She is a member of the other ward, Jorge Chavez, so all the people in attendance were from the other ward, but we knew them all! LOL it is almost like we are in both wards! Elder Elizalde and Elder Pereira came too. the lesson was great, talkig about light, the light of truth, the light of service, the light of happiness, the light of the Gospel. Truly this Gospel is the light of our lives. Without it, people are lost and confused, and what is worse is they dont even know it. Truly, when people hear this message for the first time ,when they let it penetrate their hearts, it is like a light is turned on inside that they didnt know was off. Find the light, share the light! :)
- Yesterday at church, the Lord gave us a little miracle. One of the members came up to us after the meetings and said she wanted to introduce us to someone. It was her almost daughter inlaw (they arent married, but they have a little 5 month old boy). The girls name is Bridgit. We went and visited them in the afternoon as they asked, and we found out that it has been about a year and a half, and Bridigt has recently finally decided that she is ready to join the church. She wants to be baptized! Her partner, Jeremias, is so helpful. We applied an extended CCB (which is the new teaching initiave of the mission that talks al about baptism and invites people to baptized right off the bat), and she is ready to take the next step and be baptized. However, she is only 17. She isnt living with her parents, but they are completely anti-Mormon and wont be willing to sign the paper, which is a requirement for minors. And whats even more difficult is that they are arent marrried yet; Jeremias wnats to make it something special. So we have a golden investigator, ready for baptism, but there are quite a few obstacles for her to hurtle. We are going to help her every step of the way. However, their goal is to be together forever! I am grateful we get to be a part of making their family eternal! :)
- Sunday afternoon, we went with Hna. Mey-Lyn (a recent convert, 16 yr old and awesome!) to eat lunch with Hno. Arturo (another recent convert, older guy who fights an alcohol addiction). It was so fun and we laughed a bunch! Then we got to teach a lesson, too. It was a good time!
- Also, yesterday our ward had a little party for the Relief Society´s 174th anniversary. Ther was an awesome spiritulal part, followed by tons of food! little cookies to start, then a tamale, then turkey and chifles, then chocolate cake! I was dying...but it was all sooo good! LOL and we cant say no, it is super offensive here. It was a good meeting.
- One of the good pieces of advice given in the anniversary yesterday is something I want to do when I get home and something i think we should all do. Hna. Deisy told us we should all go up to the Relief Society presidency of Elder Quorum Presidency or High Priest leader after the meetings and ask which sisters or brothers didnt come that day. Then we should go visit them that same day! Something as simple as the will make a huge difference and help more people become and remain active in this wonderful work. I encourage all of you to try this! I know it will work! :)
- Today, our District went to Catacaos. Catacaos is very touristic and has lots of handmade stuff, like bags, vases, dishes, figurines, etc. We went and looked around and Elder MAchaca picked up the awesomely peronalied shouder bag he ordered. I am not going to buy anything yet sinec I still have lots of time left, but you can bet that I will buying lots of things there for myself adn as gifts! :) After Catacaos, we came back to Hna. Malenas and we worked together to cook homemade mac and cheese! LOL I made the Elders do it this time sine last time I did almost eerything as they played Ping Pong. It turned uot retty good! We sat around the table, the six of us, just like my fam and had some good chats. It was a good day! Afterward, we cleaned up our mess. Hna. MAlena didnt want to let us, but there is no way I was going to let her clean up after us. I washed all the dishes, and oh my goodness Iwas sweating soooo bad...It was so hot in her kitchen...That might tell you just how crazy hot is here...But all in all a good Pday. Our District is awesome! :)
Well, that was my week! I love you all bunches and bunches! Be good, always! :) Hasta la próxima semana!