Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 30 marzo 2016‏

March 30 2016

Well this week has been crazy, 

Thursday we were still in Santiago at the hermana leaders house and waiting and trying to do weekly planning like the other sisters in the house but is a little hard when there is nothing to plan for. Then at lunch time we decided to call Hemana Castillo to get permission to let us gobuy an outfit so we had another pair of clothes. She said ok after much thought. We left and were almost to the store and the elder in charge of houses calls and asks if we want to live in the house even though the floor is not done or live in the house across the street we were all the one with the hole in the floor becasue our things are already in there. He was all cool. We were all so when are we gonna go and he was all right now. I was all fantastic we are like 15 minutes away from the house give us a few sowe can get back. We got there and ran but the office and then we got some dominos for lunch. Been a long time since I had pizza. Then we left. We got there they filled our gas and our six jugs of water. Then they left we were fianlly in the house. YAYYY!!! The elders in our area took us to a few members houses to present us and it was a little overwhelming but they are so loving. It is going to be awesome!!

Friday we did weekl planning witht eh elders and then we had a few lessons with them. We visited quite a few people and at each place they gave us habichuelas con dulce. Beans that they make for the Holy Week the liquify them and they eat them. Not my favorite thing but we had 5 different servings my companion who likes it after the 2 serving was like can we just go home. Everyone had Habichuelas con dulce because friday is when Christ died and so they focus on that a little. But in the end we survived.

Saturday we had a few lessons again and then we were able to watch the womens conference andit was good. In the first song before anyone spoke I knew that the conference was going to be about serivce. It was so good.

Sunday we had a good day. In the lessons we talked about the resurrection to remind us why we celebrate Holy Week. 

Monday we had a district meeting and Hna Bonilla is in my distict she is awesome!! It was good to talk with her again. She goes home at the end of this trransfer she is excited to be with her family again.

Tuesday we had a member leave with us and we had a few good lessons and then at 8 we had our lesson fall through so we went to the church and played around with the youth for about 5 minutes and then a drunk was walking by and a kid said something and the drunk freaked out and began throwing things from the other side of the fence. He must pass by a lot drunk becasue all the children knew that he throws rock and began running and hiding and I was all what is happening because I wasn't paying close attention. It was funny. There is more to it but easier to say in person. It was quite hilarious and quite a show. If you want to know more remember to ask me about it. Wee also ended the day with ice cream keeping the p-day eve ice creamtradtion alive.

Wednesday today we came to Santiago for P-Day Santiago we went to Calle Del SOl and I bought a few things then we had lunch at Wendy's and then we went to the office and now we are writing families and going to be leaving soon so we can get back to our area in time.

I love you all!!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Baylee - March 28 2016

March 28 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!
How is everyone this week?? My week here has been good. Here is what went down…

-Tuesday I went on Intercambios with Hna. Ramirez in Catacaso. Catacaos right now is super decked out as they ce lebrate La Semana Santa, or Easter. They have like a fair thing and music and tons of stuff! Hna Ramirez and I had a good day. We got to teach an Hna. Names Lucy. She has a littlbe bit of a different idea about what we do as missionaries.  Before,  Evangelist missionaries came to bless her house and brought in things like salt and oil and incense…So tht is what she thinks we do! LOL We explained a little better, and her face just about lit up! She was so excited about the idea of real baptism and real power on the earth today! Hna. Ramirez and I also were able to laugh and talk a lot and she gave me a lot of good advice. She is going home at the end of this transfer,fç finishing her mission. It is a really great opportunity to talk to Hna.s that are ending to get a better insight.
- Wednesday and Friday Hna. Carrera and I were abkle to teach Hno. Danny again,I hope you remember him! He is so awesome!LOL I think I say that every  email! But it is true! This week we talkedabout our living prophets and apostles on the earth today,the real power of the Priesthood,and that opportunity we have this coming weekend to watch General Conference and hear from these powerful servants of God. Those were some powerful lessons, the Spirit was so potent in each one! Danny truly knows that this message is true. He just needs a little bit moe to hep him recognize it. Please keep praying for him!
- Thursday we had interviews with Presidente Rasmussen. He is such a great hlp! He suggested that I read Believing Christ, a really good and slightly informal book about the Atonement of Christ. He brought it to the interview and lent it to me. I also was able to have a little visit with Hna. Rasmussen. I love her! She is such a powerful,and lvoing lady! It was a good time. 
- thurs night was also Ward Council,but a very smal amount of opeople showed up. LOL want to know why? Perù was playing Venezuela in a soccer game! LOL Oh the things that will pull people away!
- Friday Hna. Carrera and I did a very fun and silly service...we coored with Hna. Katia! LOL she had to prepare her class for her first Primary class, and asked for our help. We had a good time coloring temples and  families!
- Friday night,Hna. Mey-Lyn was accompanying us and I decided to buy us a little dinner. We bought some hamburgers and spent a goo amount of time laughing.Shes the best!
-  Saturday morning, we had a District meeting. It was a really powerful meeting as we talked about our purpose and call as missionaries and representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hna. Carrera and I taught a part of the class, pullin g out the letter we al rece ived when we were calledaswell as our little preaching certificates that say we are authorzedrepresentatives of tjhe Lord and His Church. It is so powerful to remember that we truly have been called of God!
. Saturday night the was the General Womens Conference! Hna. Carrera and I were running all over to get there on time, bnut it was sooooo worth it! The messages and music were beautfil. All centered on service. We need to seek opportunites to serve others,put down the mirror and think about others,and realize tjhat when we do all that we can,it is enough. A super great meeting!
- Sunday we taught Hno. Arture the Plan of Salvation,his third time hearing it. B ut it was super powerful because we talked about the fact that we all rejoiced at the plan of the Lord. We were so thrilled and grateful for the opportunity to become like our Father. We need to remember that joy,that grand blessing that we have,and work our very best here in this life. Afterall,that is why we came!
-  Sunday evening,Hna. Carrera and I found two seperate new investigators. One names Luisa. She likes to talk a lot,but she really wnats to follow the Savior. The big challenge with her is going to be that she doesnt know how to read. We will find a way to help her though! The other new i vestigator is named Medalid. She was so so so very nervous the say the prayer at the end,but when she finally did, the Spirit entered the room. Saturday night we are going to go to her house and help hr wash clothes so thjat she has time to come to Conference ith us Sun day morning!
- Today, Hna. Carrera,Elder Elizalde, andElder Pereira and I went to the hosue of the Elders Wa rd Mission LEdae r, Hno. Gino, andcooked lunch. It was a real good time! We made Ceviche de Pota, Lomo Saltado, and I made them all some microwave mug muffins because they asked me to make one the the dessert things I have recipes for. LOL Mom your recipes are famous! It all turned out really tasty,not to mention we laughed a ton! Hno Gino`s nephew, Bruno,is five and he loves the içmissionaries! He just barely met me and wanted to hold my hand as we walked and chat with me! LOL and then he decided to soak me with a cup of water! LOL I got him back, them he wasnt so happy LOL but I made peacewith him as we teamed up to get Elder Elizalde wet! We had a mini water fight in the house :) A good time! 

Well, that was m y week! I am so thankful for this Gospel, for the Priesthoood power and living prophets on the earth today! I encourage each and everyone of you to take the time to watch and/or listen to General Conference this coming weekend. We truly can receive specific and personal guidance from these inspired men! Please dont miss this opportunity! as we keep telling all of our investigators, this type of thing onoy comes around twice a y ear,and the nezxt one isnt until October! I loe you all so miss! Be faithful! :) Hasta la próxima semana!



Thursday, March 24, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 23 marzo 2016‏

March 23 2016

This week has been a crazy week and I am sure it is not ging to get any better. Anyways, 

Wednesday night at the activity the relief society presidente was in charge of the lesson and she pretty much told them all the they need to do better in all things laid it all out on the table but it is funny because she needs to do a tons better as well. But they are going to work on building up the bishops storehouse because supposedly something happened in the last week but I have no idea what. 

Thursday St. Patrick´s Day I forgot to wear green. I thought about it in the morning went and showered and got ready for the day sat down to study and then I was all I didn´t put green on. But I was to lazy to go and change and it wasn´t important because they don´t celebrate it here. We taught claudia and a few of her friends with the elders to introduce them and we only shared a scripture becasue they weren´t paying much attention. Then we went out to Alex and AnaMaria´s house and we talked about faith. They needed to get married and get their papers fixed still. They have been investigating for about  years. Then we went to visit with Amirys and her friend Chicha was there and we talked about the Restoration and the lesson was awesome the spirit was there she was about to pray and then he son began choking on a candy. Yep choking it wasn´t blocking his air way because he was coughing but Amirys was really freaked out and then the little boy threw up two times and Elder Millward was going to toss his own cookies becasue he doesn´t like those things and it was an interesting end to an appointment.

Friday we had a lesson with an investigator who had a baptism date and then said no I need time. So we go over to read the book of mormon and so the elders came up with a brilliant idea so we could talk about the restoration. We read in Helaman Chapter 5 and when she finsihed reading verse 12 they began talking about Jesus Christ and went into how he established the church and all the way to the book of mormon. We kneeled and she said a sweet pray and the spirit was so there. It was a great lesson. When we left we walked  a ways from the house and then we all celebrated becasue it was awesome.

Saturday we were trying to find members off of the list because we were sstill in Sabaneta and didn´t have people. So we contacted this man so that he could help us and then we talked about the church and he is friends with one of the members the patriarch of the stake and he is really interested I really hope that the elders go over to visit him and his family.

Sunday We went with the elders to visit with Claudia but she wasn´t home so we taught her husband and a friend it was a good lesson but the elders said that they were drinking Buchanan´s whiskey and so we left. To finish the night off we had a delicious dinner with Luchi and Leonidas the Patriach and then we went home.

Monday we packed up the house and the assistnats and the office elders came in the trucks to take us to Villa Vasquez FINALLY the road we took was dirt and rocks for more than half the way it took like and our and a half to get there. we get there and the owner is waiting for us and informs us that a pipe bursted that day so yeah so we moved our stuff in to the house and we packed an overnight bag and we went back to Sabaneta to get a few things that didn´t fit and then we went back to Santiago and we stayed the night with the sisters in Nibaje and that was with Hermana Quesada. It was good to see her.

Tuesday we had the  2 week meeting with the newbies and the trainers and then we ran by the office because i didn´t have any money and needed to to reimbusments while we were there I get talking with hermana leavitt she is in charge of the money and I had a great spiritual moment thanks to her. Then the elder in charge of the houses told us the hosue wasn´t ready so we were going to stay again in Sanitago so we went on intercambios with the sister leaders in Nibaje and then we stayed up late talking and laughing. An apartment with 6 sisters is a lot. But is was a blast.

Wedsneday today we woke up and were going to go to the zoo but the assistants called and said no probably because we were there and the hosue elder wanted to leave so instead with colored easter eggs and had an easter egg hunt it was fun. then we ate good food and chilled in the house for the rest of the day waiting to see if we were going to go. The house elder calls and says we aren´t going today but tomorrow. I sure hope soo..

Anyways got to go love you all so much is happening.

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Baylee - It´s almost Easter, What??‏

March 21 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

How are you all doing today? How was the week? You are all wonderful, I hopeyou know that! This week was a good one...

- Tuesday, we went on Intercambios with Sechura. Hna. Huanca came here to Ramón Castilla with Hna. Carrera and I went with Hna. Howell to Sechura. Hna. Howell is awesome! We had a really awesome experience Tuesday night when we went to teach their progressing investigator, Hno. Rodolfo. His whole family are members, just like Hno. Francisco in Talara. However, Rodolfo struggles with an alcohol addiction. He is fighting this fight and wrking to prepare for baptism. We got to their house, and he was super calm. He has a whole bunch of daughters, and they are the most loving little girls you coud ever meet. The only time the youngest one got upset was when Rodolfo jokingly said he was going to send her home with us. LOL she didnt want to leaeve her fam. Anyway, we had to teach the lesson by candlelight because the family had their electricity cut. It was a very hmbling experience. We talked about enduring to the end, and all the wonderful blessing that come through the Gospel, especially the blessings for his family. It   was so quietly spiritual and awesome! Also that night, I got to go talk with Hno Miguel! He is now living in Sechura, and we met up in the Plaza to hcat for aminute. LOL Wednesday morning, Hna. Howell and I had to take our breakfast and our chairs outside and sit there for about half an hour as the government went through and fumigated all the houses. There have been lots of cases of dengue, so they are doing what they came to get rid of all the mosquitos. It was pretty silly!
- Thusrday, we had our first District meeting. Our Distirct is bascially the same, just now Elder Elizalde has his son, the new issionary he is training. So it was still an awesomely educational and equally hysterical meeting :) At the end, we took photos. Hna. Carrera and I wanted to be different, so we made the Elders sit in the chairs in front and us two stood behind them. It was so funny! Elder Clawson made such funny faces, hardcore making fun of the Hnas. 
- TH afternoon, we taught our awesome progressing investigator whom I have tlked about before, Danny. He is so awesome, and he is going to be baptized, I know it! We asked him so questions to help him find and share his testimony. I asked him if he felt a difference between before he listened to our message and after, and his immediate response was YES! He explained a little, and I know that helped him understand that this is true, it must be true or itwouldnt have such an amazingly positive influence in the lives of so many people! Please keep praying for Danny! :)
- TH evening, we had Ward Council. Obispo shared a good thought, talking about a smile. A smile can make all the difference. So smile every once in a while, wont you? LOL Take the opporrtunity when you are walking in the store, in thehallways at church or in classes or wherever to just smile at someone. Make their day! :) I dare you! :)
- Friday, we had a lesson with a recent convert Joel. And guess what!! He surprised us by asking us to help him start his mission papers!! What!? LOL Hna. Carrera and I were so happy! We have been talking with him about the mission every chance we get, and this past week he wax reading in the Book of Mormon and came to the decision that he needs to serve! I am so happy for him!
- Saturday night, our Penisionista Hna. Malena invited us to join her and her fam for an FHE. She is a member of the other ward, Jorge Chavez, so all the people in attendance were from the other ward,  but we knew them all! LOL it is almost like we are in both wards! Elder Elizalde and Elder Pereira came too. the lesson was great, talkig about light, the light of truth, the light of service, the light of happiness, the light of the Gospel. Truly this Gospel is the light of our lives. Without it, people are lost and confused, and what is worse is they dont even know it. Truly, when people hear this message for the first time ,when they let it penetrate their hearts, it is like a light is turned on inside that they didnt know was off. Find the light, share the light! :)
- Yesterday at church, the Lord gave us a little miracle. One of the members came up to us after the meetings and said she wanted to introduce us to someone. It was her almost daughter inlaw (they arent married, but they have a little 5 month old boy). The girls name is Bridgit. We went and visited them in the afternoon as they asked, and we found out that it has been about a year and a half, and Bridigt has recently finally decided that she is ready to join the church. She wants to be baptized! Her partner, Jeremias, is so helpful. We applied an extended CCB (which is the new teaching initiave of the mission that talks al about baptism and invites people to baptized right off the bat), and she is ready to take the next step and be baptized. However, she is only 17. She isnt living with her parents, but they are completely anti-Mormon and wont be willing to sign the paper, which is a requirement for minors. And whats even more difficult is that they are arent marrried yet; Jeremias wnats to make it something special. So we have a golden investigator, ready for baptism, but there are quite a few obstacles for her to hurtle. We are going to help her every step of the way. However, their goal is to be together forever! I am grateful we get to be a part of making their family eternal! :)
- Sunday afternoon, we went with Hna. Mey-Lyn (a recent convert, 16 yr old and awesome!) to eat lunch with Hno. Arturo (another recent convert, older guy who fights an alcohol addiction). It was so fun and we laughed a bunch! Then we got to teach a lesson, too. It was a good time!
- Also, yesterday our ward had a little party for the Relief Society´s 174th anniversary. Ther was an awesome spiritulal part, followed by tons of food! little cookies to start, then a tamale, then turkey and chifles, then chocolate cake! I was dying...but it was all sooo good! LOL and we cant say no, it is super offensive here. It was a good meeting. 
- One of the good pieces of advice given in the anniversary yesterday is something I want to do when I get home and something i think we should all do. Hna. Deisy told us we should all go up to the Relief Society presidency of Elder Quorum Presidency or High  Priest leader after the meetings and ask which sisters or brothers didnt come that day. Then we should go visit them that same day! Something as simple as the will make a huge difference and help more people become and remain active in this wonderful work. I encourage all of you to try this! I know it will work! :)
- Today, our District went to Catacaos. Catacaos is very touristic and has lots of handmade stuff, like bags, vases, dishes, figurines, etc. We went and looked around and Elder MAchaca picked up the awesomely peronalied shouder bag he ordered. I am not going to buy anything yet sinec I still have lots of time left, but you can bet that I will buying lots of things there for myself adn as gifts! :) After Catacaos, we came back to Hna. Malenas and we worked together to cook homemade mac and cheese! LOL I made the Elders do it this time sine last time I did almost eerything as they played Ping Pong. It turned uot retty good! We sat around the table, the six of us, just like my fam and had some good chats. It was a good day! Afterward, we cleaned up our mess. Hna. MAlena didnt want to let us, but there is no way I was going to let her clean up after us. I washed all the dishes, and oh my goodness Iwas sweating soooo bad...It was so hot in her kitchen...That might tell you just how crazy hot is here...But all in all a good Pday. Our District is awesome! :)

Well, that was my week! I love you all bunches and bunches! Be good, always! :) Hasta la próxima semana! 


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 16 marzo 2016‏

March 16 2016

Here´s to another year of life!!!
Bueno this week has been a good week. I little slow because we aren´t in Villa Vasquez still. We are still waiting on a house. That´s what they have been telling us. But I hope they can get things figured out soon so that we can get there and work. The elders there have told us the members are really excited to get the Hermanas back in the branch and the elders have also told us that they have references and there is work to be done so can we just get to Villa Vasquez. Also I am sick of living out of my suitcase and would love to unpack so I can find the things that I need and would like to use. Maybe a week more maybe a week more. It will all be ok. 
We had a good lesson with the elders visiting Wendy our investigator so that they could get to know her and we taught about the gospel of Jesus Christ and it was good and then her friend becasue talking about something completely opposite so there went the Spirit the elders were going to invite her to be baptized. But maybe on Saturday. 
We had a zone conference yesterday in Navarrete and Elder Cornish from the Area presidency and the seventy came and spoke during our conference. We got informed last wednesday that 3 or so missionaries would be chosen to give a talk on either Your Calling or Obedience with Exactness. They randomly chose. Everyones heart is racing and the call the first one. The second for the first topic. Then they call the third person. and Then they call the fourth person. Me. I was all.... Welp knew that was going to happen sooner or later. I didn´t plan anything though which was a bit of a terrifying factor. I had translated a quote the night before so I had that had chosen a few scriptures and then While waiting to begin I was talking with Elder Millward who is our district leader and he was all good thing I have the book called A missionary´s book of inspirational quotes memorized. I laughed because he has shared a few in district meetings and they are funny and are a good tool. I reminded him of a certain story that would be good to go with obedience and he was going to use it. So since I got called I used it. While we waited through the first three. I sat there. What is the word to this or to this so that I could somehow think of the story and say it in spanish. It ended up well. Defined obedience. As missionaries we all know what it means. Then I went on to the story. It went something like this.  
One day a farmer, wishing to teach his son the “art” of planting a field, sent him out it plant with a few words of advice.
“Son,” he said, “to make the rows nice and straight you need to fix your eye on something and follow it!”
That night as the farmer went out to inspect his son’s work he saw rows going every which way. Asking his son why he didn’t follow towards something, he replied, “I did, but the darn cow kept moving!"
Everyone began to laugh I am sure that Elder Millward laughed the hardest. Then I explained that we all know what obeidence is but sometimes we end up trying to change the course to get where we want to. To make the lines nice and stright we have to be obedience with EXACTNESS. I finish and turned to sit down and Elder Cornish tells me Bien HEcho. Bien Hecho. Well DOne Well done. I was all thanks I was jsut super nervous. I am pretty sure my hands were shaking the whole time. I wanted to get the dang story down right. because it was funny. Anyway that was a good day. We talked about how I am responsible. We are responisble for what happens. 
Lot´s of love and miss you all be good!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Baylee - March 14 2016

March 14 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

Happy Pie Day!! :) LOL 3.14.159 (or 16) I hope everyone is doing well! :) Here is what happened this week....

- Tuesday afternoon, We taught Hno. Ronald about one the talks from last General Conference, What lack I yet? I love that talk, and it has been a big focus ofor Hna. Carrera and I lately. None of us are perfect, but we cn always improve, and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be made whole. Ronald has such a great testimony of the Atonement, and the lesson was super spiritual!
- Wed. We taught our awesome investigator, Danny. I have talked about him before. He is progressing so well, but he still isnt quite so sure. He is super hesitant to accept his answer. We brought Hno. Joel with us to the lesson this week. Joel was baptized in June last year, and was in a similar situation like Danny, so he helped a ton! I know Danny is going to make the right decision because he feels the spirit so strongly and is willing to follow Christ. Please pray for him!
- Thursday morning, we had our leaders meeting in the mission home with Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen, all the SZone Leaders and Sister Leaders. The big topic of the day was sanctifying the Sabbath Day. Prophets and apostles have been talking about this lately, and it is a big problem in our mission. Presidente Rasmussen has receivd revelation that we need to teach about the Sabbath Day in every lesson, in every home. So we are now applying that to our recently created Como Comenzar a Bautizar, How to Begin Teaching. We have this new lesson plan for when we enter a house for the first, knocking doors. We introduce ourselves as representatives of Jesus Christ, not just missionaries, then we talk about how our purpose is to teach people repentance and extend an invitation (now 2 invitations). We invite people to keep the Sabbath Day holy and be baptized,all in the first visit when we enter a home! It so much more effficient and we are actually able to find those who are going t progress. So that was a good topic of the leaders meeting. We also talked about the new Easter initiative of the Church, Hallelujah. It is an awesome video and I highly reccomend that you all look it up, share it in social media! we can find new life through Christ, and you can find our how throught he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was a really good leaders meeting!
- Friday we had our Zone meeting with the new zone after transfers. Hna. Carrera and I got t introduce the Hallelujah iniciative as well as talk about appyling the Sabbath Day to our CCB. It was a pretty good meeting, too!
- Saturday morning was a very different morning. Our District LEader, Elder Elizalde, called us early, around 8:30, and asked us if we woud like to go help with a bit of service. Of course, we said yes! We hardly ever get the opportunity to serve. The service project was interesting. We entered the house and were greeted with piles and piles of old paper back notebooks, textbooks, childrens books. The Hna. does recycling and needed our help to take off the all the plastic covering and tear off the covers of the books. Our service project was destroying old books! Old, our of date textbooks and used notebooks and thing slike that. It was something I had never done before, but it was kind of fun! And afterward, she made us lunch! A gigantic pile of food...Hna. Carrera and I sturggled to finish it all because she serve us the same amount as the Elders! But It was a good day!
- Satruday evening, Hna. Carrera nd I were feeling a little bit down becaue our appointments fell through. We began knocking on doors, and experienced a little miracle that saved the whole day. We found an older gentleman named José. He talked to us about how he wants to change his life and make his family better, but he knew it was a long shot, knew that it would be crazy hard. We shared with him our CCB, and testified that this Gospel is the answer he is looking for. He was hesitant, but accepted baptism and a date, he is willing to find the truth! In his closing prayer, he asked the Lord to help him change his family. It was a pwerful expereince! Hna CArrera and I left smiling :)
- Yesterday was Stake Conference here in Castilla. Hna. CArrera and I did our best to keep the Sabbah Day holy and walked all the way to the Stake Center in the sun...LOL a long walk! The meeting was fantastic! Stake PResident Gomez, Hna. Rasmussen, PResiente Rasmussen, and Elder Balderrama of the Seventy all spoke. A Seventy was here!! That was way cool. My favorite talk was Hna. Rasmussens. She talked about the need to give children more spiritually rich expereinces, more opportunities to feel the spirit. It made me think of my sweet parents! They are great, just so everybody knows! :) Elder Balderrama talked about baptism, being born again and how that changes our lives completely. He then touched on about every topic you could think of in such an eloquent and attention capturing way. He talked about tithing, marriage relationships, not judging others, hard work, and much more! He is a really good speaker, so it wasa reall joy to listen to him, and we got to shake his hand and talk to him for a minute afterward! Cool stuff! :)
- Saunday afternoon, We got to teach a lesson that is a little out of the ordinary but that is a requirement for all recent converts. We taugh Hno. Arturo about Patriarchal Blessings! It was kind of coo ezperience, especially when Hno. Arturo got so excited and decided that he would tlak to Obispo tomorrow to get it all setup to receive his blessing as soon as possible! 
- Today, Hna. CArrera and had a shopping day! I needed a shirt and we just wanted a chill day, so we went to one of the malls here, Open Plaza, and looked around. We did a tryign on session, and it was Hna. CArreras first time! She thought that if she tried it on, she had to buy it, so she has never done it before! I made sure she got the full epxerience! We also ate at KFC and enjoyed so cheesecake in our best aefforts to celebrate Pie Day! It was a good day! :) 

Well, that was my week! I have been studying a lot about peace and the Atonement. These topics have hit me hard this week, and I would like to challenge youp all to learna bit more about the connection between those things and how it acn better your life! :) I love you all sooo much and truly hope all is well, no better than well, fantastic!! :) Hasta la próxima semana! 



Thursday, March 10, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 9 marzo, 2016‏

March 9 2016

SO some big changes came this week. 
We've had good lessons this week. There really hasn't been anything outstanding or out of the norm. teaching wise, but we did get a call from Presidente Castillo, on Saturday,  that they are going to close the area Sabaneta B the area of hermana palmer and I. We were all ok.... Then he hung up said that he would call again later with more info so we waited he called and he asked me what day I would like to go home. Supposedly in the system it said that I was going home May 15 and I was all up no I thought I was going home June 1. So then he was all so June 1 it is I was all just Presidente. Then he said great and hung up. Then he called a third time with more information. He called and said Hermana Buchanan do you want to know what is happening to you? My heart started to race because I could train, be an hermana leader, I could have done many things. I answered yes I want to know and he said that I am going to train and then he said that I was going to open and white wash an area. SO that will be an adventure going to an area that is comepletely brand new to me and my companion and with a new missionary. I am going to have to use the Lord's help more than ever. Anyways then Presidente asked hermana Palmer if she wanted to know what was going to happen with her. She said no. I looked at her because the phone was on speaker and I was all yes you want to know so then she yelled yes yes I want to know and presidente was all ok yes or no and then she gave her firm yes and he informed her that she too would be training and that we both needed to be at the trainers meeting on monday in Villa Olga. WHile we were still on the phone we both did a little dance because I called that she was going to train and she said that I was going to train so it was a little funny. Then we hung up a did a little more freaking out and then we went and cleaned the church and didn't say anything only to the elders in our area. And elder Millward was all I already knew that the area was going to close we were all yeah since when and he was all since we had interviews. We were all thanks for giving us a warning... Then Sunday came and we went to church and that was akward as well because we still didn't tell them because they would have been upset that they are taking the hermanas out of Sabaneta and only going to have elders. Then monday we left for Villa Olga and met up with the elders and we rode in a nice Caribe TOurs bus that was absolutely freezing. The meeting was awesome. Hermana Quesada is training as well!! And Elder Cruz from my old district!! They are so good. Something that I really liked was something that Pres. Castillo shared. it was D&C 121:34-40. It really had a strong meaning to me. In the guide to the scriptures under the word Chosen it says- CHOSEN (adjective or Noun): Those selected by God for special responsabilities. Just think about it. Tuesday we travelled again to Naravrrete for a zone meeting we got there at one of the churches and it was locked to se walked 30 minutes to the other one and it was locked too. We forgot our phone so we couldn't call anyone so I was all we'll wait 10 minutes and we're going home. WE waited and some elders that were straggling behind called and they came and let us in. We got zone tee shirts and took pictures. We got told our new areas and I am going to an area called Villa Vasquez B. It will be good. Still have no idea where it lies but I'm going there. So we came home and began/finished packing because we had started and then we cleaned the house and then we stopped
 by a few houses to show the elders where Wendy lives and good thing we did because she was in the process of packing to move houses the elders are going to visit with her she is awesome and they noticed it in just meeting her. Thenwe went and visited with the brainch presidente and then we stopped by the church. We got a call from the assistants to tell me that I didn't need to bring my things to caribe tours because I would be going back to Sabaneta with my new compa and we will be there until they get things all lined out in villa Vasquez. So yeah. and then we went and had dinner at Chao with the elders as our las hurrah in our district we played cards and we shared memories and then we went home finished cleaning the house and went to bed and then this morning we got up early and we went to Caribe Tours again and got a cold ride to SAntiago because Elder Millward and I are training and our companions were there at the stop we got back to Sabaneta really early which is awesome. My new companion is Hermana Corterreal. She is from Santo DOmingo and so awesome!!! She got settled in and then we went and played cards with the elders and now we are writing. I also decided to cut up the first compression socks that I had!! Good BYE!!
I love this work and I wouldn't choose to do anything else. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I love my Heavenly Father. I have been chosen.
Love you all!!
Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Monday, March 7, 2016

Baylee - March 7 2016

March 7 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

Another week gone by! I hope all is well back home! :) Here is what happened here in the mission...

- Monday night, we gave a lesson in a FHE with the F. Sanchez. They are very supportive of the missionary work, and we enojyed a leeson about perserving in the work of the Lord. We can never give up! This work is the most importnat thing we can do, and we can neer stop sharing what we know. LOL as a parting gift, the family gave us both GIANT mangos, like HUGE! LOL they were soooo good :)
- Tuesday, Hna. Carrera and I decided to seek out a less active named Keyla. Her mom asked us to visit her a little while back. We went looking and were able to talk with her about why she isnt coming to church. She hasnt begen active in the church for the past 7 years! She talked about the trials she has fsaced. I shared a scriptture about the sons of Mosiah and ghow they felt after their conversion, their desire to bring every soul unto Christ. That is how I feel, and I explained this to Hna. Keyla. tears filled her eyes. She told us that hardly anyone apart from her mom had shown such interesrt in her coming back to church. Guys, people need us! they need our love and suport our concern and our effort. Never llet anyone fall away off on their own. We are the hands of the Lord here on earth, and we  need to qork hard to save others!
- Wed. as we knocked on doors, Hna. Carrera and I came across a little old lady and her nephew, Josue. Josue is probably almost 30. We convinced him to join us in the lesson, and we began explaining our purpose and the Restoration. Josue felt the Spirit, it was so clear in his eyes, but he was nervous, like almost afraid. He reluctantly began telling us about soem problems he has been in, problems in volving witchcraft. He wsnt sure if we would believe him, but he says he has been cursed, that hw has been sick for the past month or so because of it. He is scared to leave his house now and only visit with family. I believed him. Normallly, I might  be doubtful, but here in Perú, it seens more and more real, this kind of stuff. But we were able to testify that the light and joy and peace is found in the Gospel, in Christ. He got a little bit of hope in his eyes. He agreed to learn more. It so amazing how the Gospel truly is the answer to every question, every worry, every fear. 
- Thurs. we had our last District meeting. LOL I love our District! We have such a good time, laughing and making jokes while also learning aton and feeling the Spirit. To be honest, this has been my favorite District so far, even better than my first and that District was awesome! I brought homemade chocolate frosting and vanilla cookies to share at the end, and the Elders ate it ALL! LOL
- Friday, it rained...and rained....and rained!!!! LOL We headed out to proselyte around 3:15, with Hna. Mey-Lyn accompanying us, and it started raingin abotut 20 minutres in...and it didnt stop until 6 AM the next morning! IT RAINED FOR ALMOST 15 HOURS STRAIGHT!!! LOL The streets with like rivers, and we were absolutely soaked! Sadly, many houses here in Piura are not prepared for rain, so lots of roofs fell in...there have been a lot of problems because of the rain. LOL the rain leaks into our room too so we have three or four bbuckets in specifc spots all over our room. Hna. Mey-Lyn was such a trooper, refusing to head home and trucking  through the rain with us all day long. Love her!
- Durin g the rain, we took some refuge as we taught a recent convert, Joel. We decided to teach the Restoration again, he has heard it many times. This time however, we made it more personal. I asked Joel to listen closely as I recited the First Vision and  think about what kind ofb impact that experience has had on his life. Wow the Spirit was overwhelimng in those moments! the Firts Vision of Joseph Smith was a huge moment for all mankind. A moment that brought back light and truth and joy! I am so grateful for livig prophets on the earth today!
Saturday morning our plans fell through, so we began knocking on doors. It was 12:30, almost time to head to lunch, and we decided to knock on one more door, planning to get one more contact. A young mom opened the door, and she very natrually chatted with us and let us come in. We did the CCB lesson plan. What was really surprising at first was the the lady, Elizabeth, understood the idea of the apostasy perfectly. She agreed that world has been a dark place, and that we need to find the light. Then we started explaing the First Vision. Her face changed drastically. She smiled, and the peaceful joy that filled the room was almost tangible! Elizabeth told us that the message was so beautiful and we challenged her to be baptized. She accepted! and the baptismal date that came next was also a quick acceptance. Normally we would be alittle concerned at someone accepting so fast, but the Spirit and her sincerity was so clear thast Hna. Carrera dn I were just glowing! We asked her to offer the closing prayer, and in her prayer she fervently thanked God for answering her prayers and bringing the light into her life! That moment was such an amazing miracle! Hna. Carrera and I left the house floating on clouds, beaming from ear to ear and the whole rest of the day we just could not stop talking about the experience! I testify that the Lord is preparing people in every part of the world, and even just before lunch time, there are people to find that need this message, that are seeking for the light and truth the we bring!
- Also Satruday morning,we taught a recent contact. She was really pacnicky as we entered and could hardly focus. Her huswband is not the best of men, and Erica was scared. I was prompted to pull out my mission scripture, 2 Nephi 4:34-35. I shared that scripture which is all about trusting God and not men, praising ourLord. Erica began to cry and focused in more. We challenged her to baptism and she agreed. I asdked her why she would do it and she told me ´to save this family´. That was a very powerful moment!
- Sunday afternoon, we taught another awesome pro9gressing investigator, Danny. We taught hin about the law of chastity and the word of wisdom. Those things were both a little new for him, but he completely understood why they would be good things to follow. He definitely has received his answer, but he is so hesitant to recognize it. Goodness! We are helping him trust more in the Lord and recognize his answers. His baptism is scheduled for the 26th. Please pray for him, pray that he will recognize his answer and have the courage to act!
- We also Taught our 14 year old investigator Nicol yesterdday. She is so great and loves this Church, but her dad is so difficult...We are working to help him understand why it is implrtant to Nicol. Please pray for her too!
- Well, today was transfers! Hna. Carrera and I didnt have transfers, we are staying here in Ramon Castilla as sister leaders, but we had to go to Eppo early this morning to help with all the other transfers. It was a mob of missionaries!! LOL Like the SLC airport Wednesday mornings LOL! And right now, Hna. Richan from my CCM district is with us and will be with us until Wednesday because she is going to train a newbie! LOL So we are a trio right now! That kind of made writing home a little hard LOL The kind Internet cafe owner is lettting me use his lap top alingside the other two so that we can be together! We ordered two pizzas to share and azre writing home and eating pizzas, making all these little bpys playing video games super jealous LOL :) 

Well, thats what happened this week! Another week flying by!! I cannot believe it! I love you and all and miss you too, but I know this Gospel is true and that this work is the most importnatn and besxt thing that I could be doing right now! Be faithful, read your scriptures, go to church, and always take the opportunities to share this beuatiful light! :) I love you all!! Hasta la próxima semana! :)



Thursday, March 3, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 2, marzo 2016‏

March 2 2016

Well it is March....... 

Thursday we went to go teach a hermana named Sori but she wasn´t in her home so we shared with a diferent hermana named Bey or something like that we couldn´t understand and she doesn´t know how to spell her name either. A lot of people here in Sabaneta don´t know how to read which is a little hard to work with because how do you measure their progress if they can´t read. Then we went to inivte the primary presidenta to the missionary reunion so that she knew that she was invited but she was in the middle of washing clothes so hopefully next week. Then we had the meeting.

Friday we had service at Fran´s house again. There wasn´t water because in his house he doesn´t have running water and so we use the hose of the neighbors and they were not at home so we just wept the floor. We taught Nomar a youth of 12 years and his less active mom and then afterwards he left to go to a soccer practice I was a bit jealous then we stayed with the mom named Genarina. She was sewing so we talked and watched. I helped unstitch a seam that took forever but I finished it. Then we visited with an hermana named Amirys and she was super stressed out they were moving and she has two huge projects in her work. We talked about Mateo 11:28-30 and 2 Tim. 2:3 and she is so strong.

Friday we had an activity at the church because today was independence day here so we did a sports activity we go there and the elders were the only ones there so we played two on two for a bit and that was fun and then the youth came and kind of kicked us girls off the court so then we were going to play cards and then Amirys calls us to come help clean the new house so from about 4 in the afternoon we threw water all over the house walls windows all of it until about 7:45 at night. We were all wiped. Now if she had done it all herself it would have taken her days. we are champions. So we went and got ice cream went back to the house and laid there for a long time. I remembered in my part death that it was Hna Grange´s birthday so I called her. I am pretty sure I sounded like death. So tired. We slept good that night.

Sunday we woke up sore and still tired. We went to church and when we were leaving there were people in front of our house decorating a trailer because the presidente of the country was coming to Sabaneta. And from like 1 in the afternoon people were gathering and blasting music until like 5 in the afternoon we were trapped in the house. But we did see the presidente he went right in front of our house as did the parade. Then we went and visited with Yaniry a member because she is in charge of the activity on wednesday and wants our help.

monday we taught Wendy and then helped presidnete with Englsih and then we helped Amirys clean all of her clothes we almost ended up in a huge water fight. It was going to get good but we stayed calm.

Tuesday was the same but we helped in the new house cleaned the fridge and wash plates and stuff and then we god feed Platanos and yucca a eggs sooooo good!! Then we went home. 

Today we did absolutely nothing. OUr elders called us this morning to say they weren´t going to be here in Sabaneta because they were going to Narvarrete to go to were they are FILMING FAST AND FURIOUS 8. But they didn´t invite us they were on the bus when they called us. Come to find out ALL of the zone was there. We aren´t to happy about not getting invited. Oh well I guess.... 

Make sure to do your part. Don´t wait to be told to do something that you know that you can do. It is not fun being n charge and having to tell everyone exactly what to do and then they still don´t do it. Be helpful.

Love you all!!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan