Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!
How is everyone this week?? My week here has been good. Here is what went down…
-Tuesday I went on Intercambios with Hna. Ramirez in Catacaso. Catacaos right now is super decked out as they ce lebrate La Semana Santa, or Easter. They have like a fair thing and music and tons of stuff! Hna Ramirez and I had a good day. We got to teach an Hna. Names Lucy. She has a littlbe bit of a different idea about what we do as missionaries. Before, Evangelist missionaries came to bless her house and brought in things like salt and oil and incense…So tht is what she thinks we do! LOL We explained a little better, and her face just about lit up! She was so excited about the idea of real baptism and real power on the earth today! Hna. Ramirez and I also were able to laugh and talk a lot and she gave me a lot of good advice. She is going home at the end of this transfer,fç finishing her mission. It is a really great opportunity to talk to Hna.s that are ending to get a better insight.
- Wednesday and Friday Hna. Carrera and I were abkle to teach Hno. Danny again,I hope you remember him! He is so awesome!LOL I think I say that every email! But it is true! This week we talkedabout our living prophets and apostles on the earth today,the real power of the Priesthood,and that opportunity we have this coming weekend to watch General Conference and hear from these powerful servants of God. Those were some powerful lessons, the Spirit was so potent in each one! Danny truly knows that this message is true. He just needs a little bit moe to hep him recognize it. Please keep praying for him!
- Thursday we had interviews with Presidente Rasmussen. He is such a great hlp! He suggested that I read Believing Christ, a really good and slightly informal book about the Atonement of Christ. He brought it to the interview and lent it to me. I also was able to have a little visit with Hna. Rasmussen. I love her! She is such a powerful,and lvoing lady! It was a good time.
- thurs night was also Ward Council,but a very smal amount of opeople showed up. LOL want to know why? Perù was playing Venezuela in a soccer game! LOL Oh the things that will pull people away!
- Friday Hna. Carrera and I did a very fun and silly service...we coored with Hna. Katia! LOL she had to prepare her class for her first Primary class, and asked for our help. We had a good time coloring temples and families!
- Friday night,Hna. Mey-Lyn was accompanying us and I decided to buy us a little dinner. We bought some hamburgers and spent a goo amount of time laughing.Shes the best!
- Saturday morning, we had a District meeting. It was a really powerful meeting as we talked about our purpose and call as missionaries and representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hna. Carrera and I taught a part of the class, pullin g out the letter we al rece ived when we were calledaswell as our little preaching certificates that say we are authorzedrepresentatives of tjhe Lord and His Church. It is so powerful to remember that we truly have been called of God!
. Saturday night the was the General Womens Conference! Hna. Carrera and I were running all over to get there on time, bnut it was sooooo worth it! The messages and music were beautfil. All centered on service. We need to seek opportunites to serve others,put down the mirror and think about others,and realize tjhat when we do all that we can,it is enough. A super great meeting!
- Sunday we taught Hno. Arture the Plan of Salvation,his third time hearing it. B ut it was super powerful because we talked about the fact that we all rejoiced at the plan of the Lord. We were so thrilled and grateful for the opportunity to become like our Father. We need to remember that joy,that grand blessing that we have,and work our very best here in this life. Afterall,that is why we came!
- Sunday evening,Hna. Carrera and I found two seperate new investigators. One names Luisa. She likes to talk a lot,but she really wnats to follow the Savior. The big challenge with her is going to be that she doesnt know how to read. We will find a way to help her though! The other new i vestigator is named Medalid. She was so so so very nervous the say the prayer at the end,but when she finally did, the Spirit entered the room. Saturday night we are going to go to her house and help hr wash clothes so thjat she has time to come to Conference ith us Sun day morning!
- Today, Hna. Carrera,Elder Elizalde, andElder Pereira and I went to the hosue of the Elders Wa rd Mission LEdae r, Hno. Gino, andcooked lunch. It was a real good time! We made Ceviche de Pota, Lomo Saltado, and I made them all some microwave mug muffins because they asked me to make one the the dessert things I have recipes for. LOL Mom your recipes are famous! It all turned out really tasty,not to mention we laughed a ton! Hno Gino`s nephew, Bruno,is five and he loves the içmissionaries! He just barely met me and wanted to hold my hand as we walked and chat with me! LOL and then he decided to soak me with a cup of water! LOL I got him back, them he wasnt so happy LOL but I made peacewith him as we teamed up to get Elder Elizalde wet! We had a mini water fight in the house :) A good time!
Well, that was m y week! I am so thankful for this Gospel, for the Priesthoood power and living prophets on the earth today! I encourage each and everyone of you to take the time to watch and/or listen to General Conference this coming weekend. We truly can receive specific and personal guidance from these inspired men! Please dont miss this opportunity! as we keep telling all of our investigators, this type of thing onoy comes around twice a y ear,and the nezxt one isnt until October! I loe you all so miss! Be faithful! :) Hasta la próxima semana!
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