Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Baylee - February 29 2016

February 29 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigas!

How are we all doing today? I feel like the week flew by just a bit, dont you? Heres what happened here in Ramón Castilla.

- Monday night we had a FHE lesson with the F. Viera, Hno. Buenadventura. He is our Ward Mission Leader and he has 7 kids, ranging from 23 to 6. LOL It was a good lesson. The mom is having doubts about the Church and not coming, so we are trying to help them out.
- Tuesday adn wednesday we went on Intercambios with the Hna.s in Sechura. This time I went with Hn. Howell- She is from Idaho and she is absolutely fantastic! We laughed so much and were able to work real hard. I am so grateful for Hn.a Howell! She told me that I helped her a ton too, and I know that the Lord helped me because I feel so incapable as a leader, especially when the other have more time i the mission than I do. but the Lord qualifies who He calls, He helps us every step of the way and will never leave us alone. That is what the lesson was about in Relief Society yesterday, and it is true, right now more than ever!
- Wed as Hna. Carrera and I came back to Ramón Castilla from Sechura, we both fell asleep on the bus and we missed the stop! LOL we had to get off farther up and take abother car to get back to the right place. Wow a silly memory, for sure! What is even crazier is that Hna. Carrera said that in her dreams, someone was trying to tell her to wake up, just as we were missing the stop! 
- Wed. we taught a reecnt convert, Joel, and we talked abuot faith. We read Ether 12, andI absolutely love that chapter! It is so very powerful! Faith the move mountains, faith the see God! I recommend that chapter in your studies this week!
- Thursday we had a District meeting, and it was so silly! One of our investigator is wife hunting in the capilla, which we though was a bit outrageous, but turns out the Elders have an investigator who is also wife hunting! Turns out to be more common than I thought!! 
- Thurs we also taught our recent convert Francisco and we watched the movie of the REstoration. I have seen it many times, but every time I am still touched by the powerful expereince of Joseph Smith. He faced so many trials to help this work progress, and we are asked to bear just small things. Truly, our trials will be but a small moment and if we endure well, we will be exalted. Dont give up guys, ever! There is a plan, a reason,and God is with you every step of the way!
- Friday...well it rained like crazy! We have been woken u p two times this week in the early morning with rain leaking into our room! Leaking onto my bed!!  actually had to put out another matress on the flor and slep there because the rain was soaking my bed...LOL so that is a lot of fun! But an Hno. has been working on the roof to make it better for the other rains. 
- Friday night we had a mission night activity intended toget to know more of the members. We had planned get to know you games and even made brownies! And everyone came late because of the crazy rain and only people we already knew showed up! LOL but thats ok we still had fun. We played some rounds of speeing dating and Fruit Basket with get to know you questions. LOL the members here had nevre played those games, but they loved them! We hlaughed a ton!!
- Sat. we were uable to find one of our best investigators, Nicol, but  it ended up being a blessig in disguise because we were able to seek out anothre Hna. we taught once before, and she is super ready now to receive the message. Her name is Sonia and we are working to get her to come to Church. little blessings that at first seem like trials. Remember that. Many times the blessings might first seem like a trial, but just wait, hold on, be patient, trust in the Lords timnig. It will all work out fr your benefit!
- Sunday we had a giant Stake Ward COuncil meeting with all of Estaca Castilla. It was interestng to see how things are run here in Perú, it is very  different than in the states. But it was kid of fun to see other people and do somethieg different!
- Today was a good day! Hna. CArrera and I were able to go with our District Elders MAchaca, Clawson, Elizalde, and OSmond, to the mission home and cook lunch! I got to use an oven!!! LOL dont judge it made me really happy! We made lasgna (well, the closest we could get when there isnt ricotta cheese available!), and tollhouse choc. chip cookies, but without brown sugar because it doesnt exist here. It turned out real tasty! The Elders didnt really help because the Ping Pong table was a big distraction LOL. and I was able to teach Hna. Carrera how to make it all. I loved it! and then we got to eat lunch with PResidente, Hna. Rasmussen, and their Pensionista, Hna. Jimenez. It wwas so fun!! 
- Also, today Hna. CArrera and I braved the market here in Piura. It was our first time, and it was quite an expereience. The markets are so crazy, packed with people and stuff, just stuff everywhere! I wish I cuold take a picture of it all to show you, but it isnt safe to pull out a camara there LOL. but we got all the things we wanted for a better price. Definitely different traditions!

Well, thats my week! The pics are first me with Hna Howell and then today in the mission home. :) Hasta la próxima semana!! 



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