Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 30 marzo 2016‏

March 30 2016

Well this week has been crazy, 

Thursday we were still in Santiago at the hermana leaders house and waiting and trying to do weekly planning like the other sisters in the house but is a little hard when there is nothing to plan for. Then at lunch time we decided to call Hemana Castillo to get permission to let us gobuy an outfit so we had another pair of clothes. She said ok after much thought. We left and were almost to the store and the elder in charge of houses calls and asks if we want to live in the house even though the floor is not done or live in the house across the street we were all the one with the hole in the floor becasue our things are already in there. He was all cool. We were all so when are we gonna go and he was all right now. I was all fantastic we are like 15 minutes away from the house give us a few sowe can get back. We got there and ran but the office and then we got some dominos for lunch. Been a long time since I had pizza. Then we left. We got there they filled our gas and our six jugs of water. Then they left we were fianlly in the house. YAYYY!!! The elders in our area took us to a few members houses to present us and it was a little overwhelming but they are so loving. It is going to be awesome!!

Friday we did weekl planning witht eh elders and then we had a few lessons with them. We visited quite a few people and at each place they gave us habichuelas con dulce. Beans that they make for the Holy Week the liquify them and they eat them. Not my favorite thing but we had 5 different servings my companion who likes it after the 2 serving was like can we just go home. Everyone had Habichuelas con dulce because friday is when Christ died and so they focus on that a little. But in the end we survived.

Saturday we had a few lessons again and then we were able to watch the womens conference andit was good. In the first song before anyone spoke I knew that the conference was going to be about serivce. It was so good.

Sunday we had a good day. In the lessons we talked about the resurrection to remind us why we celebrate Holy Week. 

Monday we had a district meeting and Hna Bonilla is in my distict she is awesome!! It was good to talk with her again. She goes home at the end of this trransfer she is excited to be with her family again.

Tuesday we had a member leave with us and we had a few good lessons and then at 8 we had our lesson fall through so we went to the church and played around with the youth for about 5 minutes and then a drunk was walking by and a kid said something and the drunk freaked out and began throwing things from the other side of the fence. He must pass by a lot drunk becasue all the children knew that he throws rock and began running and hiding and I was all what is happening because I wasn't paying close attention. It was funny. There is more to it but easier to say in person. It was quite hilarious and quite a show. If you want to know more remember to ask me about it. Wee also ended the day with ice cream keeping the p-day eve ice creamtradtion alive.

Wednesday today we came to Santiago for P-Day Santiago we went to Calle Del SOl and I bought a few things then we had lunch at Wendy's and then we went to the office and now we are writing families and going to be leaving soon so we can get back to our area in time.

I love you all!!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

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