Thursday, March 10, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 9 marzo, 2016‏

March 9 2016

SO some big changes came this week. 
We've had good lessons this week. There really hasn't been anything outstanding or out of the norm. teaching wise, but we did get a call from Presidente Castillo, on Saturday,  that they are going to close the area Sabaneta B the area of hermana palmer and I. We were all ok.... Then he hung up said that he would call again later with more info so we waited he called and he asked me what day I would like to go home. Supposedly in the system it said that I was going home May 15 and I was all up no I thought I was going home June 1. So then he was all so June 1 it is I was all just Presidente. Then he said great and hung up. Then he called a third time with more information. He called and said Hermana Buchanan do you want to know what is happening to you? My heart started to race because I could train, be an hermana leader, I could have done many things. I answered yes I want to know and he said that I am going to train and then he said that I was going to open and white wash an area. SO that will be an adventure going to an area that is comepletely brand new to me and my companion and with a new missionary. I am going to have to use the Lord's help more than ever. Anyways then Presidente asked hermana Palmer if she wanted to know what was going to happen with her. She said no. I looked at her because the phone was on speaker and I was all yes you want to know so then she yelled yes yes I want to know and presidente was all ok yes or no and then she gave her firm yes and he informed her that she too would be training and that we both needed to be at the trainers meeting on monday in Villa Olga. WHile we were still on the phone we both did a little dance because I called that she was going to train and she said that I was going to train so it was a little funny. Then we hung up a did a little more freaking out and then we went and cleaned the church and didn't say anything only to the elders in our area. And elder Millward was all I already knew that the area was going to close we were all yeah since when and he was all since we had interviews. We were all thanks for giving us a warning... Then Sunday came and we went to church and that was akward as well because we still didn't tell them because they would have been upset that they are taking the hermanas out of Sabaneta and only going to have elders. Then monday we left for Villa Olga and met up with the elders and we rode in a nice Caribe TOurs bus that was absolutely freezing. The meeting was awesome. Hermana Quesada is training as well!! And Elder Cruz from my old district!! They are so good. Something that I really liked was something that Pres. Castillo shared. it was D&C 121:34-40. It really had a strong meaning to me. In the guide to the scriptures under the word Chosen it says- CHOSEN (adjective or Noun): Those selected by God for special responsabilities. Just think about it. Tuesday we travelled again to Naravrrete for a zone meeting we got there at one of the churches and it was locked to se walked 30 minutes to the other one and it was locked too. We forgot our phone so we couldn't call anyone so I was all we'll wait 10 minutes and we're going home. WE waited and some elders that were straggling behind called and they came and let us in. We got zone tee shirts and took pictures. We got told our new areas and I am going to an area called Villa Vasquez B. It will be good. Still have no idea where it lies but I'm going there. So we came home and began/finished packing because we had started and then we cleaned the house and then we stopped
 by a few houses to show the elders where Wendy lives and good thing we did because she was in the process of packing to move houses the elders are going to visit with her she is awesome and they noticed it in just meeting her. Thenwe went and visited with the brainch presidente and then we stopped by the church. We got a call from the assistants to tell me that I didn't need to bring my things to caribe tours because I would be going back to Sabaneta with my new compa and we will be there until they get things all lined out in villa Vasquez. So yeah. and then we went and had dinner at Chao with the elders as our las hurrah in our district we played cards and we shared memories and then we went home finished cleaning the house and went to bed and then this morning we got up early and we went to Caribe Tours again and got a cold ride to SAntiago because Elder Millward and I are training and our companions were there at the stop we got back to Sabaneta really early which is awesome. My new companion is Hermana Corterreal. She is from Santo DOmingo and so awesome!!! She got settled in and then we went and played cards with the elders and now we are writing. I also decided to cut up the first compression socks that I had!! Good BYE!!
I love this work and I wouldn't choose to do anything else. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I love my Heavenly Father. I have been chosen.
Love you all!!
Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

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