Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!
Another week gone by! I hope all is well back home! :) Here is what happened here in the mission...
- Monday night, we gave a lesson in a FHE with the F. Sanchez. They are very supportive of the missionary work, and we enojyed a leeson about perserving in the work of the Lord. We can never give up! This work is the most importnat thing we can do, and we can neer stop sharing what we know. LOL as a parting gift, the family gave us both GIANT mangos, like HUGE! LOL they were soooo good :)
- Tuesday, Hna. Carrera and I decided to seek out a less active named Keyla. Her mom asked us to visit her a little while back. We went looking and were able to talk with her about why she isnt coming to church. She hasnt begen active in the church for the past 7 years! She talked about the trials she has fsaced. I shared a scriptture about the sons of Mosiah and ghow they felt after their conversion, their desire to bring every soul unto Christ. That is how I feel, and I explained this to Hna. Keyla. tears filled her eyes. She told us that hardly anyone apart from her mom had shown such interesrt in her coming back to church. Guys, people need us! they need our love and suport our concern and our effort. Never llet anyone fall away off on their own. We are the hands of the Lord here on earth, and we need to qork hard to save others!
- Wed. as we knocked on doors, Hna. Carrera and I came across a little old lady and her nephew, Josue. Josue is probably almost 30. We convinced him to join us in the lesson, and we began explaining our purpose and the Restoration. Josue felt the Spirit, it was so clear in his eyes, but he was nervous, like almost afraid. He reluctantly began telling us about soem problems he has been in, problems in volving witchcraft. He wsnt sure if we would believe him, but he says he has been cursed, that hw has been sick for the past month or so because of it. He is scared to leave his house now and only visit with family. I believed him. Normallly, I might be doubtful, but here in Perú, it seens more and more real, this kind of stuff. But we were able to testify that the light and joy and peace is found in the Gospel, in Christ. He got a little bit of hope in his eyes. He agreed to learn more. It so amazing how the Gospel truly is the answer to every question, every worry, every fear.
- Thurs. we had our last District meeting. LOL I love our District! We have such a good time, laughing and making jokes while also learning aton and feeling the Spirit. To be honest, this has been my favorite District so far, even better than my first and that District was awesome! I brought homemade chocolate frosting and vanilla cookies to share at the end, and the Elders ate it ALL! LOL
- Friday, it rained...and rained....and rained!!!! LOL We headed out to proselyte around 3:15, with Hna. Mey-Lyn accompanying us, and it started raingin abotut 20 minutres in...and it didnt stop until 6 AM the next morning! IT RAINED FOR ALMOST 15 HOURS STRAIGHT!!! LOL The streets with like rivers, and we were absolutely soaked! Sadly, many houses here in Piura are not prepared for rain, so lots of roofs fell in...there have been a lot of problems because of the rain. LOL the rain leaks into our room too so we have three or four bbuckets in specifc spots all over our room. Hna. Mey-Lyn was such a trooper, refusing to head home and trucking through the rain with us all day long. Love her!
- Durin g the rain, we took some refuge as we taught a recent convert, Joel. We decided to teach the Restoration again, he has heard it many times. This time however, we made it more personal. I asked Joel to listen closely as I recited the First Vision and think about what kind ofb impact that experience has had on his life. Wow the Spirit was overwhelimng in those moments! the Firts Vision of Joseph Smith was a huge moment for all mankind. A moment that brought back light and truth and joy! I am so grateful for livig prophets on the earth today!
- Saturday morning our plans fell through, so we began knocking on doors. It was 12:30, almost time to head to lunch, and we decided to knock on one more door, planning to get one more contact. A young mom opened the door, and she very natrually chatted with us and let us come in. We did the CCB lesson plan. What was really surprising at first was the the lady, Elizabeth, understood the idea of the apostasy perfectly. She agreed that world has been a dark place, and that we need to find the light. Then we started explaing the First Vision. Her face changed drastically. She smiled, and the peaceful joy that filled the room was almost tangible! Elizabeth told us that the message was so beautiful and we challenged her to be baptized. She accepted! and the baptismal date that came next was also a quick acceptance. Normally we would be alittle concerned at someone accepting so fast, but the Spirit and her sincerity was so clear thast Hna. Carrera dn I were just glowing! We asked her to offer the closing prayer, and in her prayer she fervently thanked God for answering her prayers and bringing the light into her life! That moment was such an amazing miracle! Hna. Carrera and I left the house floating on clouds, beaming from ear to ear and the whole rest of the day we just could not stop talking about the experience! I testify that the Lord is preparing people in every part of the world, and even just before lunch time, there are people to find that need this message, that are seeking for the light and truth the we bring!
- Also Satruday morning,we taught a recent contact. She was really pacnicky as we entered and could hardly focus. Her huswband is not the best of men, and Erica was scared. I was prompted to pull out my mission scripture, 2 Nephi 4:34-35. I shared that scripture which is all about trusting God and not men, praising ourLord. Erica began to cry and focused in more. We challenged her to baptism and she agreed. I asdked her why she would do it and she told me ´to save this family´. That was a very powerful moment!
- Sunday afternoon, we taught another awesome pro9gressing investigator, Danny. We taught hin about the law of chastity and the word of wisdom. Those things were both a little new for him, but he completely understood why they would be good things to follow. He definitely has received his answer, but he is so hesitant to recognize it. Goodness! We are helping him trust more in the Lord and recognize his answers. His baptism is scheduled for the 26th. Please pray for him, pray that he will recognize his answer and have the courage to act!
- We also Taught our 14 year old investigator Nicol yesterdday. She is so great and loves this Church, but her dad is so difficult...We are working to help him understand why it is implrtant to Nicol. Please pray for her too!
- Well, today was transfers! Hna. Carrera and I didnt have transfers, we are staying here in Ramon Castilla as sister leaders, but we had to go to Eppo early this morning to help with all the other transfers. It was a mob of missionaries!! LOL Like the SLC airport Wednesday mornings LOL! And right now, Hna. Richan from my CCM district is with us and will be with us until Wednesday because she is going to train a newbie! LOL So we are a trio right now! That kind of made writing home a little hard LOL The kind Internet cafe owner is lettting me use his lap top alingside the other two so that we can be together! We ordered two pizzas to share and azre writing home and eating pizzas, making all these little bpys playing video games super jealous LOL :)
Well, thats what happened this week! Another week flying by!! I cannot believe it! I love you and all and miss you too, but I know this Gospel is true and that this work is the most importnatn and besxt thing that I could be doing right now! Be faithful, read your scriptures, go to church, and always take the opportunities to share this beuatiful light! :) I love you all!! Hasta la próxima semana! :)
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