Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
Happy Pie Day!! :) LOL 3.14.159 (or 16) I hope everyone is doing well! :) Here is what happened this week....
- Tuesday afternoon, We taught Hno. Ronald about one the talks from last General Conference, What lack I yet? I love that talk, and it has been a big focus ofor Hna. Carrera and I lately. None of us are perfect, but we cn always improve, and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be made whole. Ronald has such a great testimony of the Atonement, and the lesson was super spiritual!
- Wed. We taught our awesome investigator, Danny. I have talked about him before. He is progressing so well, but he still isnt quite so sure. He is super hesitant to accept his answer. We brought Hno. Joel with us to the lesson this week. Joel was baptized in June last year, and was in a similar situation like Danny, so he helped a ton! I know Danny is going to make the right decision because he feels the spirit so strongly and is willing to follow Christ. Please pray for him!
- Thursday morning, we had our leaders meeting in the mission home with Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen, all the SZone Leaders and Sister Leaders. The big topic of the day was sanctifying the Sabbath Day. Prophets and apostles have been talking about this lately, and it is a big problem in our mission. Presidente Rasmussen has receivd revelation that we need to teach about the Sabbath Day in every lesson, in every home. So we are now applying that to our recently created Como Comenzar a Bautizar, How to Begin Teaching. We have this new lesson plan for when we enter a house for the first, knocking doors. We introduce ourselves as representatives of Jesus Christ, not just missionaries, then we talk about how our purpose is to teach people repentance and extend an invitation (now 2 invitations). We invite people to keep the Sabbath Day holy and be baptized,all in the first visit when we enter a home! It so much more effficient and we are actually able to find those who are going t progress. So that was a good topic of the leaders meeting. We also talked about the new Easter initiative of the Church, Hallelujah. It is an awesome video and I highly reccomend that you all look it up, share it in social media! we can find new life through Christ, and you can find our how throught he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was a really good leaders meeting!
- Friday we had our Zone meeting with the new zone after transfers. Hna. Carrera and I got t introduce the Hallelujah iniciative as well as talk about appyling the Sabbath Day to our CCB. It was a pretty good meeting, too!
- Saturday morning was a very different morning. Our District LEader, Elder Elizalde, called us early, around 8:30, and asked us if we woud like to go help with a bit of service. Of course, we said yes! We hardly ever get the opportunity to serve. The service project was interesting. We entered the house and were greeted with piles and piles of old paper back notebooks, textbooks, childrens books. The Hna. does recycling and needed our help to take off the all the plastic covering and tear off the covers of the books. Our service project was destroying old books! Old, our of date textbooks and used notebooks and thing slike that. It was something I had never done before, but it was kind of fun! And afterward, she made us lunch! A gigantic pile of food...Hna. Carrera and I sturggled to finish it all because she serve us the same amount as the Elders! But It was a good day!
- Satruday evening, Hna. Carrera nd I were feeling a little bit down becaue our appointments fell through. We began knocking on doors, and experienced a little miracle that saved the whole day. We found an older gentleman named José. He talked to us about how he wants to change his life and make his family better, but he knew it was a long shot, knew that it would be crazy hard. We shared with him our CCB, and testified that this Gospel is the answer he is looking for. He was hesitant, but accepted baptism and a date, he is willing to find the truth! In his closing prayer, he asked the Lord to help him change his family. It was a pwerful expereince! Hna CArrera and I left smiling :)
- Yesterday was Stake Conference here in Castilla. Hna. CArrera and I did our best to keep the Sabbah Day holy and walked all the way to the Stake Center in the sun...LOL a long walk! The meeting was fantastic! Stake PResident Gomez, Hna. Rasmussen, PResiente Rasmussen, and Elder Balderrama of the Seventy all spoke. A Seventy was here!! That was way cool. My favorite talk was Hna. Rasmussens. She talked about the need to give children more spiritually rich expereinces, more opportunities to feel the spirit. It made me think of my sweet parents! They are great, just so everybody knows! :) Elder Balderrama talked about baptism, being born again and how that changes our lives completely. He then touched on about every topic you could think of in such an eloquent and attention capturing way. He talked about tithing, marriage relationships, not judging others, hard work, and much more! He is a really good speaker, so it wasa reall joy to listen to him, and we got to shake his hand and talk to him for a minute afterward! Cool stuff! :)
- Saunday afternoon, We got to teach a lesson that is a little out of the ordinary but that is a requirement for all recent converts. We taugh Hno. Arturo about Patriarchal Blessings! It was kind of coo ezperience, especially when Hno. Arturo got so excited and decided that he would tlak to Obispo tomorrow to get it all setup to receive his blessing as soon as possible!
- Today, Hna. CArrera and had a shopping day! I needed a shirt and we just wanted a chill day, so we went to one of the malls here, Open Plaza, and looked around. We did a tryign on session, and it was Hna. CArreras first time! She thought that if she tried it on, she had to buy it, so she has never done it before! I made sure she got the full epxerience! We also ate at KFC and enjoyed so cheesecake in our best aefforts to celebrate Pie Day! It was a good day! :)
Well, that was my week! I have been studying a lot about peace and the Atonement. These topics have hit me hard this week, and I would like to challenge youp all to learna bit more about the connection between those things and how it acn better your life! :) I love you all sooo much and truly hope all is well, no better than well, fantastic!! :) Hasta la próxima semana!
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