Thursday, March 17, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 16 marzo 2016‏

March 16 2016

Here´s to another year of life!!!
Bueno this week has been a good week. I little slow because we aren´t in Villa Vasquez still. We are still waiting on a house. That´s what they have been telling us. But I hope they can get things figured out soon so that we can get there and work. The elders there have told us the members are really excited to get the Hermanas back in the branch and the elders have also told us that they have references and there is work to be done so can we just get to Villa Vasquez. Also I am sick of living out of my suitcase and would love to unpack so I can find the things that I need and would like to use. Maybe a week more maybe a week more. It will all be ok. 
We had a good lesson with the elders visiting Wendy our investigator so that they could get to know her and we taught about the gospel of Jesus Christ and it was good and then her friend becasue talking about something completely opposite so there went the Spirit the elders were going to invite her to be baptized. But maybe on Saturday. 
We had a zone conference yesterday in Navarrete and Elder Cornish from the Area presidency and the seventy came and spoke during our conference. We got informed last wednesday that 3 or so missionaries would be chosen to give a talk on either Your Calling or Obedience with Exactness. They randomly chose. Everyones heart is racing and the call the first one. The second for the first topic. Then they call the third person. and Then they call the fourth person. Me. I was all.... Welp knew that was going to happen sooner or later. I didn´t plan anything though which was a bit of a terrifying factor. I had translated a quote the night before so I had that had chosen a few scriptures and then While waiting to begin I was talking with Elder Millward who is our district leader and he was all good thing I have the book called A missionary´s book of inspirational quotes memorized. I laughed because he has shared a few in district meetings and they are funny and are a good tool. I reminded him of a certain story that would be good to go with obedience and he was going to use it. So since I got called I used it. While we waited through the first three. I sat there. What is the word to this or to this so that I could somehow think of the story and say it in spanish. It ended up well. Defined obedience. As missionaries we all know what it means. Then I went on to the story. It went something like this.  
One day a farmer, wishing to teach his son the “art” of planting a field, sent him out it plant with a few words of advice.
“Son,” he said, “to make the rows nice and straight you need to fix your eye on something and follow it!”
That night as the farmer went out to inspect his son’s work he saw rows going every which way. Asking his son why he didn’t follow towards something, he replied, “I did, but the darn cow kept moving!"
Everyone began to laugh I am sure that Elder Millward laughed the hardest. Then I explained that we all know what obeidence is but sometimes we end up trying to change the course to get where we want to. To make the lines nice and stright we have to be obedience with EXACTNESS. I finish and turned to sit down and Elder Cornish tells me Bien HEcho. Bien Hecho. Well DOne Well done. I was all thanks I was jsut super nervous. I am pretty sure my hands were shaking the whole time. I wanted to get the dang story down right. because it was funny. Anyway that was a good day. We talked about how I am responsible. We are responisble for what happens. 
Lot´s of love and miss you all be good!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

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