November 14 2016
Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)
¿Cómo están? Todo bien? Espero que sí! Another week gone by, and here is what happened down here in Perú!...
- Monday evening, we went to an FHE with a family of investigators in the Elders area and a bunch of the Branch members. Wow, it was a powerful message! The lesson was on familys and how to be a better famliy, closer to God. We watched an old video about the responsibilities of the family and needed principles such as faith and family prayer. Afterwards, we sang Families Can Be Together Forever, and I got choked up! Wow, I love my family! I am very grateful for being raised in the true Church and for having a family who loves me, supports me, and teaches me! After the lesson, of course we had to play some games! :) We ended playing some simple rounds of hot potato and it was hilarious! Hna. Fernandez lost! and her punishment was to go to the door and scream to the neighbors that her pig had died! :) LOL
- Tuesday morning we joined the Elders en a service project at a less actives house. We painted a room! LOL and ofcourse we left super dirty, laughing the whole time! A little truth we discussed duringthe project was that truly a clean house brings the Spirit. Sadly, this sisters house was crazy disorganized...and for that reason, it was a little creepy and one just didnt feel good. For that reason, us missionaries we singing Hymns one after another the whole time! :)
- Tuesday, we found a new investigator with really wonderful questions, the kind that make a missionary just smile :) She asked about infant baptism mainly. We were able to pull out Moroni 8 and help her understand, she really got it, and she wants to know more. She knows the Relief Society president, so she is going be a great help!
- That same day we found two other investigators and the lessonwas simple and very genuine! We were relaxed enough to laugh and the Spirit was able to touch their heart! I love when we see people experience the Spirit!
- Wednesday afternoon, we visited for the first time with a less actve named Brenda. She used to bbe the missionaries Pensionista, but when the Elders changed PEnionsita, she stopped going to church. I think she got offended... but as we visitd with her this week, she was very open. Her comment was "I think it is time for me to retake these things". She is ready to come back, and Hna. Fernandez and I are excited to teach her!
- Thursday we had our last District meeting and it was a good one. We focused in on how to help the members do their home and visiting teaching. The 8 of us put our heads together and made a plan that includes first a training, weekly reports, demonstrations, and a prize at the end if they reach their goal. I am excited to put it into practice! Another theme we discussed was how to better use Family History to find new investigators. That has been a huge focus lately here in the mission. The whole goal is the get others to feel the desire to know MORE!
- Thursday was also a day of miracles in the afternoon! Hno. Juan and Hna. Luz accompanied us from 4:30 until 8:30, and we taaught many people. We taught one of our progressing investigators, a 17 year olf youth named Jordi. He is reading the Book of Mormon and understanding what he reads, and also he is super excited to work towards his baptismal date on Dec. 3rd! We also tracked down the husband of one of our contacts, and the lesson with him seemed to just fill each person with the Spirit. Hna. Luz commented that she just KNOWS that he will be a member one day. His schedule is difficult, but we are going to work with it. Another little miralce that day was that we were able to teach another one of ourinvestigators, Hno. Miguel. It wwas a miralce because it was in the middle of the soccer game between Perú and Paraguay! LOL normally nobady lets us in if Perú is playing, but Miguel´s comment was, God before sports! WHAT?? that is the first Peruvian man who I have ever heard say that! And the lesson was gret,too! We taught about teh Restoration and he was left in awe. He straight up said, I am confused. Hna. Luz and Hno. Juan were able to testify and invite him to pray in order to know. Wow, basically tons of awesome moments! ::)
- friday evening we had a Branch activity. Festival del Gusto! I made No-Bake Cookies :) And there were quite a few other plates to enjoy :) and we had quite a few inestigatos present, as well!
- Saturday, we made a cake! I finally received my packag for Mom and in it we found a funfetti cake with chocolate frosting, so we went to our Pensionistas house with the Elders and baked! And so we had lunch and a delicious dessert! Wow...I didnt realize just how sweet and sugary the sweets are in the States!! M;y mouth was in shock...:)
- Saturday afternoon was another beautiful baptism of a 17 year old girl, Alexandra! She is amazing! :) and there we were able to hear from our investigator, Lourdez, that she also wants to be baptized! :) WOO HOO!!
- Cambios! So we learned that Hna. Fernandez and I are staying together, but that also another sister would come and we would be in a trio...!! What?!? There isn room for three people in ourlittle room! So we talked with the Assistants at the Family History training, and they told us they would work it out. Sunday evenign around 9:30, Our zone leaders called and informed me that...I would instead be going to tacala...and that I had to be at the office at 8AM, not being able to say goodbye to anyone....oh my I cried....Hna. Fernandez, Hna. Juli too....Presidente Valverda, Hna. Luz, Hna. Katy, and Hno. Manuel our Branch mission leader came to say goodbye there at the room...It was so sad...Then at 10:20, almost time to close oursleves in, Hno. Manuel convinced me to call and ask Presidente, to see if I needed to go or if Hna. Juli could help us make room and I could stay...And Presidente told me he alsways wanted me to stay in Tambogrande, but the space iwas the issue. So Hna. Juli and her family commited to help us. We took about three hours then and there to move u the desks and the wardrobe into the room next door in order to put another bed inside the room! So I am staying in Tambo grande in a trio!!!! Hna. Fernandez, Hna. ramos, and Hna. Buchanan!!! :) WOO HOO :)
So that was my week! Love you all!! :) Be good!