Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)
How is everyone doing this week?? I hope well! This week is graduation for my little brother Jace!! I cant believe how fast that one came! And also, my dear sister and mission buddy, Brielle, is heading back home to start up real life again!! Wow, and just yesterday we were all playing in the backyard on the trampoline, sliding down the staircase, and riding bikes all over the neighborhood! Crazy....
Well, this week was one to remember, thats for sure...LOL here is what happened!
- Monday night, we had an FHE with the f. Castillo. They are awesome! The dad, Walter, was the Bishop before, and him and his wife have two boys. Their poldest son just got back from his mission in Uruguay. Our lesson was on the need for the members to support us in the missionary work. We played the human spider web game with them, them we did practices of sharing the Gospel with a friend. It was super fun!
- Tuesday we found a reference which we received ffrom the Church system of Referral Manager. His name is Baltazar and he really wants to learn. We were also able to teach his family. ]Wow, I now understand so much better why we are encouraged to find and teach families. The difference in teaching families and teaching individuals is astounding! I felt the love the Lord has for each of them, and I felt this pressing anxiety that they need to progress in this path. It was almost overwhelming! and WAY COOL!
- Thrusday morning, we had planned to got to our District meeting, but then the Hna.s in Sechura called us to inform us that they were heading to Piura right then and there because Hna. Tiñini has collapsed to the floor in convulsions during their comp. prayer. So we made all the necessary calls and we joined them at the clinic to help. We passed the whole day there with them. From about 11 AM until 3 PM. And the doctors didnt do anythig, just told Presidente that theyt needed to make an appointment witht the nuerologist to get a brain scan...so that was an adventure!
- When we got back to the room in the afternoon Thursday, a whole other adventure began. Hna. Apeña was so out of it and looked like she was dying, but she didnt want to tell me what was wrong beause she "didnt watnt o b other me". But I foudn that she was reading in the health guide about throat pain. So I checked her for strep, but then I touched he forehead and she was burning up. I took he temp. and it was 102 degrees F...Oh my goodness. So we called Hna. RAsmussen, and began quite an adeventure. I was up until about 12 or 12:30 AM Thursday night trying to help her get her super high fever down. It has been hard for Hna. Apeña to find the energy to get up. It is like a heavy weight is put on her, but there are no other symtptoms, so we have no idea waht is wrong. But I am grateful I am able to help her through this rough time. She has all the desire in the world to work and teach, it is just proving extremely difficult as a consequence of the fever, the zapping of her energy, the heavy weight on her eyes, and the chills that plague her...She is making me so worried. Today is day five of this mess. Everyday I have been able to go out and proselyte just a little buit with a member while Hna. Apeña stayed with our Pensionista. It hs been a different expereince, teaching with members and without my companion....In all of this, I have felt the Spirit helping us through. Some truly wonderful members from both our ward, Ramon Castilla, and the Elders ward, Jorge Chavez, have been there to help us out. As I have knelt each mornign to do personal study all alone, the Spirit has accompanied me. I have prayed earnestly and also fasted for the benefit of Hna. Apeña. She is all I have been thinking about these past couple days,. My love for her has increased ten fold. Even though it has been rough, and I am so tired from from getting up in the middle of the night to take her temperature and re-wet the wash cloth on her forehead, I am grateful to be with her right now. It has been a trial and a blessing. She is still having a rough time today, so we are calling to mission offices to get plans to go to the clinic and get her checked up. We need to know what is wrong. But, Mom, I AM FINE! LOL :)
- Saturday we had our last District meeting of the transfer. It was a good meeting, as always! I made us No Bake Cookies and the Elders were so crazy happy! Also, I received 5 letters from home! Thanks Mom, Nikkie, Bri, and the Fremont Peak YW!! :) You are all the best!
-Saturday night, we received our new transfers...And we didnt get transferred! LOL we are staying together once again, so I will once again complete 6 months in one area. I only have two areas!! How crazy is that!? But there is one change, we are now is the District in San Bernardo, no longer with the Zone LEaders and the Elders in Jorge Chavez...That made us both a little sad because this District has abeen a ton of fun, but its all good. We will make this one fun too!
Well, there ya go. My week, in a nut shell! I love you all so very much! Sé que cada desafío en este mundo es por nuestro beneficio y tenemos que confiar en el Señor y seguir adelante. Sean fuertes y valientes siempre! Les quiero bastante!! :)