Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
How is life back home? How is everything going as summer rings in?? LOL I am living summer everyday, so it took me a minute to remember the change ;) Well this week was a pretty good week. Here is what went down...
- Monday night we had a Family Home Evening with the Bishops family and our awesome investigator José Luis. It was a really awesome time because the Bishops son in law, Danilo, gave a lesson on feeling the Spirit and he directed right at Hno. José Luis. The whole family was focused on helping Hno. José and it was such a wonderful time for him to feel the love of the ward family! Super important!
- Wednesday, we finally were able to visit with Hno. Danny again after almost a month. He has been super hard to track down! But he has been reading and praying, all of it. He is stil fimrly set on his baptismal date for the 25th of June. So we are going to keep helping him, however, we agreed to just one visit every other week to not take away from his studies, but also keep helping him along. Danny has a testimony, but I feel like he still is a little afraid and that is why he wants to wait so long. But we are going to help him meet his goal.
- Well, Thursday came something that, if you know me, you know I absolutely hate, with a burning passion... SHOTS! The mission gave us the option to receive a flu shot. I opted for NO WAY LOL but Hna. Apeña wanted one, so we still had to got to the clinic. Goodness, just being in the atmosphere made we feel uneasy. I had to go in the room with Hna. Apeña, and the darn nurse triedt o convice me to get a shot....She is crazy to think I was going to change my mind. As Apela received it, I was facing the wall trying to think happy thoughts. All of the Elders there had a great time making fun of me. LOL Dont judge!
- Thursday, we also went on Intercambios with Catacaos. Hna. Mamani came here to Ramón Castilla with me, and we had a great time! I love that girly! :) LOL We were knocking on doors, and one guy and his sister let us in. We were visitng with the brother, Roberto, and the sister was busy in the kitchen. In the middle of the lesson, the sister brought us peanuts...then quinoa with milk...then platanos fritos! LOL So. Much. FOOD! But the lesson was still good. Later in the week, I went back with Hna. Apeña to visit him and it was clear that Roberto really wants to learn. He always asks questions, and he also gives the opportunity to answer and share what we teach instead of just talking over us like some other people do. It is so sad to see just how confused some people can be...But I know that what we teach is true, and it is the help and peace we all seek!
- Friday, our Ward Mision Leader, Hno. Edinson, accompanied us to a lesson with a new investigator named Walter. We tallked about the Book of Mormon and Walter is intersted. it took him a few minutes to understand the difference between teh BoM and the Bible, but he is willing and ready to read and learn.
- Friday night was the Noche Misional. LOL it was silly because it was a Movie Night, but the members couldnt figure out how to workt the ´rojectors. by the time they finally got it up and running, Hna. Apeña and I had to hurry back to the room to be there in time! But we did help with the refreshments and all that.
- Saturday district meeting! We learned a lot to together. Really, our district is super spiritual. I always feel edified leaving those meetings. We did a little District inventory, talking about Strengths, opportunities, weekaness, and threats. It was pretty neat!
- Saturday in the afternoon we were able to teach a convert, Hno. Arturo, about the document The Living Christ and talk about our Lord and Savior. I loved that lesson! I love myt Savior! He lives! He knows each of us personally! Through Him, we are saved, we can be strengthened, guided, protected. I know it! :)
- Church was good yesterday. In our Gospel Principles class, we taught about Faith in Jesus Christ, and it was once again an AWESOME lesson! One of the most spiritual Gospel Principles class I have ever attended. Only Hno. Artuto, Hno. Danny, and Hno. José Luis were there, but each of them was given the opportunity to share their testimonies about the Master, and it was super powerful! :)
- Well, this whole week, Hna. Apeña and I have really become more trusting in one another. We have developed inside jokes, we laugh a TON, we cry, we hug it out, we learn together, we feel the Spirit together, we bug each other like sisters. It is awesome and I am so grateful to be her companion! :)
- Today for Pday, first Hna. Apeña and I cleaned our apartment before heading to the Stake Center to pay soccer and volleyball with our District and the District from San Bernardo. We walked in and we were walking around the side of the building to go the the bourt in the back. Out of nowhere, we were attacked, viciously attacked!!!! Elders came at us from in front and behind with water balloons and buckets of water, drenching us. I screamed LOL They got me first, and Hna. Apeña later told me that she was twempted to run and leave me helpless, but she decided to be a loyal comp.! LOL Two of the Elders were receording to whole thing and it is hilarious! Afterwards, we played around for a little while then our District all went to the BCN Pizza place where the owner, our friend, had our personla lasgnas waiting for us! LOL It was so delicious! :) A good day.
Well, that was my week! Everyday I learn somethign new. New words in Spanish (like threat = amenaza), new ways to feel the Spirit, new things about the Gospel. Every minute counts! Be good, share the Gospel! I love you all so much! :) Hasta luego!
P.S. the photos are from the last leadership conference. My USB still doesnt want to work with me. Sorry!
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