Thursday, May 26, 2016

Brielle - Jueves 26 mayo 2016‏

May 26 2016

Bueno.... That week flew......

Wednesday we were able to get in 3 lessons. The only problem was thatwe got home at like 10 pm.... That wasn´t our fault. We had a lesson with an investigator named Eusebia and she kind of was contentious and then we had two members with us. Pte. Felipe was the branch pres. adn now is in the district presidency. He wasn´t too bad but the other member named Ruben. He is blind. was being contencious in return. So it took a long while to end the lesson in good terms. We eventually got her to comitt to read the Book of Mormon to at least try it.

Thrusday we taught Jenifer, Jeferi, and Yeuri. They are siblings. We contacted their house looking for a less active but the less active moved and they live there now. They are super receptive and love learning. We hope that when their mom comes back from Santo Domingo that we can share with her as well. 

Friday We had intercambios so i went to Navarette with Hemana Ririe. It was nice to talk some ingles for a little. We walked a lot but it was a good day. We visited with a member who is awesome. She travels to the states a lot she loved talking about the 4th of July in Florida. I am excited for good fireworks.

Saturday my comp and Hna Nauca came to Navarrete and we switched. We came home and I get changed. Then we had a lesson with a recent convert and we talked about the plan of salvation. Then we had an ingels class.

Sunday we had church. We went and visited with Familia Agustin because they didn´t make it to church and when we got there someting was wrong but she wouldn´t tell us saying everything was fine so we said ok. Then we had out meeting with the mission leader adn that took a lot of time.

MondayWE had a district meeting in Montecristi and I wanted to have the meeting in Dajabon so we could go to the Haitan Market but that didn´t ahppen... When we were proselytng we stopped by the office of the owner to pick up a document that the office needed and while we were in there the heavens poured down. It was like a mini hurricane. Strong wind and super hard rain. Nd eardrum breaking thunder seriously it hurt our ears the thunder. I went to record it and it wouldn´t do it while I was recording so like whatever.

Tuesday we had a meeting in the night and when we got to the church we were all are the cleanig the church no just weeping out the flood that happened in the church from the storm the other day. So we helped get that done then we had the meeting and then we got our p-day eve ice cream.

Wednesady we got up early so we could be at the stop at 6:30 am and when we got there there was a bus there but there was a bunch of people trying to get on the guy in charge was like where are you gong Santiago and then he asked the guy on the bus if two could fit and yes so we got on right awsay so no waiting. We got to santiago and ate breakfast and then went to the mission home to get medical stuff figured out adn then we chatted for a long time and then we went to the monument for the last time then we spent a the majority of our time in Calle del Sol. The we went ot the office and the we ate at Wendy´s and then headed home. Oh my goodness the lesson with Eusebia was super differnt this time. SHE HAS BEEN READING!!! She even said that what she has read helps her understand the Bible better it is clearer. Both Hna. Cortorreal and I were like she is feeling the Spirit. She is understanding... It was soo cool.

Welp... strange to say.... see ya´ll around... talk to you from the states..


Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

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