Thursday, May 12, 2016

Brielle - 11 Mayo 2016‏

May 11 2016

It´s been a good week.

Last week to finish off Wednesday we went to go visit with Yorki but he was still working so we visited with his dad. It was a good lesson we talked about the importance to keep the sabbath day holy. Then we go home to a concert in front of the house. It was SUPER loud. I was able to fall asleep just made it back ground noise. But it was annoying.

Thursday we had a man who began talking with us and we were all cool he wants to learn then he began asking questions that ones has to look up to give the answers that he wants. He knows what answer he is looking for and is trying to make us look silly. It was a little aggravating but we stayed calm. And departed as friends. 

Friday the sky opened and we were trapped in an investigators house. So hard was the rain falling. It was really loud. I love the rain though so I wasn´t complaining. Oh and Happy birthday Jace.

Saturday we went to teach a recent convert family and we talked about prayer and the way we should pray and the brother or friend of the mom was there with us. This family is Haitian. Their first langauge is Creole. At the end of the lesson they were talking in Creole and we were all cool, smiling and waiting. Then the mom was speaking in Spanish saying she speaks english ask in english. I had a panic like no I speak spanish. But he said in clear english. I want to change my life. I want to find Christ. I want to find His true church. I was all. We can help you. The gospel can and will change your life. And he smiled and said thank you. We are going to work on teaching him but it is going to be a bit of a challenge since my companion speaks spanish. but it is cool to see That I am an American serving in the DR speaking Spanish teaching a Haitian who speaks Creole and a little english. Shows that the messages truely is going out to all the world. Oh and we woke up this morning to our house leaking in all parts. We live on the 3rd floor and the house is new but I am pretty sure not done properly. Oh well.....

Sunday we had district conference so we met up at the church and get to montecristi. I got two letters. ONe from lauren and one from the Fremont Peak YW. It was awesome. Then the meeting began it was good. The first speaker I could not understand because he slurred his words and talked really fast. But it was good in the end. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! I skyped with Baylee and the family for a minute. It was fun to talk with her in Spanish. It is fun to know that we have a secret lanugage inside the family. Then we had a meeting so I had to go. Then I called back later to just talk with the family. Good times good times.

Monday we had a district meeting and then we taught Ana Gonzalez about the Plan of Salvation and she likes it. Then we also shared a scripture with the YW pres. Then we shared the restoration with Edilin. She is one of the secretaries for the owner of our apartment. She always has lots of questions. 

Tuesday we had an hermana Meeting in Santiago so we met up with the sisters from montecristi and showed up and ate breakfast and had a good time with a few of the other sisters of the mission. We got home about 6pm. We were sooo tired!! I woke up at 5:30am to shower and get ready we left at 7am to the Guagua. Got there about 9:30am. The ,meeting began at 10am. It is hard to pay attention with just talking but we survived. 

Today we travelled again to Santiago for p-day santiago. I bought a few things. Talked with the mission doctor to start to line things out for after mision medical stuff. We are about to start heading home. 

Hope you all know I love you. I have a poem I want to share.

Life is full of problems,
It´s full of ifs and buts,
And the man that´s grinning all the time
Must be completely nuts.


Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

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