Thursday, May 19, 2016

Brielle - Wednesday 18 MAYO 2016‏

May 18 2016

This was a good week.

wednesday we met with a reference and she attends the methodist church but really joyed our message. 

Thursday we had a zone leader and the district leader go with us to our first two lessons. We visited with Yerika and we talked about repentance and then we visited with a less active the mom of the branch presidente and she is half crazy but super funny. Then in the night we helped Lizbet create her family history account so she can work on getting some names ready to go to the temple in June, it will be her first time.

Friday we visited with  familia Agustin and we talked about the scriptures. Then we were walking up to the branch presidents house and a lady calls us in named Ramona. She has a bad leg that won´t heal. She kept talking about how expensive things are and stuff but we tried to focus on what Christ has done to help her. Then we visited with Ana Gonzalez and we went over the plan of salvation. We were suppose to have intercambios but the sister leaders never called and I didn´t mind not having them.

Saturday we went and took money out of the ATM for the last time. It was strange. We took a picture and Hna. Cortorreal took forever taking it and the ATM sucked the money back in but spit it back out. Oh man it was funny but we both had fear for a few seconds. We went to go teach the wife of a recent convert but he told us she isn´t readyto be a member but we were all well that is why we teach people. So we are going to go back next week. But the only thing is is that she doesn´t speak much spanish. They are from haiti. Then we visited with Ramona Castro again and we talked about the restoration. Then we had ingles class and we taught families. It was fun.

Sunday we went to church and it was election day so we had only one hour of church and we had to be in our house at 6. It was the hostest day we have had yet. HOTTTT!! In the shade was not a safe place either. So hot. And no one was at home because of elections so we helped a member fold clothes and organize and then she made us food. Then we chilled in the house. Oh man the power went out in the night and I woke up almost crying because I was sweating so much. So I tried to sleep and when the power came back and my fan turned on I almost literally shouted YESS!!! It was funny because my companion did the same thing but not vocally becasue we both thought that the other was sleeping. 

monday we had a district meeting in Montecristi. Then we contacted a lot of people today and visied with a less active that doesn´t want to go to church we aren´t sure why then we had an FHE with the dfamily o the branch presidente the elders were in charge to the lesson. The presidente never showed up.. But it turned out just fine. Oh and it was Hna Cortorreal´s birthday!!

Tuesday we visited with Yerika and went over the gospel of Jesus Christ and then we walked around ALLLLLL DAY!! My ankle was crying at the end of the day. Then we had a meeting with the branch president to plan an activity my last saturday since they haven´t planned anything for mothers day. I hope all goes well. 

Wednesday we were going to climb Morro again but the guy who took us there wasn´t able to so we went to the bech with the sisters in Montecrisit and we collected seashells. This beach was the side of a road that is literally just covered in shells it was way fun. I got super burnt on my arms and my left leg. It was good. Though. 

I love you all!!1

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

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