Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Baylee - May 9 2016

May 9 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

How is everyone doing this week? Here is what happened this week...

- This week we were forced to let three investigators go...It is always a little difficult to do that, but it is necessary to act, to do something with the message. I know that the Lord has a plan for everyone and maybe their time is a bit farther in the future. 
- Wednesday, we taught a reference we received from a member family last week. his name is Wilmer and he scared us LOL because as we were walking t the capilla to meet him there, he came up along side us on his motorcycle and both Hna. Apeña and I were super startled LOL it was pretty funny. In our lessons, Obispo Cordova accompanied us. Oh Obispo...LOL he is what the Peruvians call la muerte, like when we say he is just terrible is a funny and lving way. LOL he began talking about topics that come in like the fifth or sixth visit, not the first, and Wilmer was confused, but he took it well and he even accepted to prepare for baptism. He is pretty great.
- Wednesday in the evening, we had our monthly meeting with the Stake President, Presidente Rasmussen, and the Zone Leaders. It is always interesting to see the work from that point of view. We are realy focusing in on the Area Plan, so we are trying to make a lot of changes to improve what we aredoing here in the Castilla Stake.
- Thursday was Leadership Council in the mission home with Presidente Rasmussen, Hna. Rasmussen, and all the other leaders in the mission. I love those meetings! They are always so inspiring! My favorite part was when the assistents were teaching about relying on the Spirit and making sure that our investigators really understand what the Spirit is, how it feels, the way it works. Elder Hendrix began by asking us to all look at our hands, finding the imperfections and recognizing that we as humans are imperfect, thus we need the Spirit and the Lords help to do this work and help others. We then all kneeled down together right then and there and Presidente Rasmussen said a prayer to help us have the Spirit with us to guide us and answer our questions during the meeting. The Spirit flooded the room! It was an amazing feeling! The whole meeting was great!
- Friday was the baptism of 8 year old Milexy. Her mom is our recently rescued member, Hna. Katia, so we were there to help and support. It was a bit crazy because the members forgot to fill up to faunt before hand and Hna. Apeña and I didtnt know how to do it, so it was an adventure! But we got it all figured out and Milexy was able to be baptized! Her smile was just awesome to see! Right after the baptism, the hed a little birthday party for Milexy because it was the day of her birthday too! LOL they gave us cake and some of the other treats before we hurried out to another appointment. 
- The appointment after that was supposed t be with Hno. Thomas, but he wasnt hoe. His son however let us in and we taught him instead. He was so difficult! LOL He didnt want to pray...his excuse was that he doesnt know enough yet to pray. We had to explani like ten times that to pray is to learn, to receive the answers we dont yet have. he finally got it. LOL it made me laugh a little. 
- Saturday morning we had our Zone meeting and shared all that we learned in the Leadership council. Oh goodness, some Elders in our Zone are so against change, of any kind. It was a bit of a struggles, but we learned a lot!
- Saturday evening, Hna. Miriam accompanied us to visit Hno. Arturo and then search for some other people. We ended up going to her house and we helped her mom, Hna. Rosabel, wash the dishes and we sat and chatted with them for a bit. The people here are so loving and welcoming. It ws makes me smile:) 
- Church was good Sunday, but my favorite part of yesterday was talking to the fam and to Brielle! :) Connecting the fam even though we are in three different countries! Love it! :) 
- Today, Hna. Apeña and I headed to the center of Piura. So...um ya I bought a flute. LOL It cost 480 soles which is about $165. That is a pretty darn good price! it isnt like perfect or anything of course, but it works especially for here in Perù. I am going to use it for our special musical number Thursday in the Multi-Zone conference. As we left the store, I was guarding it with my life! LOL We then went to print off some photos and ran into the Zone LEaders Elder Clawson and Elder Iglesias. We ended up changing our plans and went with the Zone Leaders, Elder Oviatt, and his mini-missionary comp. to a little pizza place in Castilla. The owner is from Spain and makes awesome stuff! We shared pizzas and played Phase 10. A good day! :)

Well, that is whats happening here. Sorry, once again the photos arent working like I need them to...I am trying to figure t out. Love you all to the moon and back! :) Be safe! 



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