Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
Well this week was a pretty good one!
- Tuesday we had a pratice session to teach the special musical number. It was something I arranged, so I was a little nerous in how they would all treat it, but it turned out good. I played a little part on the flute, Elder Clawson played the piano, and 13 missionaries sang. It came together nicely and we presented it in the Multi-Zone conference Thrusday. Everyone said they liked it! Sadly, I was unable to record it, but it turned out good, trust me!
- This week, we found a new investigator who is truly amazing! When we went to Sechura a couple of weeks ago to try and visit their Branch Council as Sister Leaders, we contacted the mototaxi driver that took us to the bus stop. This week, we decided to seek him out after our appointments fell through in the evening. We found him seated outside his house and when he saw us, he jumped up with a smile on his face. He invited us in and told us he had been hoping we would come. We began teaching and his interest was greater than anyone else I have ever taught in a first lesson. He explained to us that he had problems with alcohol, but a few weeks ago he decided he was done with it. He has been working at changing his life and he wants to find the better path. We let him know how great of a blessing this Gospel is and his eyes were shining, he was so excited. Later in the week, he wanted to come to our Noche Misional activity, but wasnt able to so. However, he still brought some fruit for the fruit salad! LOL Then we went back to visit him Saturday evening with a member, and he has been praying and asking the Lord to tell him the truth, if all that we are teaching is true. He hasnt been able to read the BoM yet, but he his getting there. Then Sunday, he came to church! Early!! He was there before Hna. Apeña and I! That is a little miracle in and of itself! And today we have invited him to an FHE in Bishops house. This investigator, Josè Luis, is awesome! I am so excited to help him get prepared for June 11th, his baptismal date!
- Wednesday morning, we got to have our first meeting with our new Ward Mission Leader. He is great! He truly wants to help us and all the people we teach, and thats the most important!
- Thursday, we had our Multi-Zone conference. It was great! The area mental health doctor and his wife came to chare some stuff with us, one missionary from each of the three zones spoke, and both Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen shared some great stuff. Along with a special musical number from each zone. Here are a few points I wanted to sahre with you all...1) D&C 123:17 Be of good Cheer! 2) Alma 37.6-7 Through small and simple means 3) D&C 121:7-9 Peace through affliction and trial 4) Philippians 3:13-14 Focus and and move toward the eternal prize! 5) The Assistants did an example lesson and us as leaders were assigned to teach certain parts of the lesson with the Assistants as the investigators. The Spirit was crazy strong, even in a practice, as we took trusn teaching about the influence of the Spirit, Repentance, hoow to Pray, and Baptism. It was awesome!. 6) ^We are happy when we make others happy.^7) Dr. Raeside, the area mental health doctor, shared about the formula for happiness which is Event + Reaction = Result! 8) Hna. Rasmussens points for happiness are Believe, Repent, Be Obedient, and Be Grateful!
- Friday we had a Noche Misional activity that the Relief Society put on. EVeryone was asked to bring a fruit. They watched a movie nd played som games, and we took all the fruits, cut them up, and made a fruit salad! It was pretty fun! Tons of fruit!!!
- Saturday we ate lunch with Hna. Katia and her cute kids, Milexy (8) and Jeremy (3). During lunch, Jeremy brought their little tablet and began playing Frozen songs! LOL The three of us all sang along, the two of them in Spanish and me in English! :) So cute and fun!
- Sunday something pretty silly happend just before Sunday School...The two Ward secretaries Hno. Ernesto and Hno. Johnathon locked the keys in the library! LOL So we were all without manuals to teach our classes! LOL but it all worked out just fine.
- Sunday evening, we found a new investigator named Betty. She is really great also, but she told us an interesting story. Missionaries from another church once cmae and taught her and then invited her to visit their chapel. She went to investigate, and the pastor guy called all the new people to the front, so she went up. The man thn began blessing them to take out the demons and then proclaimed them all baptized. Betty was shocked and appalled! So she wants to make sure we do everything in the due time and that we dont pressure her our anything like that. Interesting stuff, no? That is something awesome about our church, we invite people to pray and receive their own testimony and answers from God, not just to believe what we say.
- Today for Pday, our District went to a Rec park called Atlantis. It has pools and stuff, which we cant enter LOL but it also has some soccer fields and a littlezoo! We got to go and look at all the awesome animals, even hold some of them. The monkeys were the coolest because we got to get rght up close and hold their hands and they were trying to take my watch and Elder Clawsons glasses LOL Then I got to hold a baby boa constrictor around my neck!! I have photos of all this, but for some reason my USB wont let me pass the phots, so they are still on my SD card. It was way neat! Then we went and ate pizza as a District. A prety good day, I might say!
Well,. thats about it for this week! Les amo bastante! Sé que estoy aquí con la guía del Espíritu y estoy tan agradecida por está oportunidad. Gracias por todo so apoyo y amor! Cuídense muchísimo! :)
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